Why did you choose your Survivor/Killer main?

Honestly with all the discussion about "blank" either being too weak or strong, let's just have a calm discussion on why you chose your main. Did you like how they looked, related to their backstory (this is concerning for killers), thought their perks were good, or specifically for killers, thought their power was cool or meta?

I'll go first, I've mained ever since Hillbilly shortly after the release of the console versions of dbd (I held back from buying it immediately since Friday was a thing). I've been following this game since Trapper was the only killer, so come time when Wraith and Hillbilly were released with the full game, I decided I would main Hillbilly out of the three, my decision didn't change even as more killers were released before the port to console and now while I do play other killers, Billy-boy will always be my number one.



  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Meg is so pretty hhhhhhnggg and she looks a bit like me so I feel ~immersed~ lol! And I like Twins because their perks are really fun to use and play against, and Charlotte is really pretty to me too ;w; I also enjoy Plague a lot because you BLEUGHHHHHH all over people which is really fun and, you guessed it, she's also very pretty lol :)!

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I choose to main Adam because I like the back story as it relates to me a lot. I'm black my family from Jamaica and I'm not too social and i value education like adam.

  • Kei_Ra
    Kei_Ra Member Posts: 56

    Zarina her backstory and cool aesthetic really clicked with me

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2021

    When I first started playing I "mained" Jake because me and my friends wanted all of us to play different survivors. I had a fun time shamelessly saboing hooks that never respawned. However at about lvl 50 I really wanted to switch to Claudette because of how immersed she could become when prestiged. This was about the time Uber prestige was being discussed on the dev streams (now known as legacy prestige). So it was the perfect time to start prestiging for that 'uber prestige skins' too.

    I therefore took the plunge (despite my friend not liking me being the same character as them) and spent ages prestiging Claud to P3. Happy I did so because now that I have more experience, the POV difference and size of women/men in DBD is stark.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Jake is cute.

    I also liked the idea of Saboteur.

    So naturally, I’m drawn towards Yui with her Breakout.

    .. Yui is also cute.

    As for Killer, Plague is the first person I wanted to main ever since I’ve heard about DBD. She seemed fun to play.

    Spirit, well, my brother was like “She’s strong so you should play her!”

    And so I did. And boy was he not wrong.

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    Ghostface because we are both creeps and agile like slippery jellyfish

    Feng because she cute and I got tired of viewing Ash rear

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Steve looks like me, and he's a sweetheart in the show, therefore, I main.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,666

    My dear Freddy is the reason I bought DBD in the first place. He has been my main ever since I first started playing, and back then he was regarded as the "weakest" killer in the game (something that I never agreed with).

    As for survivor, my main is Claudette. She is good for stealth, she has an interesting backstory, she is one of the OGs, and she is also really pretty. She is perfect.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Pig - I like the idea of killing Survivors with Reverse Bear Traps. I enjoy alt win-cons.

    Jake - I like his blighted outfit (minus the pants).

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Jane seems very down to earth, I love how she isn't necessarily extremely skinny but tastefully animated as still attractive and not deemed "fat" she's curvy and I absolutely adore her cosmetics. I would wager she has the best mix and match clothing in the game right now tbh.

    I main Plague because I find her to quite a composed killer and her power is a but more complex than what meets the eye. She seems weak but in the same token can be very powerful. Unpredictable.

  • Bigbubbaboi
    Bigbubbaboi Member Posts: 41

    Bubba because I found him really fun before he got his rework and people underestimated him

    Ash because it’s Bruce Campbell need I say more

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Kate because she is just super hot

    Clown because I love to annoy the survivors, and like to make sure Clown doesn't need to go to KFC because he gets free food in game.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Kate because she is yummy

    Clown because everyone said he was incredibly weak, so I took the challenge of finding potential with him, and either I get a lot of insults for playing him well or people who are impressed by my skill with him.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    For killer I picked nurse because I love her red dress and for some reason it reminds me of the red attire Lady Gaga wore in her Bad Romance music video, so I sometimes have that song blasting while playing as nurse. I obviously perfom like absolute crap when I do that.

