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General Discussions

I play spirit. Does that give entitled survivors the right to bully?

Member Posts: 90
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

OK so I enjoy playing spirit. My build is corrupt intervention, pop, stridor and either bbq and chilli or sloppy butcher. The amount of survivors who say

"spirit requires no skill just a pair of headphones" obviously don't understand how difficult it is to track someone when you are completely blind relying on sound for the most part, and also the managing of her phase timer. She is a 110 killer when her power is not recharged she is weak af. Knowing when to save your phase, when to use it and for how long affects the outcome of your downs tremendously because use too much phase and go too far you're waiting a while for it to come back. Not to mention the guessing games when you are blind.

"stridor spirit you're a try hard,why use it" oh because at least one of you in red ranks is running iron will and i will touch on the fact again I rely on sound to get my downs and track you. Why wouldn't I use a perk that compliments my power?

Now at LEAST every game I get one teabagging little idiot or flashlight clicker,but when I am unfortunate enough to go against a 4 man bully squad they do everything in their power to intimidate and bully me being as toxic as physically possible in game and end chat. Now i dont tunnel, i dont camp, i dont play toxic, until the survivors start it on their end. I dont understand the bad manners at all or why it's needed.

Roll over to end game chat... If they all die its

"its only because you play spirit you have no skill blah blah"

"you're trash"

If they win its

"GG easy baby spirit get good"

"Got wrecked playing spirit, when that should be a free win"

when I've gotten a 10 hook game and 2 kills and didn't tunnel or play toxic, but the way they were playing is completely obvious that they were on comms. Cuz that's not unfair in itself...

If I lose I know and accept its on me,not blame the survivors or their perks.

Now the worst I've had is, "you deserve to get abused and bullied, because you play spirit" some have even gone so far as to suggest I should go die...

Why do i deserve to get bullied and abused end game for playing a killer that i enjoy? Can someone please enlighten me on why survivors get so nasty? I'm a survivor main myself, and the only reason I get salty is by intense tunnelling. If I get outplayed fair enough, but what is it about spirit that makes survivors such whiney little bitches? I love playing against a spirit,its fun as heck,especially if she don't rely on tunnelling or camping to get her kills. Tip... Run quick and quiet, double back, make yourself hard to predict..... Throw in dance with me and lithe and damn it's hard to track you. Survivors queues are getting longer and longer and i believe it is because of the toxicity and bullying towards killers. No one wants to play killer if they just get bullied and abused for doing so. They wouldn't even have a game to load into if it weren't for the killers

Post edited by Pika_Belle on

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  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Turn off chat - seriously - it makes matches much better. Also remember that these people are prolly either teenagers who have no clue about life or "men" who have serious peen issues. Once you stop letting others upset you - it makes gaming so much better.

    These posts appear almost daily from survivors/killers claiming people are toxic, etc in end game chat. You have a few choices - continue to read chat and feel bullied by complete strangers whose opinion frankly shouldn't have any bearing on your game experience (Unless they paying your bills pay them bitches no mind) or ignore chat (let's be real it serves no actual purpose aside from ego stroking and trolling).

  • Member Posts: 90

    The funny thing is when you reciprocate the bad manners then you get called the ass hole πŸ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 56

    Survivors and killers alike will be rude regardless of how you played or who you played. DBD is a very tilting game and a lot of people who play it are not able to process and control their tilt, especially in the endgame chat. You could play Wraith no perks no addons and someone will complain. Like if you didn't have Stridor they would still say you didn't earn your victory because Spirit takes no skill. Don't sweat it and if you have fun playing Spirit keep playing her, you paid for the game and the DLC you can play it however you want to. People can't expect everyone to just never pick the strong killers cuz they're "not fun to play against" like that's ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Usually if I swap out stridor, I will get a 4 man of iron wills and still get told GG EZ 🀣

  • Member Posts: 90

    You have to play the top tier killers at red ranks, the lower tier killers have miserable games because most play with their friends as a two man. You need the mobility to scour the map and pressure gens especially when they keep sending you to corn or red forest πŸ˜‘ so they get even more of an advantage

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    You bought her. You like her. So play her.

    Anyone who says otherwise can go take an L.

