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Please ban all survivors who play immersed



  • Member Posts: 2,340

    "EDIT: And if we want a solution RN then make it so the killer can go to the basement and power all gens, this activates the end game collapse and survivors should open the doors."

    I think you added this after my first reply. So you don't think a killer deserves to win for keeping a solid defense, but the survivors should get a win literally handed to them by the killer for... What reason exactly? Because they refused to play the objectives?

  • Member Posts: 312

    -Survivors playing a slow game "Me no like this it take too long ban them"

    -Survivors gen rush "Me no like this either too hard no counter play nerf them"

    Essentially half these posts are nerf this or ban that because people aren't playing the game the way that I want them to.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    In other words, "u" have no argument.

    Every word of this is 100% fact. Particularly the part about how it is Survivors that cause the terrible 3 gen scenario, not Killers. All you have to do is leave one generator way out in the corner alone and you are golden.

    1.) Survivors already do this.

    2.) How would a 20 minute time limit cause this?

    I play slow and use hide tactics. I can still SOLO five generators in a whopping 20 minutes. 20 minutes is extremely generous. If they are not done in that time the Survivors are intentionally avoiding objectives.

    12 seems a little short. I'd go with 20.

    The faulty premise with that wall of text is it somehow implies that a Forever Doctor Troll Build is somehow worse at 20 minutes than it is at 45+.

    I did not see one argument to support why letting him go on longer is a better idea.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    That's not immersed, just trying to hold the game hostage to force a killer dc

  • Member Posts: 53

    The problem with that is a gen lock. To where the roles are reversed and the killer then holds the game hostage. It's already hard enough to beat a gen lock because you played yourself into being gen locked. Might as well DC if you're gen locked with a time limit.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    What's a gen lock? That's a term I have not seen before.

  • Member Posts: 53

    When you're down to 1-2 generators left and all of them are in extremely close proximity to where the killer can easily patrol them. Mostly happens when you leave the 3 gen cluster (that spawns every game) to be the last 3 gens on the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Then don't be stupid and gen lock yourself. This is a Survivor created problem.

    It's when the Survivors are not paying attention and just do any old gens they see, and the next thing they know the last three generators are so close together that it becomes easy for the Killer to lock them down in a very tight patrol, making it extremely hard to get the final generator done.

    Survivor Mains LOVE to whiny about the dreaded "3 gen scenario", despite the fact it is 100% in their control and it is something they do to themselves. It's ultra easy to avoid. Pick one generator out in the boondocks of the map. Now... DON'T DO IT.

    There. You've avoided gen lock. You're welcome.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Someone's salty. I'm not complaining about a 3 gen. If you get yourself caught in that situation then a time limit would not be very suitable at giving everyone a fair chance to win. The survivors in that situation basically dug their own graves, so give em a chance? Mostly happens when you play solo. Not everybody has a 4 man stacked SWF to play with.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Eyy, just as a lot of people around here like to call tunneling and camping a "strategy", so is playing immersed, considering that is the only way to counter those plays.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Ok, so in that scenario, how is the killer holding the game hostage? The survivors put themselves in a losing situation by being careless, if they work together they can turn it around, (even solo you can work together, you have points and butt dances) they can pressure 2 gens at once, forcing the killer to choose which to protect hard, keep constant pressure until they break and chase a survivor, and there ya go. If you have less than 3 survivors, you'll probably die, so take the L, learn from your mistakes and move on to the next match.

    The main thing to consider here is the length of time. I, and other are suggesting a 20 minute timer after the last completed gen. If you can't fix the last gen in 20 minutes, you aren't doing it in 40, 60 or 80, so why not end it and let all 5 players move on to the next match? Same reason we have the EGC in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 618

    then simply balance this issue out? such as stopping the time if the killer is near the gens or if they keep patroling

    they can do literary anything

  • Member Posts: 437

    That just seems more complicated than it should be and still exploitable and unfun for both sides.

    the person I replied to said that the survivors should just die to the entity after the time is up and that’s just bad. If the egc were to start after a certain time then that would be better.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Give'em a chance? What? What? What am I even hearing? Are you suggesting the Killer should just LET THEM take the last generator?