    Before it was hag, I liked her power and I also liked to pretend I was the witch from Blair Witch. I also preferred her mori over nurse, still do.

    For survivor I picked Feng, when I first started playing this game I was so bad at skill checks, and Feng has the technician perk so I used her. Also, her character model came off as likeable to me I don't know why. I did try the rest but it didn't feel right to play as someone else.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I have 3 characters for each role I main.

    Survivor(s), I picked the cutest and hottest ones: So Dwight, Ace and Felix (omg his C A K E honey)

    For killers, I love LOVE leatherface, his lethality in chase, the weird factor to his personality and how if survivors piss me off, I can always face camp and there's nothing they can do. Nothing.

    Also play Wraith, like the stealth he brings, especially with the buffs, feels like the only real stealth killer in the game.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Legion: They were the character that got me into the game in the first place, and I enjoy their fast paced playstyle.

    Ash: He's Ash ######### Williams. How could I not main him?

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Doc: Hate stealthy survivors.

    David: He is nice to look at.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    i just main all the pretty girls. feng, kate, yui and nea (with a specific cosmetic combo she is pretty i swear). i will also add the new surv to that roster when she drops cause she pretty.

    and i play deathslinger because i'm an fps player.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I main Zarina because I like pretty much everything about her - and I resonate a lot with her story. I also play a lot of Kate and Yui - Kate because mmmm pretty musician, Yui because mmmm pretty greasemonkey.

    As for killer, I like Blight because he counters hold W, Plague because she's super underrated and I'm finally at a point where her robbed hits don't injure my soul, and Legion because they're pretty underrated and also nice and simple. So I guess I main extremely aggressive killers that go well with my playstyle of thriving in chaos.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited March 2021

    I am the boogie man. Do you know where I am? All your normal info and senses are failing you. I could be a second away from pulling you off that gen or I could be about to pop out at one of your friends and you might be safe... for now... but you have no clue. Better heal, I could pop out again at any moment with no warning. But be quick about it, for my blade is thirsty and my senses keen. Oh... Is that a generator blowing up I hear? Now you know that I know where you are. Do you dare stay? The choice is yours... my prey.

    Don't feel like playing along? Not scared of a killer only a bit faster than you? Very well then... cue the music boys. Let's dance. *Insert Halloween music here*. I hope you're ready to get well acquainted with the floor, cause you're going down in one slash. Are you ready? Do you even realize I could still do this? Well, ready or not, here I come.

    If that stylized response wasn't clear, I love playing Michael Myers because EW 1 Myers is the ultimate stealth Killer. Permanent undetectable puts the Survivors on edge like nothing else and the scares I've pulled off... they're fantastic. I already liked revisiting matches vs live TTV people, but games where I'm Myers and I manage to hardcore scare them are the best. However... not every map, team, or game situation is conducive to playing Myers that way. That's why I never run Scratched Mirror. If I need EW 3, its still there.

  • NoPressure22
    NoPressure22 Member Posts: 15

    For survivor I main David King because he’s an athlete, single child, and personally just like that he’s a scrapper. His perk dead hard is top 5 overall in my opinion and I like his prestige outfit, especially since it helps stay hidden in darker maps. I was also relieved the day that I found out he and huntress were free to the game and got to use wglf.

    For killer I use spirit and doctor equally, but do a little better with doctor because of what his shock therapy is capable of doing to interrupt survivors. Spirit looks really cool and her perks are unique in a one way each. Rancor to help get a kill in the end if survivors are making the game a living nightmare, and her hex which can help give you a quick breather in the middle of the game. However doctors perks are decent too with monitor and abuse being useful on other killers (Myers and Spirit/Deathslinger- Smaller terror radius) Doctor is the best though since he can find survivors and help shorten chases.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I chose claud as a survivor, after I thought of my name and because she fits my playstyle (darkest cosmetics? On it)

    I've changed mains a lot as killer. I used to main trapper, but dropped him for doc. Then I dropped doc for spirit, and then I dropped spirit for hag. Trapper and doc were simply fun and felt really good when you predicted survivors, but they lacked map pressure. I played spirit because she's a good killer, without stridor because I wanted to play fairly, but I got tired of her and wanted something new. After watching 300 michi videos I decided that hag would be my next killer. She's both fun to play and hard to master, something that I quite enjoy. And she has one of the most unique playstyles. I wonder what my next main will be, maybe pig :p

