Please ban all survivors who play immersed

7 whole minutes into the game and I've only saw 1 survivor. After I hooked them, I left to check on gens and after a little bit I noticed they weren't even doing them. They just played immersed hiding just dragging the game out. Tinkerer didn't even set off once in the span of 17 minutes. It was 3 fengs and a claudette who all had the default clothes on. My god the match was so boring I just quit the match and went straight to doctor with whispers slapped on. Never fun playing against survivors who play immersed because 95% of the time they're bad in chase and drop pallets early.



  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Why even play the game if they're going to be scared of coming across the Killer? I can get being stealthy to escape a chase, but just hiding the whole time?

    I'd just turn on some Mastodon and wait until gen gets worked on.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    I didn't even check I just wanted out of there asap. If I had to guess, they were probably purple rank

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I was like this at first when I played. I hid against a pig in a basement locker all game. I was too scared to play I DCed when she found me.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    There's immersed and then there's holding the game hostage. What you experienced was holding the game hostage, which is banable. Playing immersed is not and even though I dislike my teammates doing it in solo queue I don't think it should be banable.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Purposefully or not it's still holding the game hostage, which is banable.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    This already happens during the end game collapse once a door is opened. How is a time limit for the match itself any different?

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I'm not seeing the difference.

    Both are examples of Survivors failing to reach a timer.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I see no difference between patrolling three gens and patrolling two gates.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited March 2021

    Yeah id report to be honest.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not "playing immersed", that is literally holding the game hostage. I hope you reported them.

    PS: The devs are not going to ban survivors for hiding. Were that in a different situation (say, hatch had spawned and they were looking for a key, or if they were in a 3-gen and wanted the others to die), it would've been the smart thing to do.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Hate when that happens. Best you can do is report them for holding the game hostage

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    The current situation is also not good, that side wins who has more patience. A global timer would remove this patience game.

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122

    I played killer on Xbox more than i do now but i am starting to go back to killer now on pc and i agree with you 100 percent.

    I don't want kills handed to me. That's not killing anyone that's receiving a carry. No one carries me unless it's to a hook lol

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    IMO a change to survivors who just basically like to hold the game hostage and not do anything, is why not reveal their aura for a certain amount of time. This is a change personally that I have wanted for a long time, because I get super bored roaming around the entire map not being able to find Blendia's because they want to be immersed instead of doing something so we can all move on to the next game.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Ban players if they dont do a gen. I'm rank 1 and get this damn issue, its embarrassing and bloody pointless even playing when my whole team is down in 30seconds of game start and of they even go on gen they miss skill checks..

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    "Only camping the gens"

    First off, you can't camp 3 gens. Camping implies sitting still, watching 3 gens involves patrolling from one to the other. I know you want to use "camping" for the negative connotations it has on this forum, but the word just doesn't apply.

    Secondly you keep acting like keeping up enough pressure to keep survivors off the gens for 20 minutes is an easy task that requires no effort. Fact is if the killer is good enough to keep 4 people away from 3 gens all by himself, you aren't winning that game regardless. Best you can hope for is a hatch escape for 1, why drag it out?

    Third, appropriately enough, the three gen situation is largely survivor caused. Survivors choose which gens to focus on repairing, and if they choose wrong, they'll put themselves in a bad position near the end. So the survivor got themselves into a mess they can't fix, and now want to drag out the game forever because they know how unlikely a win is, why should that be rewarded?

  • overchan
    overchan Member Posts: 53

    dude if you dont like immersed survivors or this kinda ######### just get to a highass rank or else run whispers on your builds no one is gonna ban people just cuz they dont played the way you were expecting them to play.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    That is not playing immersed..

    and Survivors who play immersed shouldn’t be banned.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I really don’t understand this kind of rebuttal to “let’s introduce a time limit”... like, let’s say the time limit is 30 minutes, and we reach the “3 gen” stage of the game, where the killer “doesn’t deserve the win” because he just camped 3 gens:

    first, it means survivors didn’t care about which gens were being worked on, so presumably only 4 minutes or so have passed since the start of the game. Now, survivors have TWENTYSIX more minutes to finish ONE generator. You’re telling me that it’s “unfair” for the survivors to have this little time?

    luckily survivors taking the game hostage are not “that” common, but it’s certainly the most infuriating part of dbd.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    You've said toxic about 5 times there while describing a simple play style.

    Putting aside that even the so called "impossible skill check" doc hasn't been a real build since ruin was nerfed. If someone is playing a style you find so abhorrent, why don't you want the match to end? Are you hoping they'll get bored and stop patrolling?

