Killer Logic

Timo__R Member Posts: 21

killer want survivor to be nerfed (even if justified)

this in turn makes playing not in SWF even Harder and even more unbalanced for them, so in the end solo player either quit the game or become part of a SWF.

And some killer are seriously wondering why there so many SWF or even Some Toxic SWF.

Solo Survivor have to deal with other survivor ( who are mostly useless) Killer ( who can easily ruin the experience for a person when they get mad) and Devs ( who keeps nerfing solo survivors even more than SWF with their changes).

So if some of them get in a SWF group and can get "revenge" for everything they had to deal with up to this point ofc they would do this because this would just be the justice they deserve.



  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    If solo is hard because of designs of the game, or because of nerfs, why do you think toxic swf "revenge" is justified?

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited March 2021

    I think the problem is 2 pronged. Survivors wanted the game to be easier for the majority. They got their wish with multiple changes so people rose in ranks easier. Solo queue got worse overtime because of this. Now ppl only play SWF or beg for buffs/nerfs for solo play.

    The killers wanted to slow gen times down but BHVR decided to instead speed up chase times to match gen times instead. Thus it became difficult for a single survivor to carry the whole game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    What a waste of energy, getting "revenge" on random killers.

    I don't know what's justice about trying to get revenge on a killer who does nothing but take turns chasing survivors, maybe hooking one but for the most part not even bothering to swing their weapon, but okay, whatever. If ya'll are gonna wait around in the exit gate, though, could at some point three of you leave while the fourth remains so I get a chance to close the hatch? You guys made plenty of BP while poor ol' tier 1 Mikey made like none, you guys are usually so far ahead of me I don't even earn anything for chase.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    Indeed. Killer play feels like work, survivor play feels like a vacation. As a killer, if you stop for a second to scratch your face, 3 gens are done 😔. As a survivor, you can hide behind a tree, go to the bathroom, come back, & 3 gens are done 🙂

  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2021
  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21

    True i may play survivor more often but netherless i am red to purple ranks at both sides.

    Besides this is the truth i am not going to try to argue with ppl who won´t even consider they could be wrong, in other words classic killer main behaviour😘

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If we are on opposite sides. Your fun is not my concern.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    I wonder how many of the people complain about solo Que people are the same survivors that make other people complain about solo que. Seems like with so many people saying its the other randoms are the ones throwing that there should be few people throwing.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,489

    As some one who plays both sides, there is nothing more frustrating than being a solo q with 1 or more useless teammates, and that's the majority of your games as a solo queue. In terms of stressful gameplay, SWF is very hard to deal with as killer but still manageable, its just very hard.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Gonna say this till the cows come home but NERF SWF specifically it dosent have to be huge a minor action speed decrease that decreases further with each subsequent memeber joined to that group. If solo sucks stop balancing aroind swf and start separating the solo play from swf play.

    Yes solo sucks but even bar the game balance argument why is it rainbow rank matchmaking. Sure you can argue rank dosent matter but back when my games as survivor had almost gurranteed purples and reds my success was much higher. Now I get greens and frigging yellows in my game. Who can single handedly get the entire team killed by wasting pallets or pulling the team to a bad spot at the start of the game.

    Solo sucks because of the following resons.

    A. Poor matchmaking if i see one more yellow rank survivor self caring im gonna lose it.

    B. Has to be balanced in the same ecosystem as swf? Thsi is unfeasibly dumb. Swf hurts solo play it needs some weaknesses.

    C. A lack of communication options current year argument why do we not have pings. Why cant i as a survivor mark a hex totem without having some awkward terrible perk that will likley never be used by a majority of the community ir create a marker that awares other players of an oncoming killer. If the argument is its too strong why the helll does swf exist?

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    If you do 3 gens every game that means you're doing nothing but hold m1 on it all game - and that's a fact. Maybe help the team more? Take some pressure off other survivors? Try to play the game instead of gen-sim

  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21

    the other survivor are always hook bombing or hiding lol

    if someone gets chased they are down in 10 secs but they get rescued after getting hook in like 5 secs if i get chased almost no one does a gen and if i get down and see there auras they are mostly hiding running around or doing totems so + these games can easily go about half an hour.

    If the killer slugs ofc i get soemone up and how do u suggest i help the team more?

    the only one getting pressured is me because i have to do gens if i want to survive, i only do gens if i can do nothing else so how about that?

    so stop making assumptions and not giving answers who provide nothing if you want that ppl take u for full?