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    For survivor I chose Yui just because I like her aesthetic and clothes, she has a really street fashion sense with a touch of Neon Japan and when I saw it I just knew I wanted to main her because of her style

    For killer I've switched to Blight because I just really love his playstyle, how he looks, his role in the lore, his terror radius and chase music and basically just everything about him is my favorite thing in DBD, his chapter was the best one I'd played as well (I started playing during Silent Hill), if I had to be locked to only playing one killer or even just one character, it'd be Blight

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Meg: When I started playing, I pretty much always played as the original 7. I did well with Meg the most and I kind of just started playing Meg a lot and now I'm a Meghead.

    Spirit: I watched gameplay of many killers and thought Spirit looked the most interesting. I bought her and I just had a blast playing her non-stop. I fell in love with her and now she's like a waifu to me.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Dwight! I Spiritually and Physically relate to his back story, if any character represents me it's Daddy Dwight and the fact that I just called him Daddy is the other reason.

    Rin Yamaoka(Spitit): Shes one of few killers that can do anything no matter what situation she's put in.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Bit of a mix between slinger and huntress these days. A killer I main is often dependant on the style of games i play that arent dbd. So if i have been playing a lot of shooters like hunt then i favour killers like huntress and slinger.

    There was a time I played a lot of og freddy before his rework. But as I got more competitive I droped most m1killers since there counterplay tends to be rudimentary and survivors simply dropping pallets early often lost you a lot of games on a lot of maps.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Jake looks like me and Demo rekindled my love for DBD after getting bullied by a SWF squad

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited March 2021

    I choose Jane because I empathised with her story and love her outfits and her unique body type compared to the other female survivors.I also picked Quentin since I loved him in the film

    For killer I chose clown and billy. Clown was my main since I got him and billy only became my main recently since I love the mobility he has and his rift cosmetic

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    For survivor, although the first character I leveled up was Claud, I'm a Feng and Jeff main. Feng because I like her cosmetics, and Jeff because who doesn't like Jeff?

    For killer, its much more of a fun factor over looks. The killers I play on a regular basis are Hillbilly, Bubba and Clown, with me also occasionally playing Oni, Wraith, Legion, Pig and PH. All of then I picked up for different reasons so I'll briefly list them.

    Hillbilly: Wanted to see if the rework killed him, he seemed pretty fun so I learned him.

    Bubba: Originally wanted to meme around with a basement build, ended up loving Bubba so much that I main him with a proper build.

    Clown: Started maining him around Christmas just to meme around with his Santa skin. Ended up loving him despite him being weak.

    Oni: To me a less fun but slightly stronger Billy, I often play him if I'm in the mood.

    Wraith: A new killer to me, seems fun so Im trying him, especially due to the upcoming buff.

    Legion: Simple killer that I play when I'm stressed.

    Pig: Rarely player her after surveillance got nerfed, doesn't make her any worse of a killer however and my certain playstyle seems quite fun.

    PH: An ex main who I now only play occasionally.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I also started playing DbD for Freddy and Main him. However, unlike you, I ended up giving him up after the rework.

    Since then I haven’t main any Killer, I just play whoever. I will also add that I’ve been playing Twins consistently all week and enjoying them, plus the community seems to consider her weak, so I’m going old Freddy vibes.

    So maybe I’ll main her.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited March 2021

    David is my survivor main

    • He was the first survivor that I played with friends and was recommended to me. Dead hard and WGLF seemed really appealing, especially WGLF since you get BPs from it.

    As for killers....

    • Demo - He's just a good boy, ya know? Not mentioning that I loved the TV show + his power and design.
    • Billy - Curving is probably the most satisfying thing in this game. Next to the speed you get from double engravings + Shadowborn
    • Legion - I'm a reddit user
  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Feng: I like her cosmetics and her back story. I find her height to be advantageous in most maps.