    In what universe is this level of kindness EVER bestowed up a Killer player? In what universe does a group of Survivor players go "You know what, guys? We've looped this Killer for like 7 minutes and we are down to our last gen. Let's just let him kill us all, just to make it fair?"

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    Do they take 20 minutes or more?

    If a hag has 3 gens trapped up, crouch through her traps.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
  • Member Posts: 53

    Not even joking me and my friends let the killers kill us if we know we've pipped. But I was saying in that specific situation you dont wanna let the killer hold the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    If you really believe that, you may as well just go stand under a hook and wait each match.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Really? If that’s what you’re doing then stop it. There is nothing illegal about doing nothing and then wait for the hatch. It may be a newbie strategy but it’s still one that I use from time to time when paired up with idiots that don’t know how to avoid BBQ or go for unsafe hooks (for starters). It may not be a strategy you approve of, but it isn’t against the rules. Stop abusing the report function.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Let's say they would. Who would sit there review reports and individually ban 20% of the playerbase?

  • Member Posts: 712

    Not a programmer by any means and have a surface understanding of the subject, but I think a fair method to prevent these situations is simple.

    Put in a hidden timer where if no gens are completed within 15 minutes than an EGC starts except the Survivors can't open Exit gates. Instead they have five minutes to do a single gen to keep the game from ending. This can also only happen if NO gens are done in the opening 15 minutes (help prevent Survivors who get three genned from getting screwed over in that instance)

    Than heres the kicker. This way if the Survivors immerse AFTER this, easy ban for holding the game hostage

  • Member Posts: 328

    As annoying and boring as that kind of game would be You could argue you're not doing your job as killer so if you can't hook someone within 5 minutes or a timer then maybe the killer should lose the game automatically, don't get me wrong I'm just playing devil's advocate but you can argue both sides are failing if one is doing no gens and the other is finding 0 out 4 survivors - immersed or not.

  • Member Posts: 15

    alright. time for biography.

    the endgame collapse happens after an exit gate is opened which means they have a chance to leave. if they don't leave before that timer goes off then that's their fault. if there was an overall timer then endgame collapse, and the panic created by it, happens 24/7. what if the killer is running spies, whispers, ruin, and some other tracking perk or gen regression perk while playing as Doctor or something? all they would have to do is patrol 2 or 3 gens and then they'd get an automatic 4k from you're idea of a timer. Endgame collapse is fair different because they failed to walk the 2 seconds it takes to leave through the gate. an overall timer wouldn't be fair because of other tasks like totems/hex totems, healing, GETTING CHASED/LOOPING THE KILLER.

    I really don't understand in the slightest how you think a timer would help this game. low ranked players/new players need to learn how to play, not feel rushed to do a single task. I understand if you're just mad about immersed players but if you can't find a single immersed player then that's your own fault.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Holding the game hostage is very much a bannable offence, just report them and hope they look into it.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Its fine to play immersed they just need to do gens which is part of immersion in my case you stealthly do gens and then stealthly escape

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    They're playing immersed, yes. But what they did is a whole different level. Also, how do you know they were solo? And saying that all immersed players should be banned is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    You'll get used to where immersed survivors hide. Just kill off their friends, gen patrol efficiently, and then wait for EGC. Don't be afraid to throw in some BM too; when I played survivor, immersed survivors would literally urban evade around the edges of the map from 5 gens to 5 minutes later after their teammates are all dead.

    That being said, it is a legitimate play style, and isn't that efficient for the most part. Good killers will know not to waste time tracking, and to bring tracing perks in the first place. They'll keep up a strict patrol until they find a weak chain.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I already did.


    Not because I'm better, because I looked up the strategy, tried it, and observed it works more often than it doesn't.

    Of course the best defense is to avoid the 3 gen, leave one gen at the edge alone, and immediately pop the traps around the 3 she's trying to keep. She'll probably get an early hook, and you'll buy time to beat the 3 gen before it starts. Sometimes as solo you'll get teammates that refuse to work together, and then you'll die, but that's pretty much the same with any strategy.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    You have a problem with immersed survivors? What is that? I'm not even sure I know how that feels.

