Huntresses why bother bring IRIDESCENT HEAD?

spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Genuine question, why do you bother taking iri heads?

Especially at red ranks you know as soon as someone gets sniped there’s going to be a dc or two or killing self on first hooks.

End result is a 4 minute match with you only getting 12k blood points if that and then losing a pip!

Waste of time and resources!

Edit: Oh and then trying to be nice with the last one or two survivors to farm BP. How dreary!


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Maybe that was the plan all along.


  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    I get the feeling that most people hate Iri heads! If Huntress brings in iri heads with infantry belt. I can only assume they are looking for a quick easy game. Why not give them that!

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    As people are fond of telling me when I play my hardest

    "Because that's boring and unsportsmanlike"

    But you do you man. I know I'm not going to change your mind - you're here for validation. Sorry I can't give that to you.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I never dc. But this huntress build is the only thing i understand why survivor do it. You cant win this as solo survivor. The chances that you have 3 good teammates is too small. And even then the huntress will camp and its a boring game.

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545
    edited March 2021

    I know some Huntresses are using Iridescent Heads now to complete Rift challenges quickly, so that could be a reason.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    At least before Moris got nerfed, I basically never saw an iri head huntress that didn't use an Ebony Mori as well. And it always resulted in the huntress tunneling the guy off hook as well.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Huntresses use Iri heads for the same reason survivors are rushing through their keys at the moment.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    There’s no need to be defensive, We all know people hate it so there’s no validation seeking. I am just puzzled as to why huntress mains still take this add on in 2021 knowing the end result.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Well if they bring a key, they want to have a quick game. With Iri Heads you are just making it a bit quicker.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    Your right, it just fosters the most negative play styles from both killer and survivors!

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Well its more everyone knows they are going to be nerfed, and (rightfully) no side feels obligated to hold back to ensure the other side has fun, that should be structurally enforced rather than some bullshit imagined code of conduct, so people are burning through them.

    Blame devs for not taking care of either of these things in a timely manner, but the logic is exactly the same. Both brutally change the win/loss condition for the game in a huge way for the other side in a manner that is extremely not fun and is unhealthy, but its part of the game and its a massive prisoner's dillema situation: You can't know if someone is gunna 'play nice' to you, so you gotta always assume both sides are going 100%.

    This is actually more fun anyway when the game is in a good spot, and not everything in the game should feel nice and cuddly, but sometimes the tools you have are too strong and game warping. Being camped feels bad, but camping being allowed underpins the experience in a way the devs repeatedly tried to unpick and failed to do so because its just... too core to DBD. Keys and Iris are different because the alter the timing relationship of the entire match in a way with little real counterplay. So they are 'unfair' but its insane to say 'how dare you use this thing?' and the reluctance of dev's to disable them as they rework them or provide short term solutions (ex: Keys only work for yourself and can't be saved by any means, Iris require a minimum distance to work) is the real problem here, not the behavior of your fellow players.

    We are all slaves to the systems we are born into, and all that.

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    I don’t think this a fair comparison, I’ll tell you why.

    A- rarely do I see keys being brought in.

    B- an attentive killer can counter this by taking in franklyns- which I’ve done every time I saw a key pre match.

    C- strategically tunnel and remove the key player.

    D- there is no other direct counter play to iri heads, other than what you would normally do against huntress.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Actually I was just joking a bit. But as long as keys aren't nerfed I'm not sorry for using better addons.

    I agree with you on the point, that unhealthy stuff should be disabled. Potential nerfs/reworks could be tested on the PTB.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Iri head exists as a troll addon. There is absolutely no reason to use other than to see how fast people die on first hook or disconnect. Thankfully not many people use it, probably because it's just as much as for killer as it is for survivor.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited March 2021

    A: Keys are in about 20% of my games as a red ranker. WAY more than Iri, I haven't SEEN a huntress, forget an Iri huntress, in ages.

    B: Key swaps at lobbies are a thing to block this. Also franklins is a really bad counter to keys cuz either you camp it and lose or just pick it up.

