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General Discussions

Top 3-5 things you love/hate/etc.....about DbD.

Considering the popularity DbD has currently, it would be interesting to hear about what people, like, dislike, hate or love about the game, or something else for that matter.

It doesn't have to be 3-5 of each, but just the top ones for you, so just to throw out a few examples of the top of my head.
So for instance if you really love being chased as a survivor, like being able to mindgame in the game and really like the look of the killers and the atmosphere. But you dislike not being able to adjust certain sound settings, you really hate specific maps like the pale rose as a killer, and you don't like how certain mechanics work.

Like I said, it doesn't have to be and equal amount of each, and you can put more if you like, but would be good if it could be kept between the top 3-5.

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  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Playing against the Pig
    Playing against the Nurse
    Being stealthy
    Giving the last survivor the hatch
  • Member Posts: 1,178
    edited November 2018

    Hate killers not realizing when they make mistakes or know how to learn from them.
    Hate killers that don't understand how to mind game or don't want to learn.
    Hate killers that don't know how to cut loops correctly.

    Love playing against a good Billy.
    Love playing as Billy.
    Love playing against a good survivor.

    Post edited by only1biggs on
  • Member Posts: 836


    • Experiencing both sides of asymmetrical gameplay
    • Testing different perk builds
    • Playing with my friends 

    Playing a somewhat competitive survival game with my friends has been great. Plus being able to simply queue for the opposing side is a very welcome feature to myself. Trying out different builds and experimenting to see what works has always been something exciting for me.


    • The community
    • Any form of RNG or inconsistency
    • The lack of change

    After my first few weeks with the game just as survivor, I decided to delve into the killer side of things. And well, in my first week of playing killer, I received more hate mail from people on DBD in 1 week than all my years of Xbox Live career combined. 

    Coupled with the numerous random or inconsistent elements of gameplay, and the horrendously slow updates compared to most other modern titles. Suffice to say, the game and the dev team still have a lot of kinks to work out for me personally.

  • Member Posts: 13,616


    1. Decisive Strike as Survivor & Killer
    2. Hatch as Survivor & Killer
    3. Totems as Killer


    1. Hex: Devour Hope as Survivor & Killer
    2. Wraith as Killer
    3. Enduring + Spirit Fury as Killer
  • Member Posts: 1,775

    I could probably make quite the list beyond 3/3.

    1:The variety of killers, and survivors. Survivors kinda are ambiguous based on perks, but killers have unique powers. Regardless there's varieties of ways to play.

    2: The joys of playing against 4 strangers as a killer.

    3: Being a survivor in general.

    Something about this game makes me enjoy PVP when I normally shun it at every opportunity.

    1: Abuse of coordination. Especially with SWF. They suck the fun out of the game when they provide so much information that it makes being killer near worthless.

    2: Gate camping survivors. They're all safe. They know it. They feel entitled to make me chase them out. It's dumb. It's not worth it.

    3: Gen rushing. Especially people pushing for a sub 6 minute match.

    Brief list off the top of my head.

  • Member Posts: 2,410


    -The variety of builds one can make
    -The atmosphere and sounds
    -Gameplay from both sides
    -Facing a good Billy/Wraith/Pig/Spirit/Myers/and Doctor
    -Getting a good bloodweb. 
    -The variety in playstyles.


    -Toxic players
    -Swamp maps
    -Genrush... As survivor AND killer. Who wants to play a match that's shorter than the time it took to get into said match?
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Hate: swf, bugs, ps4 frame rate, lack of communication and action from devs regarding the current state of the game. Enjoy: freedom of perk builds, variety of killers, chases with Spirit , getting devour hope to work, Pig

  • Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    2: Gate camping survivors. They're all safe. They know it. They feel entitled to make me chase them out. It's dumb. It's not worth it.

    Your list pretty much sums up what I'd write.

    However, on this quoted point, I don't give survivors that want to do that the satisfaction. If I know they're already at the gate and are just waiting to do the old "T-bag and dip" routine, I just sit in the middle of the map until they get bored and leave.

  • Member Posts: 1,134
    -Post game chat

    -nothing, this game is perfect. Any game that gets human beings as worked up and angry post game as this one MY ****ING HERO!!!
  • Member Posts: 1,123

    1. Being camped tunneled and no gens are being done.
    2. Survivors in lockers.
    3. Finding brown medkits in chests.
    4. Slow vaults, and hit through pallets, walls, objects, and players.
    5. Silent Hillbilly with 0 terror radius

    1. Hilarious glitches
    2. Good Team Mates and fair playing Killers.
    3. Successfully saving a team mate from the basement.
    4. Carrying the game.
    5. Multiple people in trapper traps that is always funny to me.

  • Member Posts: 403

    1. killers respect pallet
    2. Do a 360 and not get hit
    3. fun teemates
    4. Killer gives you a fun chase
    5. baby survivors and killers
    1. Seeing a teemate using urban evasion for no reason at all
    2. Killer actuelly knows how to mind game me.
    3. Nurse (when they know how to use her)
    4. getting hit when you jumped a window or pallet when you shoudent get hit
    5. survivor dropping pallet beforer hit.