  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21

    because killer do it too and as far as i am aware they do it more often, could be i play more survivor but idk

    how many times have killer insulted me for being bad and i would be nothing wihtout my swf gen rushing despite me playing alone and almost do all gens, it doesnt even matter if i survive a match this happens to me regardless if i died, survived, got camped to death or looped the killer the last 2 gens and survived.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The problem is I've gone against killers as a solo but with a 3 man SWF and they complain about how toxic they are etc because they lost the match. But then I've gone against the same killer again as a full team of solos and when they dominate it's a different story with them shaking their head at everyone and hitting people on the hook. Solo is bad enough as it is so when you add that in it's not surprising that people get fed up and get into a SWF group to make matches more enjoyable.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Survivor is the power role, so much so that killers rely on survivor mistakes to make any headway. It's greatly frustrating and reasons why people stop playing killer. I'm on a killer hiatus because I'm just sick of it; it's not fun anymore.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Killer is a far far FAR more stressful experience, and a much harder time no question about it. Even a loss as survivor is not as bad as a killer loss. Not even remotely.

    Survivors hold pretty much all the power in the game; it's clear in tournaments and such where the best killers in the game can't do jack all to most survivors most of the time.

  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21

    i agree in a normal match killer are way more stressed and have it harder if they lose, weren´t it for the matchesi have when someone dies because of a bad connection from the killer, bad hitboxes a bug, a teammates that is sand bagging or dorpping pallets for no reason.

    There was literally a thread from someone just a few minutes ago who likes messing with survivor

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    In the end of all this, when it will be impossible to enjoy the game as a solo player or in duoQ (it's almost the case, i would say you enjoy it 50% of the trials), there will be SWF only, everyone else won't play the game anymore and developers will continue to nerf survivors cause killers will continue to cry :).

    But fact is in red ranks :

    • the vast majority of killers don't know what is map control, i never see any 3 gens situation during end game. They don't have a brain, they just run and use M1
    • the vas majority of killers don't know how to break jungle gym layout and loop layout, and they are like pallets are too strong lol... No fact is YOU don't know how to break a loop.
  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    Nope yo uare wrong. Ppl don't play killer because they are lazy to learn, it's easier to be carried but your teammate as a survivor. I see so many red ranks survivor that don't even know to play the game properly, they are boosted.

    As a killer you rely on yourself so you have to improve, you can't be boosted. When you understand the basics of the game, killer is super easy. I don't see Not Otzdarva, TrueTalent or other good streamers having a hard time as killer, they don't sweat anything lol.

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    SWF survival rate is 50%.

    SWF represents 5% of the trials.

    Any other argument ?

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918
    edited March 2021

    @YourNightmare From my experience that's BS. I play PC and the majority are either 2 players or 3 players partys. This has been consistent for a long time now and those stats do not reflect my experience almost daily for years.

    Unless you want to tell me that 3 people who just happen to be on each others friends lists are all playing solo and just happen to get into the same lobby at the same time.

    By order of popularity

    2 players -> 3 players -> solo players -> 4 players

    Some days though the 3 players can outnumber the 2 players.

  • Tio_Croc
    Tio_Croc Member Posts: 52

    "Devs keep nerfing solo survivors"

    New UI? No Bloodlust attempt?? Undying nerf???

    How exactly devs nerf solo Survivors?

  • Timo__R
    Timo__R Member Posts: 21

    should have mentioned that i meant the last 2 years prior

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2021

    You are right, the graph is good.

    Team 1 : 1 duoQ, 2 soloQ

    Team 2 : 4 soloQ

    Team 3 : 2 duoQ

    Team 4 : trioQ + 1 soloQ

    In those 4 teams, you have 16 players : 6 players from duoQ - 7 players from soloQ - 3 players from trioQ

    So 43% players from soloQ, 18% from trioQ, 37% from duoQ.

    It's an exemple but this graph is what it means, it doesn't mean there are 50% ofthe trials that are composed exclusively of soloQ players... it means solo players represents 50% of the playerbase.

    SWF are insignificant.

    But still, you ask for a nerf towards SWF, i prove you that they almost don't exist so you almost jump to a nerf duoQ and trioQ...

    And the vast majority of players have their friend list private... so come on, stop the bad faith lol.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    By that logic since swf are on opposite sides killers fun are not their concern. Right...

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Some of us already do and have no problems going against SWF in fact we welcome them.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    I've done this and survivors don't do gens. They hide or crouch around the map.😐 Sometimes I get good solo q players and other times I don't.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    If we are talking about the Japanese tournaments both sides had no skill.

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2021

    The stats are good. 50% of soloQ means you encounter 50% of soloQ players not 50% of teams composed exclusively of soloQ player.

    Exemple : in a team of 2 soloQ and 1 duoQ you have 50% soloq players and 50% duoQ players.

    But still SWF are almost non existent and all killer mains on this forum cry as if it was a subject. There is no subject at all, it happens 7% of the time, what are you all talking about ? You have more chance to die from the flue than to face a SWF rofl...