    You also talk about someone picking a small corner of the map and patrolling just 3 gens from the beginning to force the 3 gen later. Again, that's a strategy, and one that can be beaten by smart players who apply pressure to multiple gens in his pattern. If he's capable of keeping the pressure on enough to beat that, then guess what, he isn't "doing nothing" he's playing defensively. It happens, you outnumber him literally 4 to 1, work as a team and you can overwhelm.

    I'm not trolling, I am honestly confused why you think a 20 minute timer activating late in a game where the average match length isn't even 20 minutes total is a huge thing that would fundamentally change how the majority of killers play, while subsequently removing the tools the survivors already have to counter those same strategies. The EGC timer was created for many of the same reasons people are arguing for a match timer here, yet the sky did not fall and good killers still try to avoid letting survivors get to that stage whenever possible.

  • kesLV
    kesLV Member Posts: 50

    its gonna force surv to pop up all 5 gens in 3 mins, bad idea

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2021

    A great example of why killers should always run Whispers. Barring that, From the Shadows or Iron Maiden. Stridor? If you’re not running at least one perk devoted to sense and have everything focused on gen slowdown this can inevitably lead to this possibility happening. If survivors don’t feel like it’s possible to do gens at all, then they won’t. That’s particularly a danger when using Tinkerer. But they never set it off once so this isn’t the case.

    Another remote possibility is that they may all be working on the challenge of hiding close to the killer. All 4 though? Probably not.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    This is how new players and low rank players play the game. There isn't a meaningful tutorial on game flow or any feedback whatsoever on player efficiency.

    We should be careful what we wish for in terms of match time limits. It sounds great in theory until you get 3 gen forever Docs just trying to time out matches. It already happens.

    I think the better solution is to give players meaningful performance feedback and reflect that in rank/MMR. Somebody isn't doing their job if we're 6 minutes into a match and one gen is done. It's not reasonable to expect 5 minute "comp" gen times, I get that. But there is zero reason for four red rank survivors to all be alive 10 minutes into a game and not have the gens done. Somebody isn't being efficient on objectives and they should be dinged for that.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I can't imagine why devs don't just update the AFK crow system to stop situations like this from happening.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    So you wanna push people because they wanna play slow or hide tactics? +200 iq ideas sorry but that is not fair and that coming from killer main.

  • Xornedge
    Xornedge Member Posts: 30

    Yes please. Over extending the game for no reason just because you think you can't win is bs. I'd say the time limit should be 12 minutes at most. This will force both teams to be efficient.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    It can get pretty old but I just change how I kind of view the game. I view it as practicing where are good areas to search for survivors and find the most stealthy survivors. Survivors shouldn't hold a game hostage like this but I'd rather make the most of a game if possible. I mean you could also just go afk for a minute and you'll eventually hear something. Then just facecamp whoever you get. Teach them a lesson

  • Silviaswaps
    Silviaswaps Member Posts: 10

    Only problem being people might exploit and wait it out until the end game collapse happens. Probably would have to ve something more akin to the entity will come out of the ground rather than giving them an opportunity to open gates. Just trying to be specific, but something like this is probably what you meant.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    again, if you can't do #########, then what's the difference in having the game ending after 20 minutes of stale mate?

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172

    If you don't do gens for more than X secs or heal survivors/unhook survivors for X secs crows start appearing on your head like you're afk, this is disabled on EGC ofc.

    There fixed it for you, Identity V has the same thing.

  • swarmofdogs
    swarmofdogs Member Posts: 12

    What I seen more frequently is solo survivors that don't participate in normal play. They concentrate on hiding, waiting for the team to die, then scape through the hatch.

    I usually report them in the post game screen. But I think that report system is a placebo and is mostly there to alleviate post-game salt.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    The average match length I have is about 10-15 minutes. This would just encourage gen rushing to the extreme.

  • Xornedge
    Xornedge Member Posts: 30

    10 minutes on a relatively long match. My average i 8-9 minutes. Past that you have maxed out the survival and hunter categories. But fine lets say the game is especially long so 14 minutes

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I'm a fan of a different kind of time limit. I say this is a survivor main. If any survivor goes more than 60 seconds without doing one of the following : working on a gen, healing (themself or someone else), being in a killers terror radius, cleansing a totem, or even opening a chest their aura automatically gets revealed to the killer for 60 seconds.

    The only time I would have this not happen is during egc when there's already a timer forcing action or death anyway.