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suiciding on the hook should be bannable
I absolutely agree
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Banning is too harsh. But there should be a mechanic where if they repeatedly die within 15 seconds of being hooked, they get the short DC penalty
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The key is to make a system that keeps track of the Survivors who frequently:
1) die on first-hook
2) attempt hook escapes
3) fail the struggle phase
4) get sacrificed within minutes of a trial starting
Any one of those could probably be logically explained by something benign. All four of them? Not so much.
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Yeah let BHVR take care of it when the DC ban can't tell the difference between an Intentional DC, even though they figured it out before as the game tells you with a sound cue.
This will never happen and if it does there will be a drop in players.
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Here's an idea stop trying to micromanage how people play.If want to leave they can leave they paid for it their choice.
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and ruin the game for everyone else?
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Playing Freddy and Slinger should be bannable. Ridiculous, right? Same energy.
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So you can't adapt and that's my problem how?
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adapt in 1v3?
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not really.
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There's literally a build that promotes suicide on the hook lmao
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I do hate when team mates do this early match. However, lets say there's two team mates left. We've both been playing well and I get found first. I let myself die so the other guy can possibly find hatch. Otherwise I would only suicide on hook if I've ran the killer for abit and absolutely nothings been done by my team mates or they let me go into second phase on my first hook.
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It May not nother u, but it bothers a lot of other ppl.
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Lol What? If this should be bannable so should tunneling and camping. I'm not wasting my time in a match with 3 rank 20's that all go down in the first 3 min of the match only to find we are up against a rank 2 doctor. And for those that do camp and tunnel I have no interest in wasting my time when the payout isn't worth the load time. Especially if you are so bad at the game the only way you can get kills is by tunneling and camping. It's even more embarrassing when you're a rank 2 and they're rank 20 and you're playing the doctor. If any of this offends you then you're one if these embarrassing bad killers, no need to reply because I don't care what a bad player thinks.
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Iri head huntress? A doc with overcharge purposely trying for a 3 gen? A Freddy with OP add ons and dying light? You can guarantee I'll be dying first hook. What's the issue? The killer has their precious kill and I get to move onto the next game.
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The issue is with the three Survivors you just screwed over.
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Even if your misplaced bias against the Killer had any merit, you are forgetting all about the other three Survivors you just left to rot. Win or lose some of them may want to try and fight it out. Some have Rifts to do. Some have their own Add-On(s) and Offerings they put in and want a return on. Some of them may want the challenge and don't cry off the way you do. Some of them accept the game and are there to play it. The issue is that you got in line to play. The understanding is that you are going to finish the game, and play it to your best ability, not tip over the table like Cartman saying, "screw you guys... I'm going home."
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This. It's like camping/slugging - they encourage it with perks.
There's offerings and perks that are for increased luck when all that is good for is unhooking yourself. Then on console the game is not optimized so random triggers that cause FPS drops will kill you mid struggle. Rework Luck and the perks that encourage trying to unhook yourself AND optimize console (like was promised years ago) so triggers in the game like a gen being completed or Doctor using his blast doesn't cause FPS drops that kill players during struggle.
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Wow I didn't realise there was such a strict guideline on how one plays Dead by Daylight.
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That's just the way the game goes. Don't let it bother you. People will play how they want and you can not manage how they choose to play. Period. I just deal with it. If they suicide on hook, then oh the [BAD WORD] well. That doesn't mean all hope is lost and the other survivors are screwed over. Just keep playing and get as much BP as you can. You might even escape if the odds are in your favor.
TL;DR. Just roll with the punches and maybe something good might happen.
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Killer slug for 4k is because of hatch. There is no reason not to get 4k when you can get 3k. It is the problem with EGC and hatch that devs should fix. DC for hatch should be fixed at the same time. It is funny why 4th survivor alone has greater chance of escape than 2 people alive.
And what we're talking here is suicide on first hook. It is basically DC that ruins everyone's game and wastes everyone's time.
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Ban? Nah that's stupid. There are some matches where you know it won't go anywhere and it's better to cut your losses.
It is annoying when it's for no discernable reason however, and I feel like some sort of system similar to OW's endorsements could be a good thing to reduce hook suicides.
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No? I want those who deliberately and intentionally screw their teammates over to be punished.
Also, intentionally destroying pallets and sandbagging your teammates is a reportable offense, so "People will play how they want and you can't do anything about it" doesn't even necessarily hold true.
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Then report it and/or scream loud enough and maybe the devs will do something about these "hook suiciders".
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Who says I don't? :P Losing the game purposefully is a reportable offense, after all.
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I like the idea of changing the second hook state mechanic so that the struggle is automatic. People will always find ways to peace out, but this would give the rest of the team extra time to push objectives.
