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General Discussions

Genrushing does NOT exsist in dbd.

Member Posts: 222
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Genrushing is not a thing, here’s why.

”Genrushing” is a term used by killers who fail to pressure gens.

The amount of games ive been accused of being a “Toxic Genrusher” is insane. Doing gens is my main objective as survivor, It’s not toxic to literally doing your main objective. that is the equivalent of a killer who gets lots of hooks at the start of the game and calling them a “Hookrusher”.

Genrushing does not exists however EFFICIENT teams do.

Like even recently i’ve had games were i played against bad killers and they called me a “Toxic Genrushing *racist stuff blah blah*” bruh what? i’m just doing my main objective.

Like okay Cletus, not my fault you sucked. People need to learn that there are multiple reasons for them being “genrushed”

  1. Human error on the killers behalf (overcommitted chases, proxied too much ect)
  2. You are playing against an effective team that is above your level, and that will happen. blame matchmaking.
  3. You did not apply enough gen pressure
  4. Your playing on a large map agaisnt a team that is applying split pressuring

Long story short, genrushing doesn’t exsist, effective teams do. People arnt just gonna not do gens because they feel there doing them to fast.

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I wouldn't say it doesn't exist, but it's not nearly as common as people think.

    A team who leaves survivors on hooks to finish gens even at the cost of the hooked survivor going to the next hook state is gen rushing.

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    That's just a smart strategy. You take a risk and hopefully be rewarded. Although it doesn't work in solo queue, especially since if you do that it'll tilt whoever is in the hook.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Only thing i would say is remotely genrushing is when a whole team brings 4 brand new parts, commodious boxes, prove ect. Other then that, No.

  • Member Posts: 142

    I disagree here. Gen rushing exists. I had survivor or two working on a gen while I chased one. I pushed them away and got into a chase, bam 3 seconds later they are back.

    However, I don't think gen rushing is toxic or bad. It is annoying for sure and it sucks losing gens too fast, but it is main and only objective for the survivor and survivor is not expected to go easy on the gen.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    If genrushing doesn't exist, how do you describe teams that have the gates open in under 3 minutes? There's not exactly any way to pressure them off gens, it's just you go in and get wrecked even as Nurse.

    And woe be unto you if you're playing an m1 killer and they predrop pallets, I'd honestly call those teams genrushers as well because they're playing in a stupid way that only works if you... Rush the gens. It's literally worse than being a survivor getting facecamped, because at least then the killer can be punished for it. It's not the same as 3-minute deathsquads but it's still 4-minute extremely lazy fun destroyers.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Yes it does.

    What I don't get is people who call it toxic. It's literally the survivors objective.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Efficiency lol. That literally just means there an effective team and/or you fail to pressure gens. Sounds like human error.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Prove Thyself isn't even useful for gen rush squads. Since they are going to split up doing gens separately the entire game. They would be better off with 2nd chance perks like Unbreakable, DS, DH, BT, etc.

    At the start of the game, 1 survivor gets chased by the killer while the other 3 do 3 different gens. There's enough resources that the chased survivor can waste enough time for the 3 survivors to finish their gens.

    Then the killer chases a new survivor. Meanwhile instead of saving the hooked survivor, the other 2 survivors work on 2 new gens and finish them before the other survivor goes down and the hooked survivor dies on hook.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Please use your god brain to explain how to win in those scenarios. I swear it won't be the easiest thing to pick apart in the entire balancing discussion department.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Just to clarify, so you think it's ok for a killer to tunnel? Cause it is the most efficient way to win

  • Member Posts: 222

    that’s just dbd being unbalanced lol. nothing to do with genrushing.

  • Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2021

    The problem I have with this is that the game is way too easy for survivor. Now hear me out

    Survivors have 1 objective, do gens. There are 8 gens on the map, but they only need to do 5. Gens require absolutely no mental capacity to do finish.

    Killers, on the other hand, have to kill survivors AND protect gens 8 gens to defend, and upto 12 hooks they need to acheive. Doing one means you fail the other. Survivors don't need to multitask, just brainlessly hold m1.

    But this ends up hurting the survivors. The learning curve is massive for survivor, but the skill ceiling is less obvious. It tricks survivors in to playing like ass because they don't need to get better. Why get good at chasing? I'll just sit on a gen. Team is in trouble? My experience as a gen jockey will surely get us out of this mess, proceeds to kill the entire team by getting downed near a hooked survivor.

