We need a bat to hit and stun the killer for 5 sec.

We need 1 item to fight against the killer, at least 1 use per match. NEW ITEM idea to be a bat found in the BW and we can use it 1 time per match. If the killer is carrying a survivor he will let go if another survivor hit him with that bat. Also you can hit him in a chase if you hide behind a wall and you can hit him before he hits you. And you stun him 3/4/5 seconds.
It will be fun, what do you think?
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Killers need an addon that let's you kill a survivor after 1 hook
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The new Home Sweet Home game has in it's description that the survivors can hunt the killer (Specter) down as well, it's not just about escaping. I don't know if there'll be a bat, but it might be up your alley!
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>It will be fun, what do you think?
It wouldn't.
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Imagine poor killers being beaten up by baseball bats to death.
That would look sad af lol.
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If survivors get a bat, then killers can move the Gens. They are already on wheels so it shouldn’t be an issue. A survivor hits the Doc with a bat, and runs away? The Doc pushes the Gen the survivor was working on into the basement. Balance!
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THIS is the game I want to play.
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I think someone needs to either adjust their meds or quit smoking before they get on the forums.
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A 5 second stun that only happens when the killer picks someone up after 60 seconds is one of the most hated survivor perks ever.
And you would give it on demand? The second that bat was in play the killer would just slug everybody.
Also balance issues aside in the slasher movies this game is based of it rather ends well for those that try to fight the killer.
If that is what you want to play i have good news cause there is a game simular to dbd where you can fight back.
It's called Last Year: The Nightmare. You should check it out
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I'm sure it's be very fun... on survivor's perspective.
On killers though... it'll be hell and no one will play killer anymore. Killers are already feeling they are playtoy, having a bat that constantly stuns them will surely force them away from the game.
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Only if the bat breaks after one use, then I'll allow it. Don't think it'll be too healthy for the game, though.
I just want a perk that makes you drop pallets even faster to avoid getting hit through pallets all the time.....
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No, it would be too heavily abused, especially if 4 survivors had one each.
If this idea ever did happen, it would need a harsh penalty, like 60 seconds exposed (to reflect the anger of the killer).
But really, there's already torches and firecrackers, as well as DS and Power Struggle. That niché has already been heavily filled.
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There's already a perk for that, it's called DS and it almost never hits killers that deserve it.
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Only if there's an addon that lets you combine the bat and the flashlight, for clicking purposes
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But... The flashlight already lets you stun a killer carrying someone...
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A fun concept but it wouldn't really work out balance wise etc.
Even if it was single use and stunned for just a few seconds, it could be combined with other stun perks and at that point it'd be too overpowered.
Also I've seen how stupid it looks to have the 'survivors' beat the ######### out of Jason in F13 The Game.
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Hitting Oni with bat would just break the bat, but it would badly injure Hag or Trickster lol
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you don't need 1 item to fight the killer
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I think F13th is dead and should stay dead.
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I don't know if the bat would be a good idea or not. I think some people, me included, would like a way to fight back as a survivor, in a more direct way than we already have now, but the game is not built around something like that, like Friday the 13th The Game was, so if the bat was introduced, it seems it would be too powerful and easy to use, especially if more than 1 survivor had it. There would need to be a downside to the survivor to balance it, I think.
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It's called ds
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Head On is a teaachable Unique Jane Romero perk. It can be unlocked for other characters from Level 40 onwards.
When your mind is set, there better be no one standing in your way.
While standing in a Locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates.
While Head On is activated, performing a rushed action to leave a Locker stuns the Killer for 3 seconds if they are standing within range.
Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds if the stun was successful.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
Head On cannot be used when Exhausted or when you have accrued Stillness Crows.
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Your english hurt my eyes.
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If they ever made a second one I'd play it in a heart beat. I always enjoyed it far more than DbD to be honest.
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Killers need a perk to destroy pallets before they get dropped
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Oh my god, can you imagine the bully squads if you give them a baseball bat each?
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You mean like this?