Why do people wear the yellow/gold halo when survivors?

I have noticed on some maps it makes the survivor easier to locate and was curious why they wear them.
Especially at high ranks people don't care about being seen, in fact they want to be chased.
Its arguably the most fun part of DBD and you feel amazing when you have a good chase. Not taking chase in DBD means you might as well not plauly.
Ofc some prefer stealth but I myself will never understand that.
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And that is why if i see one i just turn around and walk away.
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Some might just like the cosmetic.
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As a cosmetic option, survivors don't care much for stealth. I use it when I play Space Billy.
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Because they died.
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This is actually the correct answer
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Because, sis, I look amazing
You cannot tell me my Claudette style isn't an absolute icon because I don't take constructive criticism.
Or criticism.
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I wear it on Jeff, because Jeff might as well just be Fat Jesus.
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Colourful hair will do the job much better.
They probably like them.
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Yeah but the crowns are cute
Also some characters dont have bright af hair :(( I can't wait for Felix's crown
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Lots of reasons:
- The really good Loopers don't care if you spot them, or care that much.
- Some of them do it to make you AWARE that they have been around awhile, and thus you are more likely to abandon a chase with them, assuming that they are too good for you to run down.
- It looks cool.
Never underestimate the psychological angle. If I come in with a Halo, a Flashlight and act very aggressive, the Killer will often ignore me assuming I WANT him to chase me. Here is the thing, I'm not that good a Looper. I don't, but this reverse psychology often buys me some easy escapes. :) They abandon early assuming I'll loop them forever.
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David charm is the only one I use on all survivors except David.
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The lämp and böx are permanent charms. Davey I use on all my survivors, and I use the Dweetcrow on my killers.
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Because people like to show off their drip
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I wish I had bothered to unlock it for Jeff so I could use it with the glass bead and pretend I'm Jesus.
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It looks cool. That's it.
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Claudette can do no wrong. She is simply the best. All the naysayers are blasphemers and deserve punishment in the lowest depths of hell!
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To show that when I am playing Claudette I am not a useless Blendette.
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Because they like the cosmetic, it was pain to get as survivor so not going to have it sit in their inventory, they don't care if the killer knows where they are, they want to distract the killer (especially from going after weaker teammates) - just few reasons.
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Why do people wear any cosmetic that doesn't make them as dark as possible? Because we like them.
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Because I like it? David be looking awesome 😏
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I prefer looks over stealth. Plus I'm horrible at playing stealthy anyways so meh.
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It's the best thing to wear whenever you have something nasty planned. Such as a Clown with Pinky or a survivor with a key and blueprint offering.
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- I look great.
- What is stealth?
- Flexin the crown.
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Not supposed to say it here. But you can look it up on youtube