Please ban all survivors who play immersed



  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2021

    Welcome to the world of carrying perks you'll rarely use but have to because of the few noobs. BBQ, monitor and abuse so you can get closer before they know to urban evasion around, iron maiden to catch them coming out of lockers etc etc.

    Just like survivors are told to carry perks to work against the very very few sluggers or BT or DS etc. Welcome to the world of Dbd already fixed it but now you've gotta choose which set of nonsense you're going to try to combat but probably will only matter once every 20 games. Dbd fixed full immersion by throwing birds on and slowly updating how those birds work against that survivor. Got birds? Can't head on a killer from a locker. Birds also bang until the folks move and you still have loud sound to find them. Gotta carry whispers every game in the event a few hide. Survivors are rewarded for never being caught, it's a whole medal area to not be found and not be hooked, game also gives more xp and shards for living longer in a match.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Ah yes, the mythical "Early 3 gen" otherwise known as "I can't go over there man, the killer is scary!" When 4 healthy survivors spend an entire match allowing 1 person to control half the map, and complain about it later.

    Potato ranks is real life guys.

  • Da_tater
    Da_tater Member Posts: 15

    I have to disagree with the they won't win i have done it several times with just 2 survivors alive . Took a while be we got it done

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    You should tell that to the guy above me who seems to believe it an unbeatable strategy :p

    Seriously though, that's why I suggested 20 minutes. I don't want to end the game right away, 20 minutes is longer than most matches last in total, so it should be more than enough for 2-4 survivors to get on the same page even without comms and get a single gen done. If they can't, I just don't see them doing it in 25, 30 or 45 minutes either.

  • Da_tater
    Da_tater Member Posts: 15

    I dont believe there should be a time limit but a survivor should be punished for not being in a chase or at least touching a gen. After a 2/3 minutes if noting else by giving them 4 crows .

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Again, insults. Yet I'm the troll. Me, the guy being insulted.

    Where are the other 3 survivors? If these are the last 3 gens left, they should definitely be around, unless they just want to lose.

    The strat is simple. Using your illustration you try to keep 2 survivors on 1 and 2 on 2, assuming 4 alive, which is what you stated was the case earlier. Will someone get hooked? Absolutely, and that time the killer takes to pick up and carry that survivor should be used rushing the gens (the survivor that wasn't hooked on his 2 man squad needs to decide if their gen is close enough to complete solo, or whether they should move to the other team, there are too many variables to do the same thing each time)

    it takes 60 seconds to go from stage 1 to 2 on the hook, that's plenty of time to finish up, if the killer comes back before the gen is done, do what you can to keep working and tapping the gen, even if you're just popping in. It's 1 person, there should be at least 2 of you, he can only realistically focus on one at a time. You can switch it up to, maybe have someone go tap gen 3 to keep his attention, or if it's hag trigger traps around 3 and run, you'll get downed, but that's what you do on a team game, you take one for the team and hope they get the rescue.

    If the killer refuses outright to commit to a chase, spread up and keep pressure on all 3 gens. Again, 4 survivors, 1 killer. Sooner or later they'll have to chase one of you, and then you've got it.

    Will this work 100% of the time? No. Nothing does. But if you get killed you'll know you didn't go down because the killer was "doing nothing" he just kept a better defense than your offense. Patrolling gens and keeping survivors off of them isn't "doing nothing" it's literally playing the objective.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    Gens take 44 seconds to complete with 2 survivors.

    You also seem to have missed this paragraph

    If the killer refuses outright to commit to a chase, spread up and keep pressure on all 3 gens. Again, 4 survivors, 1 killer. Sooner or later they'll have to chase one of you, and then you've got it.

    If they don't? One of the gens will get done, and still well within 20 minutes.

    Yes, after the second time you insulted my intelligence I called something you wrote crap.

    Why don't I like the button? I don't like the idea that the killer should basically do the objective for the survivor team because they are unable to. That's the opposite of the way the game is played and makes no sense within the lore either.

  • lassfroobynoo
    lassfroobynoo Member Posts: 56

    The better question is how do you ban players for this? Like, a lot of people find immersion very irritating as killer but the game offers very little in terms of chase tutorials so it's unfortunately the experience of a lot of players that they have to play immersed to survive. A lot of players just aren't comfortable being chased, because they really don't know what to do. The better question is how can the game encourage survivors that are new to the game to be less immersed, not outright ban them for a playstyle that you find irritating. Yes, technically it could be considered "holding the game hostage" but you have to consider intent in these situations. They're babies and honestly they're just scared.

