The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Anyone feel like meh with this chapter?

Like it wasn't good or bad but it just didn't seem that exciting or ground breaking. I'm already looking on to the Mid-Chapter and 5th anniversary. I believe no map changes was a big part. And not really being excited by the new killer. Anyone feel like this?


  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    I would propable be able to beat up most of the non supernatural killers in the game so could David for example. The Trickster is far more evil and cruel then the most killers in this game and his attractive looks makes the twist even better because he kinda "lures" you with it.

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83

    You must be in the demographic the killer is meant for then. I'm not a tuff boi so, I don't think I can beat anyone up.

    I still wouldn't sit next to KPop on a bus; however, it's because his body spray is overpowering and he is watching Tik Tok on speaker. The Entity must be scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This and the last chapter were some of the worst we've had in a while imo.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    I think the new killer is a lot of wasted potential.

    The Joker thing is way overdone and frankly boring at this point. They should've saved the k-pop idol background for a female killer, and this killer should be a mafia/gang enforcer. He'd keep the flashy fashion, but his design could be more along the lines of Masao Kakihara. Still has the insanity and crazy smile like the Joker while being... more sinister.

    It also sucks that this chapter is coming out while they're not making new maps, because the aesthetics for this killer are great and we should totally be getting a dance club map or something.

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    Here, let me climb up on your high horse to give you a cookie.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,286

    Honestly, I feel like all the killers since the Stranger Things chapter have been meh except for Oni and Pyramid Head. They did a really good job with Oni's presence and I liked how they took risks with Pyramid heads power.

    The Twins should have never seen the light of day. With all the complaints of tunneling and camping, you'd have thought they would have been scrapped.

    Blight is okay, just doesn't seem interesting.

    Mr Cowboy is fun at the cost of being easily gen rushed.

    I will reserve judgement on the new pretty boy with creepy eyes until I face him a bit when he goes live.

    Would be nice if the devs would stop try harding with their original characters and take more inspiration from actual killers from around the world like Banshees, Vampires, Zombies and Mummies.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,430

    Agreed. And to think that I was actually hyped for Chapter 19... I quote a meme when I say this, but my disappointment is immeasurable. 

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I feel like his power could maybe be fun once in a while, but the look definitely doesn't do it for me lol. It just looks like they tried too hard to be simple, but somewhat flashy... Too simple to be an exciting type of flashy, and too flashy to be a creepy type of simple in my opinion. That being said, I don't expect to like every chapter that comes out so I'm fine with it overall. Happy for those who like it, just not quite a fan myself so far

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Even though the new content was yet another miss for me, I'm super excited for the fixes and balancing, the further changes to wraith are fantastic and will make me play him much more, Blights FOV is FINALLY getting fixed, and Decisive is getting the change I've been asking for since it's last rework. I hope they get the anniversary chapter right though cause three misses in a row would sting.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Honestly this chapter has gotten me this excited in a long time. It's felt like there's been barely any new content in the game since Pyramid Head cuz I thought Blight and Twins were boring af. This guy is super unique and I like the survivor too.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It's been like this for me since legion.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Killer is just a meme material, but nothing more.

    Yeah, knives go muda-muda, funny haha, next chapter please.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited March 2021

    Latest killer is essentially Huntress + Blight

    Unlike Huntresses single shot windup style in an arc whose trajectory has to be measured its more like Plague if instead of a continuous stream its rapid fire which if it has nothing to get in it's pathwould go from one end of the zone to the other without any entropic decrease in speed / effectiveness (I'm expecting that to be nerfed)

    It rewards people who cant aim so yay for lowering the skill ceiling! XD


  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Everything about the last several chapters is pretty meh at this point.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I feel mixed about it.

    Survivor Perks have 2 outright bad ones and self preservation potentially could be interesting but not good enough for meta. They introduced the most restrictive exhaustion perk and is the one that killers can most easily deny as well as a losing gen progres perk.

    Killer perks could be interesting but crown control shouldn't be a ruin and even then it wouldn't be that amazing. Starstruck would need to at least not have exposed shown to Survivors until one is downed to be worth rubbing. The other one could certainly go into an end game build if someone wanted that (something like remember me, noed, and bloodwarden). Probably not that good but could at least be interesting.

    Survivor artistically seems well made and more detailed than most.

    Looking past the more subjective parts of his look, he is unique looking within the game which is nice. He is very weak right now and will need beefed up to be a go to for many people. For personal things I hate his name and him having a human face makes me want to have unmasked versions of some killers to make him fit in better.

    Overall I'm still excited and there is more in this chapter than twins for sure and most likely blights

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    You say that until hes torturing you to make you scream so he can have some sounds for his music.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    But that is the thing. If you don't bother reading the "lore", you would have no idea that this guy has anything to do with music. Its just a guy with a colorfull coat and throwing knives. His perks are vaguely celebrity related, but again nothing about music, or screams or any of that.

    I have no issue with the K-pop aesthetic, but its just slapped over a very generic power. Its a wasted opportunity.

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83

    So spoopy. I'll stick to killers that are hulking beast or a sadistic genius. You can keep the killers destroyed by a bad SoundCloud review or a prescription for Prozac.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Same here, but I'm 48 years old. I'm definitely not the target demographic for this Killer, and that's fine. None of his perks really wow'ed me either that I can't wait until any of them appear in the Shrine down the line, as well. So, it saved me both cash and shards on this one.

    I used to have the pokemon "gotta catch 'em all" mentality with Killers, but broke that spiral when I didn't buy Blight or Twins.

  • TheHunter2529
    TheHunter2529 Member Posts: 42

    Ignoring the fact that this chapter is k-pop themed for a minute, The Trickster seems to be quite weak and it's much easier to M1 in a lot of situations.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    I think overall I would say I like it more than I dislike it. The only things i'm not too fond of is the look of the survivor and the killer's power in it's current form.

    However the biggest flaw, is that the music in the teaser isn't in the game. I was really hoping to hear more of it, so I would say that's actually my biggest disappointment.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i'm a bit disappointed that we didnt get any new map again, but other than that im quite happy with it!

    visually i think both new characters look great, the perks seem like they can actually be used in some builds without being very oppressive and the killers power, while lacking in strength, seems like a fun one.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    wasn't there something about the new killer originally being meant to be some sort of mimic (having the name 'trickster' actually make sense) but he was turned into this haphazard hybrid of huntress, legion and deathslinger because the original concept would not have allowed for a lot of chases and it was more important to uphold the 'beloved' status quo of the gameplay?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I feel the same way. I actually like the survivor, but I hate the killer.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I'm really excited for the killer to be brought live, he's fun to me and the only disappointment from this chapter is how his power is underwhelming and just Plague with extra steps.