    C: Other people can pick up the key. Eliminating a player quickly vs a key is BAD.

    D: Dodge the hatchet lol. Like there is no counter to keys, you just... lose because the way the ranking system works you auto lose if you don't get a very specific type of 3k at least and keys deny that from being a realistic possibility without a ridiculously lucky snowball.

    Iri hatchets at least let you win if your good vs huntress anyway, but good killers struggle to win against keys to the point even Otz doing his 50 win series gave up on counting games with keys as losses because they are so insanely unfair in terms of how you actually win the game.

    This isn't me saying "iri hatchets are good." But at least you quickly get eliminated and into the next game. Keys have the double whammy of A: Having basically no counterplay besides such a vast skill difference the game would be a blowout no matter what, like Iris and B: Forcing you to play out a full length game knowing you probably lose because you get robbed of 4 hooks just because you killed one player because gens are fast enough you get to 'hatch numbers' if you kill anyone.

    So, no, exactly the same. We can talk about if X should be in the game, but complaining that people use X tool and that they shouldn't because 'honor' or whatever is dumb and a non-solution because it forces people to walk this imaginary line that conveniently always happens to be juuuuust on the border of what someone thinks they can win consistently against.

    Tom Scott has a great quote that I think applies here: People always draw the line of ethical behavior to juuuuust contain what the most extreme examples of what they do and exclude everything else. That is natural and normal, but it means holding other people to your own standards when they have no obligations towards you is unrealistic and silly: of course you think Iris are unfair and keys are if your getting blown out by iris having a bad time but rarely win a game with a key because you take one only once in a while. You might have different feelings about them when you go into a game where a SWF brings in 3 BNPs and a key to force you into a 'kill one person and the hatch spawns' situation if you dare to win even one chase.

    Structurally systematized solutions: If the devs put it in the game, use it and don't complain others do. If you think its unfair, complain to them (But also be aware there is often a good reason for stuff existing and sometimes you do deserve to just get trashed by a strategy).

    I personally don't find Iri enjoyable to use. I don't find it fun to play against. But I don't think someone is being 'unfair' if they use it anymore than I think someone is being 'unfair' if they camp, or use a flashlight to blind the killer during an animation lock for a carry, or go for the hatch 2v1, or all sorts of things that are frustrating behaviors that are important to how the game functions. If we actually cared about making the game never unpleasant people wouldn't flashlight blind or pallet rescue, insta unhook, place traps in grass, use Pig's power AT ALL, ect. That isn't a realistic standard to play by and no one ACTUALLY plays by 'playing honorably.' They just use it as a weapon to bludgeon behavior they don't personally like.

  • Erasox
    Erasox Member Posts: 230

    It can be ridiculous. Try the best and dodges many hatchets you can.

    And don't forget the addons exist since release huntress and at this time no one knew how strong this addon is. By the way the ptb huntress iri was stronger as now. The old addon reduced the hatchets to 3 instead 1.

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Honestly, I never play Huntress, so I'm very bad at landing hatchets. Iri Head just makes doing a Huntress daily not a complete blowout.

    Do I think it's a healthy mechanic? No.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    because they wanna play with it.

  • Emikol
    Emikol Member Posts: 41

    I've never seen a normal game when iri head is in play. Pre dc bans I'd see the other survivors all dc and now a days I just see everyone go afk. I've also never seen an iri head without the purple belt.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I only kill myself in first hook against iri head. You want an easy game, I’ll give it to you

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    and just what kind of add-ons are those? hatchets that can down in one hit you and ignore an entire health state?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited March 2021

    I've considered bringing iri head spefically to go for the long-range hatchet achievement. Yes, you'd have to reload frequently, but any hit at range is a down and therefore counts for the achievement. Normally it's hard to get downs at that kind of range because survivors are usually already within 24m by the time you injure them. So, you basically just need a good situation to give it a try.

    WIth iri heads there are far more situations in which it might work.