Why did you choose your Survivor/Killer main?



  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Killer: i tried Trapper and Hillbilly and did okay at first lol but I really struggled to find Survivors. So, I tried Doctor and was having a blast. I feel I understand his powers really well and enjoy the different pressure he puts. I have also been enjoying Myers lately, specifically Scratched Mirror lol

    Survivor: I like Steve because of Stranger Things, but I leveled up Elodie. I liked her Christmas sweater and her lore (hated the screaming though lol) I am thinking of leveling up Ash next lol

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2021

    Killer: Wraith. I actually hated Wraith when I first started playing him because I didn't understand his mechanic. I wrote him off as being lame and played some other killers. A month ago, I watched a friend play him and saw some potential. Then I watched some Otz videos about how Wraith works and learned that he's add-on dependent and how his basekit was meant to work.

    Opinion changed. Now I really enjoy him. Once I learn a bit more about Blight, though, I will probably switch to my main just because I love his backstory and the whole pinballing mechanic.

    Survivor: Elodie Rakoto. I love her backstory and I've played a character similar to her in TTRPGs, so I couldn't pass up playing her. Also, I loved the scream. I hate that it got changed.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Kate because she has cosmetics I like the best, and she's very attractive.

    I don't have a killer main, really. Though if I had to pick one, it'd be Pig. I love her RBT's, and the sound she makes when she gets stunned is adorable.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If people are wondering why every single survivor released lately is a young female read this post lol

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,794
    edited March 2021

    Michael Myers: I am a huge Halloween fan. I love Mikey's play style. He is so versatile with builds. He has massive snowball potential. Scratched mirror is the most fun killer build in the game.

    Dwight: I instantly empathized with him. The repressed underdog nerdy guy who found his inner strength and actually rose up as the leader of the survivors. Dwight is just a lovable guy. I love his voice, his cosmetics, and the fact that he is probably the most realistic in that he shows he is nervous as anyone would be in such a bizarrely dangerous situation. He's the whole package for me. I will always be a Dweet main.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I started this game as a killer main, playing og Freddy. Then switched to clown because he is just funny. Especially with this skin

    As for survivor, when i decided to finally play survivor i started with Zarina because she was the latest survivor at the time. I escaped like 5 or 6 times in a row which for me was and still is a lot. But now i can only play her around the holidays because

    Those are my mains, but i also like Huntress and Doc for killer and Tapp, Adam and Bill for survivor.

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    doctor because his laugh is hot af

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2021

    Pig, if you're destroying with most other killers the best thing to do is to just let one have hatch, but pig can just play around and bark at them while they struggle to get their trap off/stare at you as they realize they don't have time to get it off.

    Also she doesn't feel weak, unlike other killers like addonless Wraith or Trapper. You never feel like "if I was playing another killer I could've done this" or "If I was faster I could've won this". You never really see how ineffective or weak you are, so you always feel powerful except for your own mistakes.

  • Kaana
    Kaana Member Posts: 50

    Back when I first bought Dbd I gravitated towards Claudette only for the sole reason she reminded me of Rochelle from Left 4 Dead 2. And then they went and added a L4D2 DLC which confirmed Claudette as my main. Though she isn't my only "main" now since I quite like hopping back and forth between all survivors (besides Ash, ew) since they all have unique outfits I love like Biker Jeff, Lunar Feng and so forth.

    As for Killer though, my main used to be Wraith because I loved sneaking up on people and I liked the sound he made when stunned/burned, but now its Huntress because I just really like sniping people with hatchets. Her humming's nice too.

  • TreMonkeys
    TreMonkeys Member Posts: 33

    he is a ha ha funny clown man

    In all seriousness, I main the Clown because his ability can be pretty fun and he has cool aesthetics. I main Feng Min and David as survivor, Feng because she looks cool and has cool perks, and David solely because of No Mither

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    The first Survivor I picked up was Claudette, though it was for her healing perks. I hate the immersed stereotype and never prestiged her to distance myself from that. I ended up going with Kate as my full main bc I like her backstory and design.

    First Killer was Pig, who's fun but the stealth gameplay got boring after a while, especially with better stealth killers like Ghostface and arguably Myers. However when I really got good with Hag I loved her gameplay- not the traditional chasing that other Killers do, but instead setting up and ending chases before they begin. Makes me feel like a genius everytime I pull something like that off.

  • Tomskrex
    Tomskrex Member Posts: 142

    Stabby boi.

    Because I loved the movies.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited March 2021

    I main killer because I hate having to depend on randoms to get anything done. They always disappoint me. I usually end up with a huge pile of seething contempt for my fellow survivors and ruthlessly destroying them as a killer is the only way I know how to deal with it.

    I main doc because Madness kind of runs in the family on my mother's side. Between that and the Doc's maniacal giggles, I feel right at home in his skin.

    Deathslinger is also starting to become a favorite of mine - I love his Duster and his small chuckle when he lands a hit usually echoes mine.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Started with Claudette, she was the best looking out of the main game. Kept getting wrecked by Doctor in matches, so when I started playing killer I picked him.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,257

    I choose by appearance and then examine their story.

    I like Meg, Kate and Cheryl but i main Cheryl.

    I like her the most because of her model. she is tiny, has a gentle voice and she have pretty outfits.

    And killers. my favorite story is the spirit, really tragic and sad death.

    Last is Legion and Plague.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,623

    For survivors, they're all just skins. I don't really main any of them, but I prefer to play as male characters. With killer, I main whoever I have the most fun, and also whoever I do the best with.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    In a SH fanboy so Cheryl was a must

    And Felix and David are foine asf how could I not main them asw

    Killer wise

    Wraith cuz bing bong. Tbh idk hes just the most fun killer in the game for me!

    Plague because blergh on survivors and now they give me scary vomit or scary m1 killer