  • Member Posts: 513
    edited November 2018

    Megs (Likes):
    1. Trappers stepping in their own traps.
    2. Killers who unexpectedly do mad, fun stuff.
    3. Watching a Jake's head pop.

    Jakes (Hates):
    1. Being hook-farmed against a try-hard killer who doesn't even attempt to seek justice.
    2. RNG - always crap bloodwebs, always fail to escape traps, survivors always get out of my RBTs too quickly.
    3. Getting the same map every single match. (I guess that's RNG too... will think of another)

    1. SWF - I have no friends, so as a survivor it's no use. And it absolutely sucks when playing killer.
  • Member Posts: 1,532
    edited November 2018
    1. Grass when playing pig.
    2. RBT’s being disarmed on the first box.
    3. Making mistakes. 
  • Member Posts: 334

    1. Forum killers
    2. BBQ
    3. NOED
    4. Mori
    5. Ranking system

    1. Pro Killers
    2. Long Chases
    3. Leatherface
    4. Urban evasion
    5. 360s

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Like most of the game especially 2 days ago tested out Freddy guy gets double hook rushed and they just get salty and says good camping please delete the game hate people that are just arses in the game I mean waiting to hit me with a pallet dispite me not looking for them just for bp being left to die on my first hook by a 3 man team relentless tunnelling and I mean tunnelling like they ignore everyone until I'm dead and face camp nod me as I die most survivor games I have are this when id rather just play solo but cannot because I'm tunneled to death hiding in a locker when you have plenty of moments to unhook me safely and my all time hate when I'm second from last and slugged and I see the other player go to the killer and then farms me for points then farms the game
  • Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2018
    So noone hates or likes me?
  • Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2018
    1. The fact that I can play a ramped up hide and seek game with friends and "alone" (I like hide and seek in real life and in video games)
    2. Unique characters (and familiar faces too).
    3. All 5 players getting over 20000 BP (Who cares about losing if they got the BP?)
    4. New content being added frequently.
    5. Pipping (I need all the achievements, let's get to rank 1 first.)
    And many more.....

    1. Survivors who go all out in making the killers mad (Killers who quit being killers would ultimately result in longer lobby waiting time cos there's now less killers no thanks to some survivors)
    2. DS (No.1 toxic perk has no place in my build cos I'm a anti-toxic player)
    3. Flashlights (No matter what it's used for, it's still toxic so no place either).
    4. People who criticize me.
    5. Getting caught by the killer first.
    And many more.....
    Post edited by CamoRanger on
  • Member Posts: 7

    @CamoRanger said:
    1. The fact that I can play a ramped up hide and seek game with friends and "alone" (I like hide and seek in real life and in video games)
    2. Unique characters (and familiar faces too).
    3. All 5 players getting over 20000 BP (Who cares about losing if they got the BP?)
    4. New content being added frequently.
    5. Pipping (I need all the achievements, let's get to rank 1 first.)
    And many more.....

    1. The Doctor (Extreme lag guarantees a de-pip)
    2. DS (No.1 toxic perk has no place in my build cos I'm a anti-toxic player)
    3. Flashlights (No matter what it's used for, it's still toxic so no place either)
    4. Survivors who go all out in making the killers mad (Killers who quit being killers would ultimately result in longer lobby waiting time cos there's now less killers no thanks to some survivors)
    5. Getting caught first.
    And many more.....

    do you hate me?

  • Member Posts: 127
    1. DS
    2. NOED
    3. The threats I've gotten on ps4 because I play killer mostly.
    4. Sometimes it feels like I don't have enough time to play because of work  :'(

    1. The fact that there is no other multiplayer game that is like this. Those recent releases are not as great as this game (IMO).
    2. There are themes for certain holidays and I find that fun and the music is great. 
    3. There are a lot of killers in this game, regardless of being too weak or too strong, they are all different and unique. This is the reason I keep coming back.
  • Member Posts: 26

    @CamoRanger said:
    1. The fact that I can play a ramped up hide and seek game with friends and "alone" (I like hide and seek in real life and in video games)
    2. Unique characters (and familiar faces too).
    3. All 5 players getting over 20000 BP (Who cares about losing if they got the BP?)
    4. New content being added frequently.
    5. Pipping (I need all the achievements, let's get to rank 1 first.)
    And many more.....

    1. The Doctor (Extreme lag guarantees a de-pip)
    2. DS (No.1 toxic perk has no place in my build cos I'm a anti-toxic player)
    3. Flashlights (No matter what it's used for, it's still toxic so no place either)
    4. Survivors who go all out in making the killers mad (Killers who quit being killers would ultimately result in longer lobby waiting time cos there's now less killers no thanks to some survivors)
    5. Getting caught first.
    And many more.....

    do you hate me?

    No, I don't hate basements.

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