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How tunneling is fair if that survivor is bad in a chase?

Member Posts: 38

I've been playing for awhile but I'm still very bad in chases.

One of these situations always happens to me:

*The killer knows how to break the loop

*The chase is in an open area and there is nothing that can help in time

*Mind game makes me make a mistake

*Without Iron Will they never lose me

Usually the killer finds me first because they spawn close and they down me pretty quick. after that they tunnel me because I'm an easy target.

Sometimes i die first because they are not leaving me and I'm leaving the game with the lowest points. it's frustrating that this happens often.

How is tunneling is fair in my position?


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  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I am terrible at survivor, but in these situations i understand that i just need to get better.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It's fair because that's how all PvP games (should) work: Bad players going up against good players will get defeated by said good players.

    If there's a weak link in the chain, why wouldn't they go for it? It'll make the rest of the chain much easier to break, and breaking it is their goal.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    No one thinks tunneling (true tunneling) is fair

    Just like some survivors being good enough on certain map setups to survive a single chase for 3 to 5 gens is not really fair

    You just need to get good enough at chases to deter the Killer to commit to an early chase on you. But the risk of getting too good is that the Killer will just then hook camp you for wasting their time 😜

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The game is literally designed to give you every advantage in a chase against the killer. The onus is on you to enter the match prepared and to get better to last longer against a killer. The better you are, the more likely the killer will abandon the chase, if not, you can loop them for 3-5 gens.

    You need to learn the correct pathing to take for loops, how to connect tiles and how to mind game. If the killer out mind gamed you, then it's your fault that you fell for it. If you're caught in an open area, again, that's your fault. You as a survivor should always be aware of your surroundings.

    Since you're not good at looping, I recommend you play killer to learn about them and their counters. You should also watch how to loop videos on youtube, you'd learn a lot. In the mean time, learn how to stealth until you get better map awareness.

  • Member Posts: 27

    That’s how dbd is designed and you can’t change it and tbh lately I’ve been 12 hooking survivors and black piping so I think dbd wants you to be a ######### killer and tunnel and camp.

    I myself don’t experience much camping nor tunnelling expect for Pc killers, they are the worst when their 140 fps is unlocked against 30 fps consoles and they start losing, they camp the ######### out of you. Learn to loop and it’s fun at least you get a good few min chase.

  • Member Posts: 724

    This is one of the few times I'd actually say get good. If you're not good at chases, of course the killer is going to take you out of the game first. A very smart thing for the killer to do is to find the weakest link and eliminate them, and you're the weakest link in this situation.

    Imagine I'm a new killer, and I come on here and make a post stating that survivors completing generators is not fair, because I'm not good at ending chases quickly or spreading out pressure. People most likely would say the same general thing that everyone is saying here: get better at chases or run stronger perks to help/pick a stronger killer.

    It's not the killer's fault you're bad in chase, and the killer doesn't have to take pity and go easy on you. And on the flipside, it's not the survivor's fault if you (as the killer) are bad in chase, and the survivors don't have to take pity and go easy on you. This is exactly how pvp games work, if you didn't realize.

  • Member Posts: 14

    A thing you get used to as killer is identifying the stronger members of a team and killing from the worst upwards, it doesn't matter if the last survivor is amazing in chase, if they're not doing gens then they can't get out unless they find hatch or you mess up

  • Member Posts: 918

    It's not really fair but what do you expect the killer to do? do survivors stop doing gens if the killer is bad at pressuring the map?

    Some people will tunnel regardless but the fact that being good at chases doesn't beat gen speeds means killers are often feeling the pressure to eliminate one survivor as fast as possible. I don't like doing it but it's a "better you than me approach", playing nice just leads to being tbagged and mocked at the end and getting entity displeased.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Unfortunately that’s just what the game encourages at the moment. Especially in solo if you’re teammates are unwilling to take aggro you’re in for a rough time

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    It's unfair that killer who is better at loops than you is allowed to kill you ? It's certainly not unfair, if anything it means matchmaking isn't working if it's putting you vs much better killers than you are a survivor. Secondly, you can always improve and play better or just die enough to face worse killers who are on your level.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Are they tunneling you, or are you running into them? My first few games as survivor I swear it was like I had a magnet attracting me to the killer. After a while you can anticipate the TR changes and stay further away.

    Just a guess, but if you are new, and not good with loops, you may also be leaving too much evidence of where you are (fast vaulting when not being chased, leaving lots of scratch marks by running directly from gen to gen, etc) which makes it a lot easier for the killer to find you either the first time, or after you've been saved from the hook. Consider your movement, stay away from open areas, and always be thinking about scratch marks.

    Lastly maybe play some games as killer. Nothing helps you get in the head of the opposite side as well as playing that side.