    (sends out a shock wave, laughs maniacally)

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I did.


    Seriously, go read. Hell, do a search on these forums and you'll find an entire thread full of ideas how to avoid or beat the 3 gen strategy. It's 1 killer vs 4 survivors, they can only be in 1 place at the same time, even on twins. Divide and conquer.

    As far as why flashlight spamming is considered "toxic" by some but 3 gen defense isn't? I don't consider anything in game to be toxic myself, but I would wager it's because of those two behaviors, one can help with a match, and the other just wastes your batteries and can potentially cause issues for people with epilepsy. As for me? Click away, it's your flashlight.

    I don't consider people playing immersed to be toxic either. You'll note if you look over my comments I've never once claimed it was toxic or abhorrent. To me it's just kinda sad. They know they lost, it's just denial at that point. I keep my patrol and wait until they show up, but if it is a problem for multiple other players, a timer would help, as it did with the EGC, which caused similar frustrations.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Sorry, I should have added

    "Do it in under 20 minutes. Given the average total match time isn't even 20 minutes long, this should be pretty easy, and honestly if you can't get 1 gen done in 20 minutes, you're losing either way"

    Is that clear enough for you?

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    "Feel rushed to do a single task"

    20 minutes is not rushed. At all.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Then face-campers and tunnelers should also be banned. Being stealthy is part of the game you know. There is so few pallets now that if they are new they better be hiding.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    With Hag, as I stated, you need to be more proactive. You gotta find her 3 gen plan and wreck it early, literally get the best looper in your group to run through her traps on all three, she'll avoid teleporting at first, but it'll get to her. While she's chasing take the middle of her 3 and focus the hell out of it. Use any toolboxes you brought, keep at least 2 people on I and go. Don't let her get comfortable. If she placed the traps a bit out from the gens I like to crouch through so they don't trigger and fix it right under her nose. Same as all Hag strategy, her strength is in her setup, so don't let her get a comfortable setup.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Face-camping and tunneling advance the game objective and bring the match to a close.

    Being stealthy does not. The two are not comparable.

    Also, anyone that says "there is so few pallets now" clearly has never been hit by 19 pallets in one match on The Game.

  • Member Posts: 15

    so you're just gonna pick and chose what about my reply you're gonna comment on? so you don't actually have a full response to how it would completely mess up large portions of the game for a lot of people?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't know why you think repeating the same crap will somehow make you right, or make a killer able to be 3 places simultaneously, but I do giggle a little bit every time I see it. Tell me, are you copy pasting, or do you go through the work of typing the same nonsense out time after time?

    I'm sorry you feel so persecuted by other players in this game. I'm sorry outnumbering the killer 4 to 1 isn't enough of an advantage for you. Most of all, I'm sorry you so routinely 3 gen yourself, to the point it has made it so that you have convinced yourself you just can't win. Sounds rough.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Yes, she can hit you when she teleports. That's why you pop her traps in quick succession running through them. If your looper gets caught, someone else should break them while she's carrying to the hook and doesn't want to drop for the TP. This is really basic hag strategy.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Because half of it was not worth replying to and the other half I already replied to in the form of other posters that posted before you.

    But since you want a direct response, here you go:

    The "Just patrol 3 gens and autowin" mechanic is disingenuous. If it worked that easily, people would just do it now with NO time limit. There is this repeat argument in this thread from multiple people that bad behaviors that are already being done with NO time limit (Forever Doc), would somehow be worse WITH a time limit. This is obviously false, because at the very least it takes the "Forever" out of the "Forever" build. Every other point brought up is pure conjecture.

  • Member Posts: 4

    First of all. It’s a game so they can play how they want. Two you can use perks to help spies from the shadows or whispers just because you can’t find them doesn’t mean they should get banned. It’s like the other said saying killers should get banned for camping

  • Member Posts: 37

    I play both sides, and this kind of thing can be annoying but doesn't call for a ban. If it did, Iron Will, Fixated, Lightweight, Q&Q, Dance with me and quite a few other perks would be bannable as they encourage/provide options for survivors to evade the killer.