    Doctor: I love the control he has and the ability to sense survivors through his powers. Plus I think it's fun to have survivors screaming all the time.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    My killer story:

    First killer I mained was Huntress (until Leatherface) was released because I liked the idea of having a ranged attack but Leatherface was just so much more interesting because of his instadown combined with complete movement control and his potential to create deadzones quickly using his chainsaw.

    So when the devs released Bubba I decided to main him until basically now.

    Originally I meant to switch from Leatherface to Pyramid Head immediately the second the Silent Hill chapter was revealed (via the trailer) because the Silent Hill franchise has a very personal meaning in my real life and my past but although I played Pyramid Head since day 1 of his release I couldn't get myself to actually "main" him for a while because I got so used to having an instadown over the course of the years.

    Imagine maining Leatherface from his release until now (I really mean it as in basically playing as him only) and then switching to a killer that has to hit you twice.

    Pyramid Head felt awful for me at the start whenever I faced strong-ish survivors (and right now I'd still honestly say he's far weaker than Leatherface after Bubba's rework) but after playing PH for quite a while now (total) I'm starting to feel more "comfortable" calling myself a Pyramid Head main slowly but surely.

    My survivor story:

    Originally I played multiple survivors but ended up sticking to David King after the Howling Ground event 2018 as I unlocked the red/golden jacket.

    This jacket was then given to all players at some point so sadly it has no meaning anymore. But that's why I main David to this day anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    In terms of killers, I've never played or been interested in Silent Hill, I just Pyramid Head the most fun and rewarding killer to play rn. He's great and I adore him.

    Before that it was Freddy and honestly it was because he was the worst in the game and I wanted to get better as soon as I could so I mained him. After his rework I just kept to it till PH came out.

    In terms of survivors, I'll be honest I started with Claudette because someone told me "She's black, she'll hide well." but honestly? I've grown really attached to her, and I love the girl to death she's so precious.

    As for David, well... He was already really hot before then they took off his shirt 0///0

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    At first i started playing Legion because i really liked how they looked and I always found humans to be more scary then a horror monster.

    Really ended up liking the playstyle. It wasen't just use power chase down move on like the other killers. But really using the information and slowdown you get tactically. Not to mention chaining hits just feels satisfying.

    Feng I just really thought was cute. She has amazing cosmetics that mix and match well. And every survivor released after that i really didn't want to spend a ton of bloodpoints to be able to get all perks on what's essentially a skin.

    A survivor would reallllyy need to speak to me before i want to go through that hassle to change mains

  • Xx_amaro_xx
    Xx_amaro_xx Member Posts: 24

    Ghostface because he can teabag

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Ash - I absolutely love the Evil Dead series and Bruce Campbell in general.

    Adam - I’ve always wanted to visit Japan and I love that he moves there to become a teacher. I really enjoy his perks too.

    Jeff - I relate to him the most. I like that he tends to keep himself to himself and puts his focus into art and music. Extremely similar to how I am. Also adore his tattoos and overall aesthetic.

    Jane - I love that she has a ‘fuller’ frame and brought something different to the female roster. Her voice acting is great and makes me laugh. Love playing as this queen.

    Michael: Halloween is my favourite horror movie and Michael is my favourite slasher icon, so playing as him was always a no brainer for me. I love how his power represents him so well and the diversity you can achieve with different add-ons.

    Demogorgon: Big Stranger Things fan and he’s such a good boy. I love his overall gameplay and successfully landing a Shred attack is so much fun. I think he’s one of the most fun killers to play as and against.

    Deathslinger: I play a lot of shooting games and I like feeling like I’m no longer playing DBD. Seeing the gun on your screen is just so cool to me. I know a lot of people hate versing him, but sorry ain’t sorry.

    Clown: I love his aesthetic as who doesn’t love a clown? And I find his power to be extremely powerful. I like being able to end chases fast with him. 🤡

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I started with Dwight and will go down with him as well. I like his perks, his storyline and generally his big closet. <3

    Then Jane came along and I was in shock infatuation. She is my main survivor after Dwight. 

    When I feel like variety I also play Ace and Meg and Feng. Those are the ones I have all the perks for. 

