Babysitter and Second Wind Perk Tweak
After rescuing a Survivor from the Hook , the Unhooked Survivor leaves no Scratchmarks or Pools of Blood for the next 4/6/8 Seconds.
If the Unhooked Survivor is no longer within 8-Meters of you during Babysitter's Active Time, the Unhooked Survivor sees the Killer's Aura and gains a 7% Haste Status Effect for 4 Seconds.
You see the Killer's Aura and the Killer sees your Aura for 4 Seconds after Rescuing a Survivor from a Hook.
Second Wind
Second Wind activates once you perform a Safe Hook Rescue , take a Protection Hit for another Survivor, or once you have healed other Survivors for the Equivalent of One Health State.
The next time you are Unhooked or Unhook yourself while Second Wind is active, you are afflicted by the Broken Status Effect for 28/24/20 Seconds.
After this Time Duration has elapsed, Second Wind automatically heals you from the Injured to Healthy State.
Second Wind deactivates once you are Completely Healed, or if you are put into the Dying State before Second Wind successfully Triggers.
You will lose the Broken Status Effect once Second Wind deactivates.
Second Wind does not activate if you are already Afflicted by the Broken Status Effect.
The changes here are to make the perks more effective in the strategies they help against and give a bit more consistent utility.