  • Member Posts: 788

    You do your thing and play how you want as long as you aren't being toxic.

    You can play perkless clown, get some kills, and some survivors will still call you trash.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Spirit is easy, while Stridor Spirit is the soul reason why most survivors suicide on first hook. She has no tells and no counters. Made plenty of arguments in the past but I always get, git gud. I AM GOOD. I also play all killers. I do youtube videos of DBD. I do GUIDES on how to play KILLERS at Rank 1. I play survivors a ton also. I show how to juke each killer. Spirit is probably the most unfun thing you can go against. It's not your skill that matters, its how good their headphones are and if you get a lucky guess while they can literally pinpoint you accuracy with moans.

  • Member Posts: 90

    I'm currently learning nurse on a new account to go from rank 20 because if I try play her on my usual account the bullying there is horrific too πŸ˜‘

    It's so easy to mess up a phase as spirit, then your vulnerable while waiting for that recharge. At red ranks time is everything. But we should always 4k easily remember, and not use perks that are of any use to us, but survivors can use whatever they like πŸ™ƒ

  • Member Posts: 90

    I personally find forever freddy the most unfun killer to go against tbh. I'm a survivor main and i dont moan if I face a spirit and especially with stridor, because I understand she needs sound to get her downs. I usually get a good run, and playing her myself I know how to juke a good spirit. The people saying she is easy and requires no skill probably havent even played her themselves especially in a red rank lobby and have no intention of ever learning to juke, and just moan about her. But the same works for every killer, the juking only works for so long before you get downed

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2021

    Yeah, how dare you play a killer you enjoy!

    Only killer that should be available is Trapper without perks and addons!

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    People are rude. Unfortunately who you pick will effect how nice people are to you. That's been the case for all games like metaknight for brawl, oddjob in the bond games, etc.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    @Pika_Belle All killers have tells. You can try to mindgame the other side with those tells. That's what makes a chase, A CHASE. The greater skilled player prevails. Gives you a rush and makes you feel on top of the world. That goes for either side. Even Wraith has to uncloak, which is his tell that he's close. A Spirit can watch scratch marks. The moment they stop, come out of invisibility. You get a speed boost like Wraith and if they're hurt, you should know if they are below you. I've made guides on her in the past to show how you can tell exactly where someone is with Spirit IF you already M1'd them, which is what you should be doing anyway.

    With Spirit, she has 0 tells on her location. I'm not talking about the "husk" noise. That's like saying the survivor moans but its EVERYWHERE around you. How would you like to go invisible then here moans EVERYWHERE and have no way to tell where that survivor is? Would be a bit bullshit wouldn't it? Couldn't see scratch marks, blood and couldn't tell where a survivor is moaning from? Wouldn't be fun to play against, would it? That's how survivors feel. You get 0 tells and since you're hurt, you're a like a giant groaning beacon from about 6-7 meters away and its DIRECTIONAL. You can even tell which side of a pallet they are on while invisible and since you come out so fast, they can't usually react if you stand directly behind them. They can't tell how close you are to them. You have all this info, including corn and grass moving. Survivors can "guess".

    Sounds use to NOT be directional and Spirit was almost NEVER played because it was almost impossible to tell where a survivor was while invisible unless following scratch marks THEN you could mindgame a Spirit but the moment they made sounds directional, that became null. I just want a fair match between killers vs survivors. I play both. I know what's unfun. I've played this game for YEARS. I hated Undying/Ruin as a combo. I liked the old Ruin. I hated infinites on Freddys' Map as killer, since if they had Balanced Landing, you just lose. I remember when Bubba was barely faster than you with his chainsaw so you had to literally butt rub someone with it before getting a down. I believe in fairness all around. If you think I'm a killer main, I have videos where destroy Rank 1 killers. If you think I'm a survivor main, I have a ton of video's where I destroy Rank 1 survivors. Spirit has no tells. That's her problem. Give me 1.5 seconds of sound every 2-3 seconds to tell where she's at while phasing near a pallet so I can try to outsmart her. Remember, Spirit has speed add-ons. She's faster than survivors and can stay in her mode for up to 14 seconds with add-ons. If you can't mindgame a survivor because of a quick sound que, you never was good with that killer anyway. You was being carried by an easy killer with no counters but guesses. That's why I advocate for some type of fairness for her.

