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What killer behavior differences between rank 20 and rank 1 ?

Member Posts: 684

Most of the time, both tunnels and camps, both plays the same typical perks - noed lol - both sweats

with the bugged matchmaking i can even tell sometimes if the killer is rank 1 or 12 . I'm generally surprised in the end game by their ranks.

Ranks should be more selective tbh

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  • Member Posts: 2,649

    IDK about anyone else but 9/10 of my red rank matches the killer doesn't facecamp. Slugging? Absolutely thanks to gen speeds

  • Member Posts: 142

    Same goes for survivors.

    DH, Unbreakable, DS, BT.

    Same thing different package.

  • Member Posts: 589

    LMFAO, Doesnt take long for a killer main to run in with this comment

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    I can tell the difference sometimes when they take a chase where the survivor has the better position. Experienced killers often will rotate to a different player since they recognize when a chase will take too long, and inexperienced killers get tilted and tunnel easily.

  • Member Posts: 486

    I read the title wrong, I thought this was gunna be a discussion about killers and how they might play differently based off Rank. Like a lvl 20 Trapper putting a Trap right where the pallet drops (lol) compared to a level 1 Trapper that drops the Trap in a big brain open area and always seems to nail it.

    I was gunna mention how Lvl 20 Bubba will face camp, much the same as a Lvl 1 Bubba who has come full circle and returned to his first strat xD

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    U can tell from

    a) mechanical skill from the killer

    b) the Killer's game sense.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Tunneling? Yes - necessary if a stupid amount of gens go quickly

    Proxy camping? Maybe depending on situation

    Facecamping? No or very very rarely

    So not sure about this post

  • Member Posts: 589

    There are hundreds of posts complaining about survivors on here weekly, but you seem to ignore those to.

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2021

    I am just throwing the ball back.

    Yes I am killer main. How does this change the fact survivors accuse us of one thing and also do it?

    Plain hypocrisy my friend.

    Sad your first reply had to be passive agressive instead of a well placed argument.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I play at midranks and killers are quiet fair. No camping, some but not a lot of tunneling. As soon as rank 18 Wraith comes up, its face camping and tunneling. Midranks is nice. Decent enough challenge and not much scummy behaviour.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    How well do they play the mind games at the loops. How quickly do they know that a pallet is safe and must be immediately broken and which can be left for awhile. How quickly do they break off a difficult chase to pressure a gen.

    If you can't accept that some player go in hard and don't pull punches, a game like this that has one player Q might not be your cup of tea unless you can suck it up and deal with it every so often.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    You can’t say tunneling or camping because sometimes despite the rank, the killer HAS to do one of these things to secure a kill.

    You can usually tell the difference with a few things

    • The killer has map awareness

    • The killer doesn’t commit to chases that will waste their time

    • The killer doesn’t easily lose track of the survivors

    • The killer tries to mindgame jungle gyms and use red stain manipulation and doesn’t just run the tile like a complete bot

    • Usually more experienced killers will slug more often

    • The killer isn’t easily 360’ed and doesn’t whiff as much

  • Member Posts: 165

    Facecamping will make you lose the game, but it will bring the joy of killing a specific player..

    I usually play to get to red, then change killers for fun and get to purple, depending on what I want I facecamp those toxic Survivors knowing that I will lose rank but I'll be toxic to them or just don't play their game ( chasing on endless loops, chasing away from gens, etc)..

    So yeah, to get to red rank you don't facecamp.. does it matter? It depends on what you want out of the game..

  • Member Posts: 142

    So, when survivors complain about killer bringing certain perks it is okay, but when a killer calls you out and makes a comparison it is wrong?


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