It's not a win
Why do some survivors (usually swf) like to proclaim victory if they get the pity hatch? If hatch spawns and there are still gens that's a loss whether you get hatch or not you still got outplayed and the game gave a pity mechanic.
I get so many people who get the hatch and proceed to boast of winning or mocking me, you only escape because I'm too lazy to play tag for 4k.
My sister is one like that, she feels like it's some kind of victory, it is def not lol
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It is video game equivalent to losing in a sport but getting participation trophy
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I couldn't agree more. The only thing more pathetic is a survivor bringing a key with them and escapimg and proclaiming victory. Shows how much faith they have in their own ability of the can't handle doing 5 gens
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It's a win for that one survivor. They lost the war but won the battle.
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I think it all depends on how people define winning. When I play survivor and I'm the only one to escape, I don't consider that a win. For me it's a win if myself and two other survivors escape, whereas if everyone but me escapes it's a "team-win," but a personal loss, if that makes sense.
Playing killer I feel like a 3K is a win, and a 2K is a draw, but I do understand that a lot of people disagree with me.
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Because the game doesn't bother to explain what a win is, so people have to set up their own personal definitions.
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Winning has many different meanings to many different people. This is a game you play to get as many blood points that you can out of a match. If I play survivor and manage to get above 20k that’s a win for me. It varies from person to person. If you consider 4K a win cool. 3k, 2k whatever.
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They're probably just trying to get a reaction from you. I don't think they actually believe they won either.
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Caring too much about if other people think they've won or not is a good way to drive yourself crazy.
Who cares? Let people think what they think.
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Sheer ignorance, usually. A lot of people completely forget that slugging for the 4k is an unbeatable tactic that everyone knows about. And I mean forget, I've had a lot of braggadocious people immediately leave the chat, or heavily insult me for suggesting, that I could have done just that.
It gets so hard for some people to GG and move on and this is the only reason I can think of.
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It's easy to say that when you don't have people blow up your inbox and literally stalk you over the game I do
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Better question, why do you care?
No seriously - why do you care what somebody else thinks is a win? Only person whose fun matters here is yours and your personal win conditions.
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It's easy to say that because I don't care.
If I did, it'd be effort put in to get something actually worse than nothing.
You caring is, quite literally, a you problem.
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People have differing opinions.
And some people are just unpleasant.
Hard to say which you ran into, but like others have said, don't let it matter.
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Actually, if they bring a key into the game knowing that it’ll likely cause them to be tunneled, and they still manage to live long enough to use it, then sorry but that’s a victory in my book.
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Then we'll agree to disagree
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I literally just said why. When I'm getting harassed and stalked, if I play a game and get no message you think I'm thinking on other players? I'm me you're you, you may allow people to harass and invade your dm's but me I'm taking offence to that because nobody is coming to me irl so why do it online?
The problem is not me, I don't go seeking people out if I lose, the problem is with the zoo animals who can't control themselves and go out of their way to conversate with others for no reason other than to threaten death or say other things they would never say outside of the protected internet.
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I take it as a victory because I either succeeded in making the killer feel guilty or i survived long enough to be the one they give hatch. It's not a real victory, but I won at something.
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I was about to say the same thing
what happens if they bring a key and 3 escape, is that considered a win?
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Here's the thing.
You can't stop people from being absolute negabrains online. If you don't want to close off your DMs, people are gonna get in there and furiously rub their sole half braincell to try and get into your head.
And you're letting them. You're letting 'em win.
Complaining about it does nothing. Learning how not to care and find the humor in idiocy and you're gonna be a whole lot happier than if you just got angry over it.
So if you're not gonna do that, block strangers from getting into your DMs.
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This 100%! I consider it a win if I get the hatch before the killer finds it.
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Two kills and two escapes is defined by the developers as a win for the Killer and escapees, but a loss for the sacrificed.
Anything more than two kills is considered above average play.
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That's very rude. I wish I could thank everyone that has given me hatch.
It's not a win if I get carried to it and I am glad because I would have died otherwise.
Either way, I don't send messages if it's not to say something nice.
If it makes you feel better, I am thankful if I ever came across you and I offer my self to be hooked when killers pitty me and help me farm as I would've been dead if it wasn't because they chose to be friendly.
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Well if that’s the case then getting kills after EGC doesn’t count either
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I do it if the Killer has been scummy beyond a reasonable level in an attempt to tilt them, it usually works, especially when paired with rushed action spam.
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Its the narcissist ego play, you can lose as survivor and still technically win if you get out alive but everyone else is dead.
Got a player last night trying to taunt me about losing because he hatched out after everyone dead and him on death hook.
The funny thing is he can think what he likes I had a fun game and that's all that matters to me.
There is so much post game online abuse at this point, that my own fun is now all that matters. I'll play however I feel like playing because that's what's fun at the time.
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it is a win to them. getting the hatch is really satisfying
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I think whether it is a win or not depends largely on how well you played during the game. I play solo queue exclusively, and you get some awful teammates and some good ones. Let’s say you do the following in a match:
2-3 gens
2-3 unhooks and heals
2-3 Thirty seconds to a minute chases
Cleanse RUIN and/or other hexes
Take protection hits and/or do a 1for1 to save another survivor on their last hook state.
Then if you get hatch as the last one alive, it’s a win. But if the killer takes out your team and there are still 4-5 gens left, it’s just an escape.
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A comedian I watched once talked about participation trophies and I felt he hit the mark.
"Participation trophies are bull@!#$! You think you losers accomplished something? Winners don't just get trophies. They get p#@!y. Losers don't even get lotion."