    Now what does these mean for killer? They play against garbage cans that can't figure out how to not get 3 gen'd on a red forest map so now killers play like ass. Then once the killer goes against a mildly competent team of survivors, they get bulldozed because they don't know how to apply pressure because they don't usually need to.

    Moral of the story, gen rushing exists and it hurts the game as a whole since it encourages playing badly for the survivors, who inturn, allow a tunneling ghost face to 4k them at 5 gens

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I personally wouldn't really consider that gen-rushing. More just them not being afraid of the killer you're playing because of various reasons like sprint burst, no instadown, pallet nearby, haven't been hooked yet, etc.

    It's incredibly common to see that in red ranks against people that know what they're doing. Heck, I do that a lot as a solo player even if my team is doing nothing or there are still 5 gens up.

  • Member Posts: 142

    I mean, your goal is to finish the gen as fast as possible, especially if you are trying to get rid of 3 gen situation. Doing it under the killers nose means it is important and that you are rushing it.

    But again, nothing wrong with it. It is survivor objective.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Gen rushing does exist, and is a feature of most red rank matches. You end chases quickly but the gens still fly. That's why you see people tunneling and camping because going out to pressure the gens doesn't get rewarded, and can even garner worse results than if you camped 1 person to death.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    All of your logic can be applied to tunneling. If killers sees weak link and can easily tunnel them out of the match under 3 min, he's not toxic, just efficient right ?

    So, does tunneling also not exist ?

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I guess if you take the term rushing as literal then sure. Actually, I think that's where a lot of back and forth comes in is because we don't have another definition to differentiate the two. Let me try to explain what I mean.

    There's a bit of a difference between a team doing gens efficiently/fast and a gen rush squad. They both get stuff done quick but the gen rush squad's entire purpose is to only do gens and get out even if it's only one. Almost always no rescues, minimum chases with pallets thrown super fast, minimum amount gameplay as possible. They're playing DBD just like Golf in that they want to play as little of it as they can.

    An efficient team will normally still get some rescues, do a lit totem, try to play pallets with looping/mindgames, etc. They might both have gen's done under 5 minutes without proper pressure or a good map but there is quite a difference in a how they play.

    I guess my main point is that there is a bit of a difference between a gen rush squad and a gen efficient squad. All rush squads will be efficient but not all efficient squads will be rushers if that makes any sense.

  • Member Posts: 499

    What are your thoughts on noed?

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean tomato tomato

    Calling it genrushing or effecient teams is bassicly the same thing but a different name.

    Efficient teams genspeed is (kinda) a problem cause it means in the early game if the killer makes the slightest mistake they lose

    I will say that it's not this huge broken thing that completly makes the game unplayable. You barelly see teams that can do this. But it's there.

    It would be nice if early game wasen't so punishable for killers and midgame wasen't so hopeless for survivors the second someone is out of the game but that's just how this game of scales works

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Gen rushing is a thing, its just Gen rushing is survivor doing their objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Concepts exist when concepts are created. It doesn't make them right or wrong, but they do exist. So yes, Genrushing exists. At least as a concept.

    As far as functionally, I believe it exists, but I look at it on a scale. 1-10, 1 being "does gens in between all the other goofy Survivor stuff" and 10 being "Gens before frenz, will die for that last 5%, enjoy your 3 minute game". I don't see it as this ultra-toxic thing that is inherently bad, I just see it as objective-oriented playstyle.

    Does it suck when you hit a team that ranks 8-10 on the scale? Ya. It does. That's just how it goes, though. All games have sweat-lord players that are more in it for the W than the fun, because winning brings them satisfaction. Even if it's boring and one sided.

  • Member Posts: 222

    killers objective is too kill lmao. slugging camping and tunneling are choices that are completely optional.

  • Member Posts: 712

    If that's the case tunneling doesn't exist either

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    In other words, survivors can do whatever they want and it's fine because they are only efficient.

    Killers need to avoid "optional" ways to kill like slugging, camping, tunneling and do it in a way that survivors claim is correct.

    You really don't want to admit that it's exactly the same in terms of efficiency, killing someone early is more efficent that going for 12 hook game.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    REAL Genrushing is basically letting people die on Hook to finish Gens, no matter what.

    Most of the time Killers say that they are genrushed, they just did not play good enough.

    Gens going fast is the product of bad map pressure.

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