    (Edit: To answer you about Forever Freddy, you can still wake up from alarm clocks around the map, even if its a bit annoying. Without them, this forum would be a dumpster fire about how unbeatable Freddy is all the time. Alarm Clocks keep his power from being overpowered and unbearable. They are there for BALANCE. So, yeah, he's a bit annoying but you can still loop him and escape before waking up with Alarm Clocks and you can wake yourself up with failed self-care skill checks, just not gen ones. Multiple ways to counter that build but most won't say that. They'll just claim OP. Iridescent Hatchets are some bullshit, though! lol)

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Entitled survivors deserve nothing but to be sacrificed. They are salty because you are maining one of the killers that is actually a threat to them. Keep doing what your doing and ignore the end game chat.

    Also I don't believe anyone is allowed to bully anyone.

  • Member Posts: 793

    It came for the frustration from playing against Stridor Spirit.

    There isn't any feedback for survivors when Spirit is phasing and you have clearly no idea of where she is while doing it.

    She's not OP in any way, the problem lies in the fact that to counter her in chases, you have to play more or less random and pray that it will work. If you're downed, it's not (entirely) your fault, it's not due to your lack of skill or mistakes.

    I hope you know what I mean by saying that. As I said sooner in another spirit post, playing versus Spirit feels like playing versus Nurse who doesn't rise her hand and doesn't make any sound while using her power. Suddenly the Spirit is in front of you, you couldn't avoid that, and you're hit/downed. :/

    But no, sure Spirit is not OP, she's fine, really, but survivors have nothing to play around to make chases longer :/

  • Member Posts: 90

    But spirit does have a sound queue out of her terror radius you hear the vaccum sound. It gets louder as she is closer to you. Her phase is only silent in her terror radius. My build is spine chill, resilience, quick and quiet and dead hard. Im a looper, and i dont usually have issues looping a spirit. I can usually tell if she is coming through the pallete so drop it on her head during phase, because I listen for the sound of phasing i know she is close or I know to get that fast vault. Also the whole directional sound queue from survivors is a lil i dont know the word, "weird" when I'm pretty sure most sound systems are dolby 7.1 surround. Are we not supposed to play with sound now

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    You are looking at their trash talk and bullying all the wrong way.

    You have to realize - they're frustrated and incapable of looking within themselves as being at fault. As a result, they'll never get better at the game - forever stuck in mediocrity.

    No - don't be mad at them. Just pity them and their shortsightedness as they deflect blame off themselves.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Also forever freddy with tinkerer... I dont run selfcare. Its a death sentence for the team

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    @Pika_Belle It stays the same and its not directional. If I moaned all around you and you couldn't pinpoint me like in the old days, you wouldn't be playing Spirit. Spine Chill is useless against Spirit, by the way. It tells you when a killer is LOOKING at you. Doesn't tell you WHICH direction they are LOOKING at you from, though. Are they looking at your back? Front? Left side? Right Side? At an angle? It gives you a general tell that the Spirit is coming for you but not any real way to tell where at. You still MOAN in a locker. Very loudly, too. Your scratch marks stop immediately as you enter a locker. You can't tell if she's gonna swing immediately when she comes out so Dead Hard isn't reliable for her and I use Dead Hard on all of my builds. Resilience doesn't do much except maybe help vault faster but she'll catch you before you can vault most of the time anyway since you can tell which SIDE of the vault she's on but she can hear you so she knows. Hope that helps.

    (Edit: My reply for Tinkerer Forever Freddy. If he's using Tinkerer instead of Teleporting, he'll get you once with a scare but you'll be prepared after that. It's not that bad. I run self-care since my teammates are usually urban evasioning around the map for no apparent reason and I prefer to not have to worry too much about putting myself in more danger to get 1 heal. Its about 8 seconds slower but its safer than having a teammate blow your stitch.)