    If you can't find survivors, run Whispers/Spies/etc. play Doc, or acknowledge that they were A. Brand new players or B. Holding the game hostage which is an entirely different issue.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Reading that a face value ,its stupid,you cant demand people to get banned because of their play style.

    doesn't matter how bad or scummy it is because by that logic all face campers,gen campers,and every other toxic thing a killer does also deserves to be banned?

  • Member Posts: 31

    While you're right, I think you pointed out a larger issue in this game.

    Yes a lot of this forum is salt over not being able to stomp killers/survivors depending on which you play but when you say, "people aren't playing the game the way I want them to." As the common complaint people make I think there's an argument for this game doesnt encourage the type of play people want to see.

    Now there are some who will never be happy unless the game lets them win every time but I want to disregard those people.

    What I want to point out is that this game isn't great at rewarding the type of play we want to see. People can camp, take games hostage, etc with little to no reprocussions and they can do the things we want them to do like save teammates or spread out who they hunt while not being overly rewarded for it. Mean just because the way the game is in its base mechanics getting rid of a survival fast as possible gives you breathing room so people tunnel. There are toxic people who will do it no matter what but I hope you get the point I'm trying to make. The game is built in such a way that unfun play is rewarded instead of the engagement we'd like to see on both sides and I hope to see that change.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Think they're trying to imply that in a forever game they have a chance the killer will give up or make a mistake by getting impatient giving them the win, where as in a timed game the killer wins as long as the timer runs out and that having a small chance is better than having no chance at all.

    Personally I'd say if you're gonna implement a timer like this, when it goes off the entity should just kill them all and everyone gets whatever bloodpoint they earned before the time was up. The killer doesn't get the resulting kills and the survivors aren't counted as having escaped. Like the games sick of you not participating so no one wins.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I've said this on both accounts.

    One to stop boosting.

    One to stop survivors from stalling so killer gives up.

    The no time limit thing was a nice concept maybe at one point but the game is far too familiarized now in the community. I think a 10-15 minute match time is reasonable. You want a balance between engagement but also progressing to the next match without being hung up. People saying theyll only play a few a night because some can last up to 45 minutes is crazy. I also think killers like Wraith who do nothing and cost us evader emblems should be worked on. Hopefully this eventually gets addressed. Game is in a better state but an unlimited time limit was not a good idea... ever in a PvP game.

  • Member Posts: 15

    "If it worked that easily, people would just do it now with NO time limit." People already do this! as for you saying that forever doc being "False", the only difference would be it being called FOREVER. Doc. He'd still be impossible to beat. THIS IS WOULD MAKE IT A LOT WORSE WITH A TIME LIMIT. I'm starting to believe you're either trolling or are so too blind to realize just how broken this would be!

  • Member Posts: 270

    I semi agree, but then the balance may sway the opposite way and just make killers incredibly patrolly and focus less on chases and more on keeping the game going for ages (i.e. forcing a 3 gen which can be pretty impossible to get rid of in SoloQ) so I'm not sure if this is the way to fix it but man, playing immersed is the most boring ######### and idk why people do it

  • Member Posts: 1

    All i see is people taking a game too seriously. like i see no point in complaining unless there is a bug or something is broken. just play as you play and don't cry about stuff. id say if your that mad about it go take a break. go for a walk, call a family member, get some sun, read a book, watch a movie, go for a drive, get some sleep, eat some food, go to the gym, get buff, then come back and cry on a forum. but anyway i got a life so probably wont be back, everyone have a wonderful day and i hope you accomplish something great today. <3 <3 <3 <3

    (this is the sun)

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    So there it is, you don’t want a time limit because you prefer the game to become miserable for every body (yes, every body, not just the killer, there’s no way the survivors would enjoy a never ending game).

    I guess you proved the exact opposite point you wanted to prove - a time limit would be GOOD for the game.

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