Why not remove moris and keys until both could be reworked and put out together?

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Title because I know people like it straight to the point but I'll elaborate below..

I'm seeing a lot of people upset at the mori nerf because keys are now ridiculous against nerfed moris and this is all true. I play Killer and Survivor, I've never liked how oppressive and unfun the old mori was and I also don't like how keys can end a match so prematurely (I still love the aura reading capabilities on them though).

All that being said, after reading many threads and seeing everyone's complaints all I could think was well,

Why didn't Behaviour think to temporarily disable both moris and keys from use in matches while they reworked them and then put them back in when ready?

I know there might be a lot to do with coding in that case and maybe bugs would happen but it would have avoided this whole issue of everyone saying that right now, keys are broken and moris are useless and now survivors are going to use up all their keys before the "key nerf" rework whenever that may happen.

Idk just a thought

Bcuz while I highly appreciated the blunt, out of nowhere mori nerf I DO still feel bad bcuz keys still exist in their current form and I'm a Killer/Survivor main with Empathy for both sides so bleh

Thanks for coming to this ted talk


  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Because different things are different. /thread

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    The main similarity is both keys and moris end the game quicker than they should be ending for little to no trade off. I would agree with disabling both quite honestly. That or holding off on the mori change until keys were changed too. I get this is a them or us kind of thread and topic but both of these topics have the same issues and no one likes either.

    Either way what's done is done and we'll have to see what the future brings for the key changes.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I get that they have a similar effect on the length/rules of games, but they're completely different mechanics from a game design perspective that would require a different amount of resources to nerf or rework. Just because two different things have similar effects doesn't mean that they have to be changed at the same time.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    With this community you know it wasn't going to be a happy ending any other way. Mori nerfs give survivors an indicator that key nerfs are on the way so now you're going to see people using them most of their games. Same thing happened with insta-heals before the nerf. The more annoying thing is keys will probably be in the PTB so they'll have a warning ahead of time. Mori's were changed out of the blue so they won't be spammed to use all of the backlog up. This should have been the case with keys as well.

    Basically this is just going to ruin the quality of killer games instead of handling both at the same time. As killer games are ruined you'll see killers playing more toxic and survivors not using keys will suffer. Just as it's always been with updates to the game. Could have easily been avoided.

    Also yes while they do operate different mechanically they are pretty comparable and always have been since early on. Each item brings one side closer to their objective quicker while skipping steps. Both should have been taken care of at the same time purely for matchmaking health reasons.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Yea, survivors using keys more now is totally a valid concern. I personally saw many more keys than normal yesterday. Hopefully their use will taper off after a bit of time.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    I envision a huge to-do list the devs are working from, probably sorted by priority and time-needed. I see it functioning kinda like this:

    "Here are the Mori changes that we discussed, ready for approval. Coding was simple just small number value adjustments. Tested 100% across all platforms."


    "Approved, include in 4.4.1"

    In other words it was included now because it was ready now. I firmly believe they consistently send out changes by priority as they are ready in their opinion. Simple as that.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    But this doesn't change the points made. Namely that it caused survivors to know keys were getting nerfed, so they get to use theirs up, but killers didn't, because they got no warning. Like they said, they should have just disabled use of them both at the same time.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    My point is whether any change to Keys was ready or not was not likely considered when the change to Moris was up.

    We players are the ones who coorilate Keys and Moris together. The devs obviously so not. I do my best to not to see things only from only a killer or surv point of view, but sometimes fail.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    They have made this comparison themselves though. In the discussions, changes to Moris and Keys were usually brought up by the community together and addressed by the devs together. It has been a consistent issue that the killers are leaving and the queue times are getting long. This is showing which part of the community feels targeted against, and this reinforces it. They have only been disabling killer features for testing recently, not survivor ones. Then they go and disable killer's way to end the game early, but not survivors'. And they nerf killer's so bad, it is beyond worthless; it takes as long to use a Mori as to hook, costs 7k points, gives less BP than hooking, less emblems than hooking, and triggers no perks. This is not healthy for the game. That isn't a point of view of survivor or killer; this is the point of view of one side of the community has started leaving, and, which has and will cause problems. Queue times are back to as bad as they were pre-cross platform. This is the first time I haven't finished a tome chapter prior to the next chapter, just because survivor games take so long, I don't have the extra 5+ minutes to commit to as games waiting for a lobby.

  • Shadow_Da_Bagel
    Shadow_Da_Bagel Member Posts: 64

    They kinda do. Before, if killers saw a key, they could put a mori in order to counteract the effect that the key had on the length of the match. Now, killers can't do anything about it (except for new franklin's but of course they locked that behind a paywall). This means that if a survivor puts a key, there isn't much that the killer can do in the pre-game lobby to put the game back into their favor. I'm a survivor main and I have to say, they've done really well at taking their sweet time in nerfing our loadouts. Being able to end the match early isn't fun or fair especially when its determined in the pre-game lobby.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    I love mori.. I would like to have more options for it.. even if the current rule to use it changes.. it's what killers are about.. killing, just more fun, not just hooking to bleed survivors to death..