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Yes, and punish hookfarming in front of the killer the same way as working with the killer. Bodyblocking another survivor in a chase as well.
Hmm, if i think of it, if a survivor not in a chase is not doing an objective, could that be considered working with the killer, too?
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No. If for nothing other reason than it's too easy to die from a frame drop.
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I'd love a new idea for hooks. There's plenty of times smashing the keys and it still lets go.
The idea of "banning" or even punishing someone who is already breaking their keyboard for this game, or even had a genuine slip up, is pretty dumb though.
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I'm not talking about working with the killer. I'm talking about ragequitting.
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If i see Spirit i am suiciding.
If i get potato teammates i am suiciding.
If i get camper killer i am suiciding.
And no i dont think so that is bannable reason. Time is important and we all are playing that game for fun. So why i should waste my time with people like you?
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BHVR should add an unremovable hook suicide counter so everyone knows when they open their profile. Might be easier to avoid playing with these scrubs who ruin the game for everyone. Sure, go ahead and suicide on the hook, obviously it's not against the rules but you'll constantly be in the lobby for the rest of your days waiting 🤣
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Because you are making the conscious decision to ruin the game for your teammates using a highly subjective metric that they may not even agree with but have zero control over.
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You know 3 survs also can win that game. And 4 survs can lose. So what?
And you cant force me stay in game if i have not fun. That is not ban reason. Killer has points, surv has points. And i am losing rank because suicide. So really what?
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ugh. typical whiny survivor main. tell me your ign so i can avoid you.
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Three Survivors realistically have no chance of winning if you disconnect early on in the game. There's a reason why the devs simply opted to forcibly cancel a match if someone DC'd before it started instead of simply giving the Survivors a free gen already completed like in the past.
Also, your teammates are far more likely to lose rank because of your decision as well. If you punish yourself because of your selfishness, that's one thing. If you consistently punish your teammates because of your selfishness, that deserves reprimanding IMO.
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If you think people won't find a normal game aside from sluggers, campers, and other annoying stuff - you are delusional, lol. Otherwise, this game would be in a state of For Honor is atm.
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I am killer main kiddo, ty see you later
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well you sound entitled AF. "i quit because i can't face a spirit"
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Well i won games when we lose numbers. Once we had 4 gens and 2 survs. And we still won. Because we both knew looping. And when killer was one of us, other did gen. And we won. That is just one case, you can always win that game. Sometimes focus on hatch, sometimes finish gen bla bla bla.
You are just saying excuses. On other PvP games i can dc when i dont like match and without penalty time. But that game have sadly penalty time for that.
And you are not my dad or boss, so you cant force me staying with you in game? So case close, see you later.
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% 60 - 65 of matches i am playing as killer. When i wanna play as Surv, i wanna good match.
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Suiciding generally sucks to do and I hate it when teammates do it so easily but there are some situations I think it totally makes sense to
1. If your teammates are making no effort to get you (like all 3 stay on a gen across the map for a long time). If at least someone is heading my way then I'll stick around for a while but if people aren't being chased and not trying then I gtfo.
2. If a survivor screws you over badly (like does a very unsafe hook right after killer hooked you and they don't have borrowed time) but not all instances of being screwed over of course
3. If you already had other players dc early on or you have afk players.
4. If a survivor is helping killer
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More than 3 times should be a permanent ban.
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You didn't win. You only had two escapes. Also, that doesn't actually mean that it's even remotely fair. You shouldn't have to pray that the Killer is Potatus Maximus. You should be assured that ragequitters are properly dealt with.
On other PvP games i can dc when i dont like match and without penalty time.
Uh, on other PvP games, you can absolutely get punished for disconnecting.
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The problem with banning survivors for DC'ing is that killers would use and abuse the hell out of it.
They ready get a -1 and a temporary ban and I think that's enough.
I've played against survivors that DC because they don't like the killer, the map or the way things are going and sometimes, the killer takes potty and helps farming but other times they don't and that's life. It's not their fault, it isn't yours.
Try to make the best of it when it happens
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It's an option given to you in the game. If you want to go out on the hook, fine.
Now DC's should be reported and eventually banned if abused.
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DCing is an option given to you in the game, though.
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This is the silliest statement I've read in a long time. How exactly would Killers abuse it? The Killer doesn't make DC. In fact, there is already a ban for DC'ing, which gets bigger each time you do it within a certain timeframe. Did you MEAN to say Suicide?
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u lack game knowdelege. nope, there are perks to try unhooking yourself giving u more attempts like slippery meat for example, luck offerings wich only gives a slighty better chance t ounhook yourself and get something better from chests. so u really dont know too much about it, right?
also when i play solo i see survivors doing nothing after a 3 to 4 nmin chase of course ill suicide on hook, i no longer want to lose more of my time, and yep i usually will kill on hook in a very boring game but thats other story.