    Anyway, you asked for a SWF nerf, now i prove that SWF doesn't exist (almost) and you immediately almost asked for a duoQ/trioQ nerf... 😂

    Edit : Hop double post sorry, my previous one was in "valdiation"... check the previous one to have better explanations.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    is it just me or did anyone else die trying to understand that?

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    You just said 50% of all players are in a swf and then "SWF doesn't exist".

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    I just realised you're one of those Survivors that thinks only a 4-man is a swf. Now it makes sense why you're wrong about everything.

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2021

    🤣OK ! You consider that 2 soloQ + 1 duoQ is a SWF ? You might be a terrible, terrible, terrible killer lol.

    You are wrong, when ppl speaks about SWF it's a 4-man squad kid.

    For your information, as i'm sure you are a newbie that doesn't know the game for as long as i do : SWF = Survive With Friends which was an option to play the game with 3 friends + yourself. You couldn't launch when you weren't 4 :).

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    From my experience the majority of lobbys are swf. 2+2 I don't mind but I see plenty of 3 man (overpowered), and a fair few 4 mans (insanely op).

    SWF do need a nerf I'm not sure why you're trying to argue that. Literally everyone with time and experience in the game says SWF is overpowered. Even people that defend survivor and try to be neutral says SWF is overpowered. What are you trying to prove exactly?

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    Calling SWF insanely OP or trioQ OP means you are not good enough to play in red ranks man... Good killers have no problem to do at least 2k against SWF with any killer...

    Not to be rude but you should definitely check some youtube tutorial about how to chase in jungle gym etc... and one video about map control. There are good players that made some.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Pretty much everyone says it, people with thousands and thousands of hours say it, all the killer mains people love to put on a pedestal also say it, but ok they're all wrong and you're right. You're the smartest here, the only one capable of making a rational informed analysis of the balance.

    And to the last part yes you fully did intend to be rude. Classy. If you're like this on the forums I can imagine what you're like in game, keep swf strong so you can give a little tap-tap of the CTRL button at the exit gates.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    Yes but SWF doesn't seem to think that. What surprises me is the amount of people who think the killer should alter their play style so the survivors can have fun. Meanwhile survivors are allowed to do whatever the hell they want without concern for the killers fun. Double standard?

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Killers do the same thing when it comes to camping and tunneling. It's not the killers concern whether or not the survivor has fun,well buddy let me tell you something it cuts both ways

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    Thats what I'm saying. Either side should not concern itself with the other side having fun. Yet we have tons of threads saying "I'm not having fun so something should be nerfed!" When I want something nerfed or rework I give legitimate reasons for my wants. Not just "I'm not having fun and that's reason enough!"

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2021

    Guys, calm down, you are fighting around something that should not be our problem, survivor or killer.

    I mean, both sides have to have fun in almost every trial. There are toxic behaviors and toxic gameplay mechanics, perks, addons on both sides.

    And it's not the survivor's "job" to be concerned by the killer fun.

    Also it's not the killer's "job" to be concerned about the survivors' fun.

    Whose job it is to your mind ? It's the developers' job, period. And clearly they don't do what needs to be done to fix the unfun aspect of the game.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    The main issue is that survivors are hard to balance in a fun way. The survivors are in a team of 4 and have the same objectives so they win or fail as a team. If a survivor gets caught early on a loop, he cost the whole team some extra time on gen and now you need 1 other guy to save him. On the other hand, he could also have won 1 or 2 gen if he was a god looper.

    Then we got the issue that sometimes people are bad and make poor decisions.

    it happened to all of us, a situation where Survivor A unhooked Survivor B when the killer was nearby so Survivor B gets hooked again. And that here that the issues start.

    On one hand, you got the killer who kinda deserves that hook, Survivor A did a bad move, and there no reason for the Killer to not capitalize on that, it the killer job.

    On the other hand, the whole survivor team just took an L because of a single person, and Survivor B just got put in a boring and unfun situation because of the mistake of a teammate.

    So now you have to balance perks around those two sides. and one side will always get the short stick, and sadly use to how the game works, it has to be the killer most of the time.

    Take BT for an example. On paper it looks good, it makes it so the killer can't just tunnel you if he happens to patrol nearby when the save happens, that fine. But then it opens tons of loopholes like the fact you can also use it to make an unsafe hook way safer than it should be and the unhooked person can also body block the killer so he can't even go for the unhooker on an unsafe hook.

    Then add in the fact that SWF can and probably will abuse those things. They don't need to be sweaty if they know BT can be used that way they will try it out, it not even that hard.

    So we end up having survivors who get their weakness ''soft patched'' in a way that makes the killer objective harder since he can't profit as much from survivor's mistake, for the sake of said survivors still having fun if their teammates are braindead.

    On the other hand, the main survivor objective can't be easier. Go sleep on gen and press M1. Unless you under purple rank I doubt that no matter how bad your teammate are they can hit 90% of the skill checks.