Killers POV

Gato_Loco Member Posts: 39

So I think I read somewhere that some killers don't see the trials how they actually are, this bacause some of them don't really want to hurt innocent people they don't know, then the entity change the things they see

So what do you guys think some killers see

Trapper: The miners

Wraith: The soldiers or/and Azarov

Nurse: People of the Asylum, or maybe she see things as they are

Hag: The cannibals of the swamp or see things as they are

Spirit: His father and the bullies

Oni: The villagers and the "fake" samurais

Deathslinger: Bayshore

What's your thoughts?


  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    I think the plague thinks she is hunting the unfaithful and sacrificing them to the sea goat

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited March 2021

    I've actually been drafting a post on this subforum compiling the fan theory stuff on this topic.

    Trapper is absolutely not under it because he has signs of Entity torture, some of the most extensive aside from Carter. If The Entity's tortured it, any kind of illusions don't make much sense.

    Nurse is almost certainly not under it either. She's absolutely unhinged and does not need persuasion to kill people.

    Hag is also probably not under illusions because she's genuinely drinking blood and stuff. More likely that the supernatural process that turned her into the Hag has degraded her mentally. One could also speculate that her physical state is part of The Entity torturing her to cajole her into the Trials, as it seems like killing Survivors is pretty much the only way she gets to eat.

    Well... That's because she is. She found A god.

    Post edited by Lexilogo on
  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I thought the damages to trapper were caused by the Alchemist when he trapped him in his basement to experiment on him

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Honestly this is a pretty interesting theory. I'll have to look more into it.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I dont know about others but I know that Leatherface only attacks and kills because he is scared and worried that he will ashame his parents. For the Leatherface they are intruders that can harm him or his loved ones which is sad but what you expect from a cannibal family that just eat people.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    I don’t believe the “entity’s touched eyes” theory or that killers are manipulated into seeing things, but is true that you could make an argument that some killers are seeing things differently, like Deathslinger and Wraith, but others are almost confirmed to not be manipulated in that regard. I don’t think that the Oni is seeing anything, as he knows that he is trapped in the Entity’s realm and that it is manipulating it to raise emotions out of him, he is just too enraged at his situation to care, Plague as mentioned, doesn't need illusions, she is just obeying her god and if it commands you to die, you die.

    Once opulent and well-tended by priests, the shrine was abandoned for unknown reasons. Season after season, the harsh and unforgiving weather corroded its grandeur. Paths that welcomed weary travelers, were now thick with vegetation growing damp and unrestrained. The sculptures were a haven for moss and lichen, concealing a scratched and brittle stone.

    Kazan shuddered with rage as he stepped into the area. Unable to restrain himself, he unleashed his might on a statue atop the shrine, clubbing its arms and head to pieces. Even after he left, a rot seemed to pervade the air. The chime of bells played softly on the wind, as everything around them crumbled. Torn from Kazan's memories, the shrine now stood on the estate of this childhood home - a trick by the Entity that infuriated him even more.

    The Spirit, I think as an onryo is too lost in her extreme feelings of rage and revenge to understand what she is doing, she is just lashing out against the living. Hillbilly is similar, he envies and hates others for not suffering like he did, and we know that he kept killing strangers that came into his house, so this would be similar. And in this camp the Twins are as well, as both of them are extremely hostile to strangers and other people.

    Beings like Blight, Hag, Pyramid Head and Demogorgon are too alien(PH and DG) or trapped in their hunger (for blood and serum) to need manipulation of any kind.

    We see in the mobile cutscenes that Trapper was tortured for not obeying the entity, so he sees what is really happening. Any killer that has been tortured is unlikely to have been manipulated into killing, which includes Leatherface(his addons mentions being tortured), Doctor and Nurse.

    Then there are people like Legion, Trickster, Ghostface, Clown, Huntress, Shape and Nightmare that are just ######### enough to not care about killing innocent people.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    I'm surprised the entity doesn't kick myers or freddy out of his realm.

    Considering myers is too evil and is so evil he is able to kill survivors by his own free will

    and freddy is able to manipulate dreams and potentially the blood web

    these 2 killers maybe are too powerful for the entity

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031

    Your post makes it seem as if your theory and the entity-touched one couldn't coexist, but they do so perfectly. En3ermost didn't claim that all killers are manipulated into seeing things, just the one with entity-touched eyes, which, with the exception of spirit, don't clash with your theory.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    Yeah, but my personal opinion is that there is no enough evidence to prove the theory for any killer. I also don’t think that the “touched-eyes” are really a thing, that they are most likely just a design choice for the characters and don’t really follow the pattern.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Pyramid Head just sees a whole lotta sexually-frustrated, philandering widowers in need of confronting their own feelings of grief, shame, and loss.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    Hillbilly and Doctor have bright eyes, and they don’t fit the profile. However, my main issue is that, as I said, a design choice and BHVR always does weird things with the eyes of the Killers, like Trapper’s eyes don’t have pupils, they are all white, like he was blind:

    Huntress, Clown and Leatherface’s eyes are completely dark, which to me is even more unnatural than glowing eyes. By that rule, the Entity changed them even more than the others. The Trickster has yellow eyes for some reason, despite nothing in his lore or power indicating that his eyes were changed in any way, he just has them to look differently.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031

    I have an issue with those statements.

    Not sure what's going on with him in that screenshot, but Trapper's actual model has regular eyes as can be seen on the wiki. He's one of those killers the entity tortured into doing its bidding, hence all the metal spikes driven into his body.

    Doctor's eyes aren't entity-touched as you can still see his pupils, whereas with entity-touched eyes, you couldn't. It also wouldn't fit his lore, he enjoys torturing people in an attempt to satisfy his morbid scientific curiosity, he doesn't need persuasion or coaxing. If anyone's eyes are glowing purely for design purposes, then it would be his.

    Considering the lore of the killers with completely black eyes, that to me just signifies that they are the ones who enjoy doing the entity's bidding, the blackness of their eyes shows their lack of empathy.

    However, these are my personal theories about the eyes (though I do subscribe to the entity-touched one) and ultimately, none of this is anything more than pure speculation until the devs either confirm or deny it.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    If you are talking about this image, that is a fan-art. The eyes of the Trapper are always like that, regardless of the mask(non-legendary of course) that you use, like here are the same eyes in his default mask:

    That mask that I used before just allows a better look(and is one of his best).

    You can see the pupils of Deathslinger in his trailer, so no, there are “entity-touched” eyes in which you can see them. Only Hillbilly and Wraith’s eyes are similar in design. And Max jr had them before reaching the Entity’s realm, as shown in the Archives.

    I very much doubt that the black eyes means “lack of empathy”, because The Legion and the Trickster would have them, and technically several licensed killers like Myers and Freddy. And I would say that Leatherface is capable of empathy, as he loved his family and is only killing due to fear of the Entity.

    Is all right, this is all just personal headcanon, my stuff as well.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031
    edited March 2021

    Yes, we'll have to agree to disagree.

    Also, while it is fan-art, it's a render of Trapper's model regardless. I haven't seen those milky eyes on my Trapper.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    You are right, I was wrong, the eyes were a product of the body that I had selected. They look normal in his default body.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I don't think that's the case It's not confirmed I do believe that the killers see the survivors as themselves