Ghostface or Myers

Weeznit Member Posts: 21

Have you ever noticed that Ghost face is a lower tier Myers? The Ghost face is able to crouch and can only expose one survivor at a time, which is interesting because to me that sounds like he is less powerful, but I find it easier to play Ghost face than it is to play Myers. What I am wondering is how come Myers in theory sounds easier, but in reality, Ghost face is overall better? Is it the fact that he blends in more and can easily hide in most spots Myers can't? Is it the fact that Myers takes longer to expose all survivors while Ghost face can quickly expose one? What do you think?


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178
    edited March 2021

    To me, a lot of it lies in surprise. When your playing against Myers, you know when you're exposed. There's a huge musical cue, Myers is pretty damn noticeable if your keeping a lookout for him. There is also the issue that he can run out of stalk, even though this has barely ever happened to me in regular games. Also, Tier 1 Evil Within cripples his early game. To me, that's what makes Ghostface stronger. If Shape didn't have Tier 1, he'd be so much better. Ghostface doesn't really suffer from these things.

    For one, Ghostie is 115% from the start, and he has actual stealth, not Myers' small terror radius. Leaning and stalking makes their stalk meter go up insanely quick, and Ghostface is a smaller character, which means he's not as noticeable. Sure, he doesn't have the slight buff to chase that Myers gets in Tier 3, his longer lunge and faster vaults, but Ghostface is always just more consistent in getting downs for me. If you can sneak up to somebody and stalk them close by, you get a down. You can't really do the same with Myers, at least not to the same extent. You can use his Shroud in chase to make mind games easier, something Michael can't do without neutering himself.

    They both suffer from wonky stalk mechanics though, (damn you corn.) And Ghostface suffers from a very buggy reveal mechanic. Despite what people say, it happens on both sides. I've had people from five feet away staring at me and not reveal me, and I've been revealed by someone literally behind a wall. Or, much more common, I'll get revealed and the killer instinct won't proc.

  • Weeznit
    Weeznit Member Posts: 21

    I started playing ghostface when I got the game, and I agree that he is more fun. He's overall easier, considering he is agile, and if you play it just right people will freak out when exposed and not see you coming. Thanks for the input!

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ghostface is a strategic stealth killer. Michael is more of a low TR snowball killer rather than an actual stealth killer. They are simmiliar in some regards but overall play very differently even if they share the stalking mechanic.

    GF has the absoute best stealth ability in DBD by far, he's not supposed to snowball and expose all survivors but he can do it if survivors play into it and he's prepared.

    Michael has decent snowball ability (outshined by Oni and possibly even Plague unfortunately) and some stealth aspects but those serve mainly to have easier time to stalk as even with 8m TR (with M&A) you still give survivors enough time to react so not all that powerfull stealth.

    Right now, I consider GF to be a better killer but that's mainly because MM is outdated, he was released ages ago and devs never touched him again as he's considerd a fun and decently strong killer. Good survivors will although destroy Michael as he's got the possibly worst early game in DBD and his T3 isn't all that dangerous and can be made near useless by not healing and rushing gens.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Ghostface can go undetectable at will and has the bonus of being able to expose survivors and seamlessly slip in and out of stealth mode to keep the survivors on their toes. All of this is why he is the best stealth killer in the game. He can also expose a survivor very quickly if he leans, and retains the same stalk speed over a long distance. All of this puts him well over Myers in my opinion.