I'm starting to see scott's point about mmr and it scares me for the future of dead by daylight

Scott joined recently made a video about mmr secretly being added into dead by daylight matchmaking. Ive been playing killer a bit more than survivor recently and I've been starting to see a huge spike in the survivor's skill, the more rounds I Pip, and it's honestly ruining the game for me. The whole fun of dbd for me was the casual aspect, you go in a game and ######### around, and you win or lose while doing so. These past few days it's just been objects map offerings and survivors with nearly no weak link where they all know how to abuse good tiles and it just feels like there's nothing i can do. It doesn't help at all that my anxiety makes me play worse when I'm under stress. This shouldn't be how dbd is. Besides the fact i already think map offerings shouldn't exist or at least not be able to be used by survivors, I'm also going against constant objects and at least 3 man swfs and it just isn't fun having to play near perfect every game. I don't like camping and tunneling but i see myself doing it a lot lately because of how the games have gone. It just, isn't fun at all. I got a swf who brought midwich and had all four objects. Does that sound fair? Only reason i won is because i face camped one and tunneled another, does that sound fun? I hate seeing this game go down this path, but who knows, maybe I'm just bad and need to get used to the new dbd


  • Witherrr
    Witherrr Member Posts: 85

    Lmao it auto corrected jund to joined, you ######### serious?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It's not on though.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    This is for the best, it'll start waking the devs and everyone else to the reality of game balance, instead of doing terrible updates because of flawed data..it'll suck but of it finally sinks in where this game is, worth it

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    After playing killer a lot over the weekend, I'm convinced mmr is on.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Well, we all know that main problem of this game was ranked. Which matter almost nothing, because even a newbie can climb the ranks thanks to other 3 survivors. Which brings us to the point where mmr is needed to avoid raibows in the end screen and unnecessarily sweaty games. But since not everyone is a competitive player, we also need a casual mod, without mmr.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    All I want is for each of my killers to be gauged separately. Spirit and Wraith are not the same.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited March 2021

    It's not on. Current match making can be explained with our current system.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Before I saw that video I had the same thought though. I've been maining doctor at rank 1 for a couple of months and shortly before gilded stampede I started seeing the quality of survivors I was going against increase dramatically. I play incredibly nice; I do not slug, I do not tunnel and if I think there's a baby survivor I'll go very easy on them. I do not use meta perks. This is not an option lately. It's very good survivors all the time, ones that can link strong tiles together and have very good game sense as to when they can loop and when to leave a tile. This knowledge is critical vs. a doctor.

    However the other night I played a few rounds as clown(my old main) and just stomped. Effortless 4ks every game and I was incredibly impaired. Like couldn't walk. I'm pretty sure mmr is on.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I haven't played any killer for over a year. When I played again, just last a few weeks ago, it was only Nurse. From rank 20 to rank 1. So my MMR rating should only be for Nurse right? Even by your example. I played a round of Clown and got a full red rank squad. Not yellow or greens, reds.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The game is constantly pushing killers into a corner. With not much room left for gen defense. So what you experienced might be bad luck. But also the future of what awaits all of us.

    Fun times!

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    I’ve always thought mmr is a bad idea for the game in two ways.

    1. if I doesn’t work properly like the first time they tried it the games are going to be miserable for everyone. The first trial was a complete ######### show.
    2. if it does work properly then on paper 4 really good survivors will always be in a lobby against a really good killer. And 4 competent survivors almost always win against a killer.

    there’s just no winning with mmr imo.

  • KillaMane
    KillaMane Member Posts: 6

    I made an alt account to try and learn nurse. Learning her at rank 1 is well..... You can guess. I didn't want to stomp them completely so I go for no perks and 12 hooks and don't tunnel. But came across this rainbow, this guy has 1200 hours vs the 2.5 hours of this account. He juked me a couple times so I know he's decent. But someone with 1200 hours should NEVER go against a brand new killer. This happened a few times during my time on this account.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Ranks 20 through 15 can face any rank, unfortunately. The Devs stated they want these players to get quick matches over waiting a long time for correct ranks to become available.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    When MMR goes live all ranks will be reset. So quite frankly we won't know if working or not for quite some time once live. The original MMR worked fine for most of my killers I think they are on right track as I agree not all killers should be gauged the same.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The problem with MMR is it means well but que times trumps everything else. There aren't nearly as many killers as there are survivors. When a group of 4 is waiting for 10 mins the MMR throws fairness out the window and chucks the first poor sap their way. Regardless if it's fair or not.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    By casual you mean getting to beat up on people not on your level? :) A competitive game is still just a game, and by default "casual."

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,801

    In theory, if you play sweaty, your opponents will be sweaty. If you like to mess around and don't really care as much if you win or lose, that's still perfectly fine, and your opponents will be weaker as a result. So long as their assessment of player skill is accurate MMR really shouldn't be cramping your style much.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I don't notice much in the difference of skill, chases seem about the same as ever. What is different is gen speed. All survivors jump on gens instantly, nobody is being useless. It's impossible to win unless you slug hard or get lucky when they make mistakes.

  • Witherrr
    Witherrr Member Posts: 85

    That's the thing. The theory is they turned it on secretly to see if it's working. Look at Scott's video on it, i was getting this feeling before he uploaded it. On my two mains especially