  • Opeth32
    Opeth32 Member Posts: 9

    I have to agree with people like that slow the game down unfairly and I play as a survivor only

  • swarmofdogs
    swarmofdogs Member Posts: 12

    The Unsportsmanlike field says "purposely losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game early to avoid defeat." The samples I reported are people that hide and wait for people to die from the start of the game. If you realize your team is a clownshow and you have to salvage the situation, then that's a different story.

    I'll just keep reporting these scumbags, and let them sort it out. Most of these reports get ignored anyway, the developers are just as toxic as the playerbase.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    One more time, hopefully you get it this time:

    Forever Doc with 20 minute time limit = bad

    Forever Doc with INFINITE TIME = horrible.

    I don't know how much more I can break this down for you.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Still not buying it. Survivors get out of the 3 gen scenario all the time. If in this example you give a Killer is really not doing chases, then the Survivors can literally take turns surrounding the 3 gens and doing 5-10 second gen tapping before vanishing back into the bushes. Killer loses in this scenario.

  • BobaTedd
    BobaTedd Member Posts: 4

    Have a time limit of how long you can stay in the closet. After say one minute, you're kicked out into the open. Simple fix.

  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    Allow a non-penalty DC after a certain amount of time has passed for both killers and survivors. You get the points you have earned and move on.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Even if these guys were doing it on purpose, how do you know they weren't just scared? Or even just bad at the game? Seriously ban them for that?

  • wildtrapjake
    wildtrapjake Member Posts: 68

    The hard limit doesn't have to persay kill all survivors like egc? What if gates auto powered at 20 mins for example but all survivors get exposed? Their are plenty of creative ways to go about this.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Point and buttdance

    You've got all the communication you need.

    And again, as I said, if he doesn't, it'll take less than 20 minutes to get a single gen up, if he's not hooking he can't use pgtw, so he's down to the basic kick which does nothing if you tap the gen in time. Fix the gen, back up when you see him coming, return while he's on the way to the next. Keep the pressure on, use his desire to stick to a strict patrol against him by making it more stressful for him to do so. Again, basic strategy. It's the same as usual 3 gen, because that never takes 20 minutes and so doesn't need to be adjusted for that time limit.

    And actually, personally I don't care if survivors want to examine the shrubbery while I'm playing killer. I main doc, all they are doing is confirming they can't loop and will be an easy chase when I get them to scream for me. I do find it very odd that there is no time limit. F13 has one, as well as every single multiplayer pvp game I've ever played except this one. I more want the timer for when I'm on a survivor team that is full of people who give up on a 3 gen, so I can move on to the next match.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    People are always quick to say that punishing people for playing a certain way is a bad idea.

    But what they really mean is "I want to hide in the bushes and play hide-and-seek."

    If it were truly "people can play however they want to play" then there wouldn't be any complaints about insidious basement Bubba, and perks like Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, and Unbreakable wouldn't exist (or maybe they would, but nobody would complain about camping, tunneling, or slugging, because after all: you shouldn't punish people for playing a particular way).

  • Not_Music
    Not_Music Member Posts: 28

    Perhaps this could be solved through a new killer perk? Like a perk that makes it so if a gen isn't done within a certain amount of time (let's say 5 minutes) then they get to see either the nearest survivor or all the survivors for a time. Therefore the killer can stop them from doing this and it can also encourage the killer from wanting to closely guard the last three gens. I know if I knew where the survivors were, I'd rather chase them than play defense so much.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    If he's looking for survivors then he's not tightly patrolling that three gen, now is he?

    Pick a lane with your argument.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    I think I earned a kill when I down a survivor FIVE times and only have two hooks after a BT, DS and wiggle free from of body blocking. Are you one of the survivors who wonder why killers run NOED?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    You have lots of complaints on the forum because people like coming to multiplayer game forums to complain. Go ahead, find a forum for any multiplayer pvp game that isn't full of people complaining on all sides. If you are looking to the threads here to tell you what is happening with the general player base I feel you are giving these forums far too much credit.

