I'm surprised I'm enjoying wraith

I've talked down a lot about wraith not being very interesting and being weaker than a lot of killers but I'm honestly having fun with him and can't entirely tell why. I typically like to play killers like pyramid head, myers, and Freddy. I think it may be that I'm doing pretty well with him in purple ranks despite him being level 20 and having mostly perks I wouldn't normally use (and they are all level 1 or 2) but still getting mostly 4ks. It's been satisfying having swf teams bully be early on but then get shut down by the end (often before noed).
I'm currently using knock out, sloppy butcher, noed, and spies from the shadows on him
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Wraith is super fun if you don't take him too seriously. I run an aggressive build - MYC, HG, Dragon's Grip, and whispers/spies
Sometimes it falls flat but some games get a good rhythm where I'm consistently downing exposed players and it's a lot of fun.
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Mmr? If you have fewer hrs with him you'd face survivors with fewer hrs.
Maybe mmr is active
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Wraith’s simplicity makes him a blast. It’s why I love clown so much
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Man I love clown as well and really want him to get more love (I dont care for the new bottle)
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His new bottle is actually amazing just more situational than his pink ones
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Join us. Bow to your new Bing Bong God.
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Yeah, I guess was hoping for something to more help his loop potential like a jack in the box trap or something. His new bottle does have its uses but it wasn't really what he needed imo
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I might just have to lol.
I need to get him better perks and good addons (all I have right now are common and uncommon ones) but have done very well nonetheless.
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It’s only used in chase
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Wraith is easily the most fun killer in this game for me.
I've found I can run so many different builds with him to good affect!
Recently I've been running ######### boy wraith (as in survivors hate it).
Knock Out
Third Seal
It's entirely countered by SWF but it's really fun, I couldn't run a build like this on any other killer without hating myself
My favourite build has to be
Devour Hope
Random perk (usually BBQ for points)
I can get along if both my totems are cleansed even against strong teams but the devour power spike is so so fun.
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Wraith is mechanically simple but with a lot of versatility. He's definetly an underrated killer.
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Wraith is a killer a lot of Survs underestimate in my experience. With his buffs, he'll only get better. Even if they do mess with his post-uncloak lunge.
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His clapper addon does make me very interested in trying him out with more options
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Personally, the first thing in trying is Shadow Dance + The Serpent. Still a meme build but maybe slightly viable with his speed buffs
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Hmm yeah that may be true. I feel like right now I don't get enough use out of his cloaking and want to use it more in chase if possible
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I love wraith and I am so excited for his buff!!!
But you are right, some games you will get your ass kicked, but he is a lot of fun to play. IMO
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MMR is not hrs based and its not on.
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Right now, on short enough loops you can use his super lunge after uncloaking. It's a good trick to pull on those not expecting it. I don't know how well it'll work with his new slowdown, though.
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Also, i recommend Make Your Choice.
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I assume it doesn't trigger if I'm cloaked as wraith and nearby, huh lol
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If you like that idea, try Shadow Dance Blood and White, and Bamboozle, Brutal Strength, and Fire Up.
It isn't very good, strategy-wise, but holy hell is it funny to just DELETE pallets and vault faster than you can walk.
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Wraith has been one of my favourite killers to play for a very long time, I do love my Wraithy boi. He might not be the strongest but I do well with him and I enjoy the playstyle...must admit I did enjoy the little buffs to him in the PTB as well 😍
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It kinda is... If I have 200 hrs with Oni I think I'd have a higher "win ratio" than my wraith with less than 8 hrs.
Also I wasn't emplying that they ANNOUNCED mmr was on. It DOES absolutely feel like mmr. If you didn't notice you're definitely in the minority of seasoned players.
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Its not on. You are just seeing the flaws of the current system that relies on constant supply of players of various ranks.
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I use dragons grip, too. But i have a problem. I thought when im standing still im completely invisible. But some survivor know it when i wait near the gen. Can they see me or hear me or are they just not stupid?
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Nope, distance-based.
With any 1 Windstorm and/or with his upcoming speed increase, it'll only get better than it is now.
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Interesting. Im going to have to keep trying him out. One of my friends was arguing the changes coming up are a big nerf to him while I viewed it as primarily a buff
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You will probably change your tune once you to against red rank teams or players that loop well. Those are the most frustrating things to go against as wraith
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Make Your Choice is honestly my favorite perk on Wraith, so as soon as I saw that move speed increase I was drooling.
Sloppy Butcher, MYC, and your pick of two others is just a beautiful party of slapping down survivors.