Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why isn't there bloopoints or Iridescent Shards rewards depending of your rank at rank reset ?

Kaskrane Member Posts: 35
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Why even bothering making rank resets if it does not even do somewhat of a difference : people high ranked will just ramp up and people low rank will get rekt against really good survivors or really good killers.

There should be a reward depeding on your skill and the time you spent playing other than just daily quest I think.

And it would be really great with the new Iridescent Shards economic set.


  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Kaskrane said:
    Why even bothering making rank resets if it does not even do somewhat of a difference : people high ranked will just ramp up and people low rank will get rekt against really good survivors or really good killers.

    There should be a reward depeding on your skill and the time you spent playing other than just daily quest I think.

    And it would be really great with the new Iridescent Shards economic set.

    I think they should reward players in some way just to put out there that being in a higher rank and holding the rank can mean something again..

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I agree. Ranking up means nothing except for more frustration. I think a bloodpoint and shards reward should be awarded for reaching the high ranks and staying there aswell. Perhaps there could also be special cosmetics that are only available to Rank 1 players each season. You must reach rank 1 each season to keep the cosmetic available to you.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

  • Kaskrane
    Kaskrane Member Posts: 35

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    That's not really how people feel when they get rewards for their rank. If you are a casual player you usually don't really care about your rank cause you play for the fun of it and that's just it (I am more of a casual player on this game than on others) and for player who are "bad" that makes them want to improve

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Yeah I got to rank 1 on both just to do it. Now I perpetually just stay between ranks 20 to 14 cus it doesn’t really matter. 
  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    They have said many times in the past that they WANT a sort of reward system for rank. But they are planning to change the rank system in the future, so until they do this there is no point in adding rewards now.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    I was going to suggest this but you beat me to it.

    I agree. You should get shards based on your Rank when the Season resets. Just makes sense.
  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121

    @Kaskrane said:
    Why even bothering making rank resets if it does not even do somewhat of a difference : people high ranked will just ramp up and people low rank will get rekt against really good survivors or really good killers.

    There should be a reward depeding on your skill and the time you spent playing other than just daily quest I think.

    And it would be really great with the new Iridescent Shards economic set.

    This is the greatest idea i have ever heard regarding the ranking system

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @Kaskrane said:

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    That's not really how people feel when they get rewards for their rank. If you are a casual player you usually don't really care about your rank cause you play for the fun of it and that's just it (I am more of a casual player on this game than on others) and for player who are "bad" that makes them want to improve

    That's not quite the case on dbd. I've seen dozen of people complaining that they couldn't reach high ranks in time because of their low playtime and such. I doubt it's simply laziness, it's very possible a dev choice.

    Also, the rank reset has one single function : increasing the addiction factor by making you to want to farm back again. And it actually works for most people.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Great suggestion. Hopefully because it makes so much sense it doesn't get ignored.

  • Kaskrane
    Kaskrane Member Posts: 35

    Since we are here, how much do you think each rank would make you win in iridescent shards and/or bloodpoints ?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RemoveSWF said:
    This would discourage de-ranking too.

    Threatening bans (which is what BHVR always does) is pathetic, not working and shows they're not good enough to create a gameplay mechinic to get the desired result.

    Carrot is always better than stick.

    Uhm deranking is not a bannable offense unless you do it via DCing

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Kaskrane said:
    Why even bothering making rank resets if it does not even do somewhat of a difference : people high ranked will just ramp up and people low rank will get rekt against really good survivors or really good killers.

    There should be a reward depeding on your skill and the time you spent playing other than just daily quest I think.

    And it would be really great with the new Iridescent Shards economic set.

    Rank first needs to mean something, especially since the 2.0 patch on the survivor side, piping has become a participation reward now.
    And they still havent adressed the biggest core issues, gentime and SWF, both making the game anything else than competitive.