    Your evidence is a loading screen message mentions looking for survivors, ok. The first thing the survivor tutorial teaches is how to do a gen. Why? Because the gens are the objectives. We aren't playing hide and seek here. (That would be, ironically enough, closer to F13) you look for survivors to make sure they aren't completing gens. You leave hooked survivors so their teammates will save them instead of doing gens, you kill people before the end game so they can't do gens. If there is a playstyle that keeps all 4 survivors from doing gens, guess what? That's the killers objective. Thats why every single killer can kick gens to revert progress.

    Short version? If the killer is keeping the survivors from completing their objective, he is winning the game. So no, I don't think it is appropriate for him to have to give up that win to progress. Balance-wise it makes no sense to punish the killer for effectively defending the objectives. The killer role is by nature defense.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Well that's the dilemma that arises. Do you pushnish people for playing how they want to increase fun and decrease toxicity or do you want to keep freedom of playstyle but deal with these annoying but valid play styles.

    Where do you fall?

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    That’s what crows are for. If the killer is going to ignore the closet with circling crows above it cawing like crazy then there is no helping him.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    It really doesn't though. I'm not arguing against playing stealthy, be as sneaky as you want while you try to complete the objectives. Just, y'know actually try to complete the objectives.

    That's my whole argument. The entire game is based around powering 5 generators to open a gate (or hatch) and leave. Survivor teams have the offensive role, as they have to find and complete the objectives. Killers have the defensive role, as their job is to stop the objectives from being completed. It doesn't matter if the survivors sneak, run, leap, drop pallets willy-nilly, whatever they want. If they don't do the gens, they don't get to leave alive. It's really that simple. A timed match reinforces that concept. A give up button for the killer to press when he's doing too good just doesn't.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2021

    Being immersed and stealthy is fine.

    Remaining off generators and hiding when it's 2 survivors left, and just waiting for the killer to give up and DC after 45 minutes is not.

    I'm an immersed David Tapp who strives to get a silver/gold lightbringer. I rarely escape, I'm bad at looping, but I do take pride in the fact I am a gen jockey. I'm doing my part as long as I am physically able to. (I'd rather hide in the area next to the gen when the killer arrives if possible. Otherwise I'm on a generator or once I max out objective, I might switch to popping totems.)

    If you don't think you'll be able to finish the gens, search the chests and hope you get a key. If not, you have to attempt to progress generators in some way. (Or at least pop a totem or two, find the closed hatch, bring the other survivor to it, and let the killer kill you so the other survivor can grab hatch if you really, truly don't have ANY other options)

    If survivors decide to ignore the generators at that point and just hide in a corner crouchwalking around, it's a potential hostage situation if it goes on long enough and survivors are trying to waste the killer's time only.

    Anyways, ideally if a generator hasn't popped in the past 20 minutes (It's a pretty long time, but I think 20 minutes without a gen being popped is well past "Survivors are just taking their time" territory), the killer should be able to whack the exit gate switch to manually start a "Sudden Death" version of the EGC with a shorter timer, and maybe some kind of penalties for survivors such as (Not all of these, but some of them) having their locations blipped, the other exit gate remaining unpowered, survivors being exposed, aura reveal, etc.

    This would help fix hostage situations by giving the killer a way to force a match to end if survivors are ignoring gens and hiding for a prolonged period of time. The killer can decide to keep searching for them if he wants, or hit the exit switch to cause the match to end if survivors are actually wasting his time.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    it pisses me off too, but theyll eventually overcome their fear and not ######### themselves when the killer finds them

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    If, as you claim, survivors are just meant to survive at all costs, then why isn't there a timer like f13, where If they survive long enough they win? The win condition is very clear, you arguing against it is amusing, but ultimately pointless.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I like this idea. If it confers something similar to NOED it wouldn't feel so much like the killer doing the objective for the survivors because they couldn't, and more like an organic evolution of game flow.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    There is nothing silver platter about a game that has been drawn out over 20 minutes.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm the survivor who gets rid of all the totems so they don't deal with Noed.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i had a similar game today, where i was the only one on a gen. The others run around the map the whole time searching for the ruin totem. It was a killer with good gen pressure, so getting rid of ruin was a good idea, but noone seemed to find it.

    I was doing gens, but whenether the killer came i hid, and got back to the gen. I like the game as a hide-and-seek instead of a game of catch.

    But tell me, did you run ruin?

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    I don't think is related to new kids..

    I've bumped into a few that play as friends and just hide..