    As a killer I started with Trapper and still love him today. He's an original and I like his simple style. 

    However, then came Miss Amanda and she is the one I play with the most.I love the movies and I think she is my main killer, won't change until Pinhead ever makes it to DBD. 

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    Jake: His description said "can hold his own in most situations", since i didnt like the idea of relying on my teammates on a pvp online game, i went for it. Also Calm Spirit and Iron Will were pretty nice when starting.

    Wraith: i fear bells.

    Actually it was just that he was pretty fun to play as, and post-uncloak lunges were felt SO DARN GOOD. Plus bloodhound helped me a bit.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Successful sneaking + post-cloak super-lunge + Exposed = BINGITY BONGITY, THAT SURVIVOR IS NOW MY PROPERTY!

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    For killer I main Oni because of aesthetics and because I honestly wanted something like Billy back when I was a billy main.

    For survivor, I main Cheryl because of silent hill 1 and well 3 since that is her game, I just love silent hill and well Heather what can I say?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    kate - she hot. I like her backstory and everything else aswell... but she hot.

    trapper - he's fun as hell.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I don't main any killer, i just avoid playing some of them (Billy, Bubba, Huntress, etc)

    As for survivor i went from Meg (lot of cosmetics) to Ace (tuxedo default outfit was amazing at the time) to Yui/Zarina (super cool design/lore/cosmetics and voice)

  • MaviKus
    MaviKus Member Posts: 38

    killer main, the Hag. I chose her because I have a thing for female characters with big appetites. oh and before I actually bought dbd I watched a mori compilation video and hers caught my eye the most, closely followed by the oni's

    survivor main: Yui. she is the most relatable for me due to her being Japanese and "screw the traditional upbringing Imma do what I want to do" attitude

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Jane is a bodacious queen who seems like a sweetheart.

    Elodie is a representation of me in rl. Her kinky curly hair to her caramel skin. Representation is important 💜

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    He's my type and I wanna cuddle him.

    + he's very protective and that just makes my insecure ass happy.

  • Archive512
    Archive512 Member Posts: 150

    for killer, i try not to 'main' anyone because i feel that if i get too comfortable playing only one killer, i wont do as well when i play a different one. that being said, the closest thing i have to a killer 'main' is Myers. i love the halloween series, and Myers in the games is exactly how i like to play dbd- pick and choose my right moment, take my time stalking, then when its right, get to T3 and lay waste. either Myers or Doctor, thanks to his ability in my early hours o dbd to find people and not make loops such a hassle.

    survivor? jeff johansen. purely because i am envious of his hair + beard. i would kill to get it that length but my hair gets nowhere near that length.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2021


    Doctor: His power offers great map control and anti loop, plus you his builds can be extremely versatile compared to other killers, I mean, I can think of 5 builds off the top of my head that completely change his gameplay which makes him incredibly unpredictable and fun to play as. I also can't get enough of his laughing at survivors when he shocks them, and Aesthetically he has some nice cosmetics that make him more intimidating.

    Plague: Her power is highly underrated and she regularly puts survivors between a rock and a hard place when playing her (cleanse = best ranged attack in the game. Don't cleanse = remaining 1 shot downable all game while also being significantly easier to track.) With the right builds you can heavily punish survivors, and since she's picked the least amongst the killers, most survivors these days have no idea of how to counter her. The fact that she also renders all healing perks and items moot is also really nice.


    Feng Min... she's just adorable to play against or as, I call her "squeaker".

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I picked Dwight as my Survivor main from my first day because his character description/backstory fit me perfectly. I always have been one of the nothing special people, and though I have never been an outspoken or take charge "leader" per se. I have always had teachers, coaches, managers tell me that I "demonstrate leadership qualities." His perks only cemented the decision even more as they are mainly support perks that boost the rest of the team more than the individual player, which is a role I always try to take in most games is the Support/Medic ect. For killer, I picked Hag from back in my first few days when my friends and I would just do private matches because she looked genuinely creepy and I enjoyed using her power. She did well for me for a while, but I doubt I could do much with her in public matches anymore. Now I'm just trying to use whatever killer strikes my fancy for a while.