    They plan to introduce leaderboards and ranked rewards anyway, but first they need to fix the mess

  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    • More bloodpoints at high ranks ?
    • More xp at high rank ( account level ) ?
    • Leaderboard ? ( Think it's already planned )

    We all know playing at high rank is very difficult and can ruin the fun for some. I'm one of these and I would love to be rewarded for being at high rank. Not sure we will see that soon but anyway it's a +1 for your idea

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @KroolTheField said:
    • More bloodpoints at high ranks ?
    • More xp at high rank ( account level ) ?
    • Leaderboard ? ( Think it's already planned )

    We all know playing at high rank is very difficult and can ruin the fun for some. I'm one of these and I would love to be rewarded for being at high rank. Not sure we will see that soon but anyway it's a +1 for your idea

    Do these changes right now and we will face serious queue time issues since a lot of casual killer would switch to survivor in order to gain the rewards

  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    Let's make sure that killers get a higher reward than survivors. It could be justified by the fact that they are alone vs 4 players ;)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @KroolTheField said:
    Let's make sure that killers get a higher reward than survivors. It could be justified by the fact that they are alone vs 4 players ;)

    Again, it only tries to treat the symptons, but does not cure the disease.
    I dont think killer will want to play at high rank anymore if they face tryhard SWF every games.
    The reward would be insanely high and it would have to be a participation reward^^+

    No, they need to fix balance first, most important are SWF and gentime atm

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2018

    Just give bonus experience depending on the rank you've played

    rank 20 - 0% bonus
    rank 10 - 10% bonus
    rank 1 - 20% bonus

    or smth. It's just of the top of my head, but faster progression - more shards, rewarded. right?

    upd: sorry, did not see last "at rank reset" this was for rank for current match. oops

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    I'm a "casual player" and I'd actually like if the "better" players played with their ranks and got rewarded for their efforts.
    Not everyone needs a reward especially if you don't put that much time into the game to be good.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Jesya said:

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    I'm a "casual player" and I'd actually like if the "better" players played with their ranks and got rewarded for their efforts.
    Not everyone needs a reward especially if you don't put that much time into the game to be good.

    Welp, you're one of the few that can accept that some players are better than you.
    Most people are like "I have no time to rank up, mostly because of my playtime, because it takes too much time"

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Master said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    This would discourage de-ranking too.

    Threatening bans (which is what BHVR always does) is pathetic, not working and shows they're not good enough to create a gameplay mechinic to get the desired result.

    Carrot is always better than stick.

    Uhm deranking is not a bannable offense unless you do it via DCing

    UHMMMMM there's a specific section of the report form that deals with going afk, which is what many de-rankers do.

    If you're de-ranking, you have to make it indistinguishable from normal play, i.e. being active but playing badly.

    And even if you do it that way, you better make sure mods don't know what you're doing.

    We already had this several times, being afk is not bannable, unless you bodyblock someone else and hold him hostage

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I think this is a fantastic idea, although I would like the see the emblem system adjusted first.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    I am a casual player. I could care less honestly if the devs rewarded top tier players. If you bust your ass in game and work to Rank 1-5 ,get some blood points or shards. I am more than fine with that.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    They need to offer Shards for ranking.

    Rank 1s at max rank need to get like 1,000 shards per season.

    2-4 get 500

    5-9 get 250

    10-14 get 100 and 15 and above get 0

    Something like that.

    They can always recolor cosmetics if they need to add more to the store. The results are endless for stuff in the store!

  • Krueger1428
    Krueger1428 Member Posts: 76
    I definitely feel there needs to be some reward/incentive for hitting rank 1 every month. Maybe a silly cosmetic, or some cells. Even something like 1000 shards, or 100,000 blood points. Something would be nice. I don't think it's asking for too much to get rewarded for going up against higher tier killers and survivors. 
  • AsymetricNerd
    AsymetricNerd Member Posts: 2

    would love hte idea of any kind of reward or incentive to make rank 1 every season

  • F_Demiside
    F_Demiside Member Posts: 44

    @Runiver said:
    Rank rewards have been asked for since 2016.
    The only logical reason it's not in game yet is pretty simple to me :
    Devs don't want the community to feel bad for being either a casual player, or a bad player.

    They've actually gave this as a reason a long time ago on a dev stream, but I don't take that as a valid response because even casual players who don't care about rank would still appreciate a little something for their effort after playing for a month. I also feel it would entice dirt bag killers who stay between rank 15-20 to troll low rank survivors into actually keeping a high rank for the reward.

  • borna_lk
    borna_lk Member Posts: 124
    I’ve been rank 1 for the past 3 seasons as killer on the PlayStation. (I got the game when it was free) and when I played survivor I got to rank 1-2 with a lot more frustration but the point remains it’s a very possible thing to do for anyone. But one I got there I realized how ******* stupid it was. Just end up getting 3X as many crybabies messaging me. Adding an incentive for people to play good isn’t hurting anyone other than the devs pockets (which wouldn’t be the case if they just did bloodpoint rewards instead of iridescent shards. Anyways, just keep raising awareness and hope for the best