    After I while into the game I just texted them "just finish the gens and go"

    And both texted back " come and find us"..

    They would be in lockers in a way that when you get one the other one would open and hit you.. it worked the first time..

    They where actually good loopers.. unfortunately for them I was better killer..

    Facecamped the first, closed the Hatch and killed the 2nd one..

    I must say that I enjoyed killing them and their salty msgs afterwards..

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    I've bumped into a few that play as friends and just hide..

    After I while into the game I just texted them "just finish the gens and go"

    And both texted back " come and find us"..

    They would be in lockers in a way that when you get one the other one would open and hit you.. it worked the first time..

    They where actually good loopers.. unfortunately for them I was better killer..

    Facecamped the first, closed the Hatch and killed the 2nd one..

    I must say that I enjoyed killing them and their salty msgs afterwards..

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    You keep arguing for a 20 minute time limit where the Survivor's just die and anything else is unacceptable because it's their fault.

    That's stupid.

    If a time limit were to be implemented the goal would be to end the game, not favor one side or the other.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I didn't say anything else was unacceptable. If you look just to the top of this page in fact, you'll see me fully on board with an idea where the game essentially goes to an egc state.

    So you are starting with a false premise, but let's roll with it.

    If the survivors are unable to break the killer's defense and complete a gen in 20 minutes, why should they be rewarded? Honestly the big reason I don't want it to just end at the end of a time limit is it's just too anticlimactic.

    Pressure should be on the survivors to finish the gens and get out, in my opinion (which is all any of this is, despite how angry some may become) that is what makes playing survivor fun. I want a time limit in my survivor matches. I want to know I'm under the gun and need to pull out the win. I don't want the killer to basically do the last gen for me because my team couldn't hack it, that would be insulting.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    If a Killer cannot find a Survivor in 20 minutes, why should they be rewarded?

    How would you feel if the Survivors just escaped after a 20 minute time limit?

    That would be completely unacceptable to you, correct?

    You've been advocating for a time limit solely benefiting one side this entire discussion and that will never happen.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Because their job is defense. The primary objective in the match are generators. Survivors goal is to fix them, killers role is to defend them. If the survivors can't get them fixed, they didn't beat the defense, the defense won. If I'm playing a game where I have to take down 5 towers to win, and I only get 4, I didn't win. It's that simple.

    Yeah, I would be against letting survivors go that don't finish the objective, see above for why, as I don't know how many ways I can explain the role difference.

    Any time limit that doesn't immediately result in the Survivors escaping will by virtue of the way the game is built at its core benefit the killer. Even if the game just ended the killer would have to get the greater share of the prize because again, he was able to successfully keep the survivors from finishing their objective for the entire match. So yes, time limits favor defense, the trick is making them long enough that it's not an unfair advantage. As the stated average match time according to the devs is 8 minutes, and the average match time according to reddit, these forums and my own research is around 10, 20 seems more than generous. Again, that's 20 minutes from the last repaired gen, not 20 minutes total, so you're getting over twice the length of an average match to work out how to finish a single generator.

  • iamAlpha800
    iamAlpha800 Member Posts: 136

    A ban is too harsh. I do think there should be punishment for not doing an objective for a certain amount of time. Like you start losing bloodpoints or something.

  • leafninja
    leafninja Member Posts: 123

    Just want to jump in and say I had a match as dr that lasted for 30 to 40 minutes before on the asylum because of people hiding. Got them in the end tho.

  • Xornedge
    Xornedge Member Posts: 30

    Yeah that's cause they were holding the game hostage and not your average match

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    The Killer should be able to open the exit gate AT ANY TIME in the match.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Wow. So, if survivors run at the killer, they're toxic. But now they can't hide either?

    Guess the only option is to run and stand a hooks then.

    Survivors apparently have sh!t in the forums.

  • DonkeyRat
    DonkeyRat Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2021

    It's basically your own fault for not finding one of them. You probably just got stinky eyes n you should have gone to Specsavers.

    Post edited by DonkeyRat on
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    There definitely should be a timer in games. If you three gen yourself, that's your problem. And yes, many a survivor game I've been part of a 3 gen. I've never said, "damn this killer for 3 genning us". It was our fault for not paying better attention.

  • leafninja
    leafninja Member Posts: 123

    Very true they were. But at the same time everytime I walked off they tired to fix a gen so it wasn't like they were not trying to escape. dr is just hard to hide from