General Discussions

General Discussions

No body really wants this, right?

Okay so I was looking through the comments on a post about immersed survivor players and there was this one guy/gal who was defending to his grave, the idea of a end game timer but for the entire match.

He/she said that if they died to the timer then it was just their problem when there were so many ways that the timer could be abused.

for example, Doctor running spies from the shadows, ruin, etc. or any other character that can pressure gens/start and end chases very well and efficiently. I can argue about this for hours if I must.

In conclusion, this idea would be broken AF and extremely easy to abuse. I'm curious now if he/she was just trolling or if there are other people that believe this could be a "fix" on immersed players(which I don't have a problem with and usually can counter easily. Immersed players usually are low ranks but I have seen them in higher ranks but either way, are quite easy to deal with)


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  • Member Posts: 1,171

    Depends on how long the timer gives. If it gives 30 minutes then some1 is probably holding the game hostage. 20 minutes and things are arguable. 15 minutes is too strict. I think somewhere between 22 and 28 minutes gotta be a sweet spot.

  • Member Posts: 33

    What is the problem with immersed players, exactly?

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm generally not in favor of a match timer due to how often I see survivor teams getting screwed by gen jockeys that aren't very good at keeping themselves from being 3 genned.

    Putting down a match timer would only make 3 gens already more in the killer's favor than they already are.

  • Member Posts: 7,669
    edited March 2021

    its not a bad idea to time limit matches.

    it would permanently eliminate games taken hostage and, dependend on the timer length, will most likely not affect most games.

    imo a 30 minute overall match timer sounds good.

    30 minutes is way longer than any normal match, which takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete, while also not being so long that it'd still be torturous to go through if you do get a game taken hostage.

    and the timer doesnt necessarily have to end with every survivors immediate death, we could also just reveal them permanantly so no more immersion is possible and they HAVE to actually play the game (yes that reveal should also go through lockers)

  • Member Posts: 435

    Actually, that sounds pretty okay. A 25 minute timer would be great.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    I think DbD may be the only multiplayer pvp game I've played without match timers. The devs have stated for years now the average match should take about 8 minutes, so 20 is more than twice that. Also if it was my comment you referred to, please remember I also proposed the timer reset each time a gen is completed. So it's not even a match timer so much as an idle timer. If no objectives are being done for 20 minutes, the match really should be over.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I'd be fine with that. Friday the 13th had a 20-minute match limit, so why can't this game?

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    I gotta be that guy, but I don't think players should suffer through a match just because no one wants to do anything. I can understand this sucking in a three gen situation however.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Nothing so long as they aren't the type more interested in inspecting the textures on the borders of the map when there is ######### to be done.

  • Member Posts: 50

    I wouldn't have a problem with a time limit on the entire match, sounds good to me as long as the timer isn't to long. 25 minutes seems alright.

    Don't know how many times I've got stuck in a match that lasted half an hour or more because either it was someone holding the game hostage or we just got stuck in an awful 3 gen situation.

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    edited March 2021

    I think there is a huge difference between immersion and Survivors that hide all match doing little else.

    I can see why some would want to limit games held hostage this way but find timers are easily abused by both sides with the right conditions are met.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I'm not entirely against a timer it's just that depending on the length of the timer, I feel like some people might feel a bit rushed and either might cause more 3 gens or feel too pressured to do anything else, like totems or healing. And just to let you know, it wasn't your comment. I do really like your idea for the timer though, as someone who swaps between playing survivor and killer I can see a few issues with it but overall seems pretty good and like a solid idea.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I get it can seem harsh for survivors being 3 genned. But honestly if I can't get my team to work as a team well enough to force complete a gen in 20 minutes, we lost. All the time In the world won't help at that point, so I'd rather take the L and move on.

    As killer? Well I main the Doctor, so crouching around the corners works about as well as dropping pallets in front of a nurse. I don't think the time limit would come up much. Either a team is good enough to beat me, or they end up hooked, either way my killer matches don't last longer than 15 minutes on average.

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