  • Member Posts: 2

    If you watch anyyyyy good killer they don't tunnel or camp. The point of the game isn't to end the match as fast as possible which is how most killers play now cause they have no skill. Im a killer main rank 1 and I get a merciless almost every game and the survivors also pip up and get anywhere from 18 to 25000 at the end of match. So yeah tunneling and camping are scummy there's no need for it unless you have no skill. Also if the devs would take a hint from ya know predator white noise 2 Friday the 13th and come out with casual matches or private matches so everyone isn't stuck playing ranked matches with sweaty try hards

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Killer has to tunnel with current Gen speed. But its no fair especially for newbie.

    How can a newbie escape from tunneling without DLC Laurie, and combination of Lith, Unbreakable...

    This game isnt friendly to newbie, if u really love the game, u have to endure & grind before u can get the perk combo

  • Member Posts: 673

    Speak for yourself.

    If killer tunnelvisions survivor, he gets punished by getting 1 kill at best since others just genrush and then tank hits.

    Anything else is target prioritisation and using it means being good at one of parts of the game, just like noticing best spawns in the map and chaining them in chase means being good at one of parts of the game.

  • Member Posts: 50

    I thought that a casual lobby was a good idea but you also split the player base, possibly creating longer wait times.

    A series of, say, 20 matches when you're new that are only against the newest players could help but that still has it's problems.

    I have since thought that survivors getting more perks to start with, as opposed to your chosen survivors starting perks.

    Like having a handful of tier 1 perks to play about with.

    I find nothing worse in competitive games when you can enter a lobby with someone that has all the perks and you have 4 to choose from and 1 slot. Bad enough if you go against a killer that is a higher level with more experience let alone with options, as a new player, you don't understand yet or have access to.

    It can be hard for a new player to understand why one thing works one game only for it to get you killed in the next.

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    Tunneling is always fair! It's not fun for the survivor but as killer you face a whole team, so you are only tunneling 25% of that team for every time you tunnel. And while you do that the other survivors is on at least 25% of the gens so..fair!

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Helpful Tips:

    #1. Watch other survivors. See what works for them, and what doesn't. You can spectate after losing, watch streamers, or even just play killer. I remember starting out, I preferred playing Killer because you don't get camped/tunneled out of the game. It's good practice.

    #2. Play with a more experienced friend. For me, when I started out -- playing by myself was a miserable experience. It started out a little fun, but then became 'Eh, I've got better things to play.' Then my cousin started playing (She had a lot more experience than I did), and she'd run perks like Borrowed Time. Eventually my game lasted longer, and now I'm a pretty good player.

    #3. Run Decisive Strike. Halloween Chapter is definitely worth the price. This was the first DLC I bought. You might also find it in the shrine from time to time. But DS will make you last a little longer.

    #4. Run an Exhaustion Perk. Sprint Burst, Dead Hard or Lithe. Maybe Balanced Landing, but that's a bit harder to get to proc just right. These perks will make your chases last longer. Though I'd say quit running them once you get the hang of the game, because I think you get a lot better if you spend enough time running without them once you don't need to rely on them.

    #5. Keep an eye on the killer when you're on the hook. Go in the direction AWAY from him when you come off the hook. Breakdown is a good perk that can assure you that you won't run into the killer, because it shows you the aura.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Like I said you will always have people defending tunneling cause they have no skill it's the only way they can win a match. Its sad but will never change so you might as well accept it or just play killer

  • Member Posts: 1,531
    edited March 2021


    I started this game all of 5 months ago and got to rank 1 survivor in no time using the base character and Cheryl's perks and in doing just great

    I never use DS or unbreakable because it's boring

    Not having 'the right perks' is just a sore excuse

  • Member Posts: 234

    Yeah I hate to say it, but even I go for the easy target when I play killer. I'm not going to tunnel you off the hook if I can help it, but gotta go for who you can find, and who you can catch. You could try a more stealthy play style, which is what I do because I can't chase very well either, but sometimes it's just bad luck you turn the wrong corner at the wrong time. It definitely sounds like you're just getting matched up poorly. Playing with people more skilled is good, but too far beyond your own level and you don't even get a chance to improve because it's just over for you that quickly. Keep at it and keep trying to improve!

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I had to endure before having the right perk so I can practice. Even with tunneling, I have:

    Start game: 2 health stages, an exhaustion

    1 hook: 1 health stage, an exhaustion, DS

    2hook: 1 health stage, an exhastion


    I have total of 8 chances (or 10 without tunneled, and 12 if lucky to have BT) in a game so I practiced through it. And I stop using DS for a long time.

    You cant expect a newbie to practice through 4 health stages while they dont even know how map works. This is why non of my friends play this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    If a survivor is bad in the chase maybe they should git gud?

    You can always learn to loop. BHVR should never balance the game around new players(though they often do). Say someone can't loop so they put in some mechanic that makes even a newb loop a killer for at least 3 gens. Well what happens when that newb eventually learns how to loop? They are even more powerful at looping. Should BHVR then revert the change because you couldn't be bothered to learn? Then when you did they should change the game again? Just for you?

    Post edited by EvilJoshy on

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