Blood Warden potential exit gates fix.

As it stands, we are currently able to 99 the gates to buy time for unhooks which makes sense, this in turn negates the Blood Warden perk pretty much in it's entirety without any counterplay to it. Understandably this is most often done to counter NOED but that perk is currently extremely strong as is and so I figured this change could buff Blood Warden without buffing NOED.

Now keep in mind it takes survivors 20 seconds to open the exit gates, which means they progress the exit gates at 5% per second.

A buff to the Blood Warden perk could perhaps be:

The Exit Gate Switch now regresses by 1% every second.


This would mean it would take 1 minute and 39 seconds to completely regress from 99 back down to 0.


  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    that shouldn't be bloodwarden feature, but feature in general. Otherwise it's obvious to notice when killer has it

  • OrangeChonk
    OrangeChonk Member Posts: 8

    Like landromat said, I think gate regression should be default.