  • Member Posts: 90

    I will still say, I can play whoever I like. And I've not had issues playing against spirits myself. Most killers you have to change your playing style with, it's how the game is. If every single game was boring and the same and you had to play the same for every single killer you went against,thenni doubt you would play either. But because of the defense from saying why spirit is "uncountable" I'm sort of getting the vibe that you agree that I should get bullied for playing her. As that is what my post is about

  • Member Posts: 868

    Sorry but spirit is easy as hell. If you don’t agree perhaps you need better headphones

  • Member Posts: 90

    But does that give survivors the right to bully because they lost? Which is what the post is about?

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @Pika_Belle I gave you honest and sound reasoning and you revert to, I can play who I want and you just need to git gud (Just change your playstyle with no counters) yet you want people to sympathize with you while you won't do the same for others and the reasons why they dislike the killer? Eh, you're right. Play who you like but if someone doesn't ENJOY playing against a killer with no counters and they manage to beat you, don't come to the forums and wonder why you don't get a lot of support. Good luck on your matches.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Of course not. But think of a surv waiting 5-10min for a game and then a spirit appears and hit him twice without any possibility to do anything. It’s frustating and many people can’t work with it

  • Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2021

    I'm not moaning about being beat. I'm moaning about getting abused for playing a killer even if I lose 🀣 I never said get good. I adapt my playing style to go against different killers. Which is the aim of the game. And i dont moan saying needs nerfing. If i get outplayed, I get outplayed. Doesn't give people the right to become nasty bags of washing

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    @Pika_Belle It's a 2-way street. No one wants to play against something that's unfair and unfun. I'm not saying that have a right to say mean things to people because they don't but at the same time, you need to understand what they have to deal with. (Edit: I have a ton of hateful endgame chats on my videos when I won so some people will act like that no matter the outcome. If it really bothers you that much but its not racial or death threats, turn off endgame chat, or do what I do. Indulge in it and reply with really fun remarks until they get mad and leave.)

  • Member Posts: 2,504


  • Member Posts: 90

    I've had very few miserable games against spirits, unless they tunnel off hook and camp, i usually have a good time

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Yes. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    Short answer: No

    Long answer: No it doesn't

  • Member Posts: 90

    I'm also a survivor main, and I've had few frustrating games against spirits unless they come back to hook and hard tunnel. I dont find games against her un enjoyable at all, i actually like them. It's basement bubba that wind me up 🀣

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @Pika_Belle I have never met a survivor in-game who liked playing against Spirits. Not once. Bubba is a toss-up for me. I really enjoy Bubba. I know windows are his worst enemy. Just like Oni's is T-walls. I quite enjoy slapping Bubba in the face with a pallet after running him around a loop with his chainsaw in full swing then slapping him without him breaking the pallet. It's just me playing the game for too long. I can time my pallet slams. The only one that I don't do that with is Demo. That Shred seems a bit janky when trying to stun him in mid-Shred. Otherwise, I enjoy the chainsaw Bros. Probably the most fun I ever had in this game. I also really enjoy going against Huntress. Playing OL-AY! as I run from hatchets is incredibly fun. My absolute favorite to go against is Myers and Billy. Myers due to his terror radius and not knowing how close he is to Tier 3 and Billy because that dumb look on his face as he revs XD It just kills me lol.

  • Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2021

    Most people clicking and teabagging aren't good though...and being called numerous things in end game chat is OK though? Because I deserve it clearly.. What do I expect. No one deserves to be called explicit words in end game regardless of what killer they are playing or told to kill themselves. Especially when the survivor is using every second chance perk in the book. But yeah im running spirit with stridor, i deserve it alllllll

  • Member Posts: 90

    I once ran a bubba for 4 gens and i got seriously face camped at end game with noed. It was possibly one of the most funny things I've ever experienced 🀣 and we got the GIT GUD comments. But seriously I do enjoy playing against spirits, I feel I learn from them, and also learn more on predicting her myself,because I think,what would I do if I was her? If you get me. Sometimes I think playing her yourself you can get into her head

  • Member Posts: 326

    Absolutely. I was running Whispers, Franklin's, Nurse's and NOSHAME NOED. Yeah, I'm a rank 4 killer and I run NOED. And you know what? I LOVE IT!!!!

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Playing killer in the first place gives them the right to bully, I am pretty sure they would bully you regardless of what killer you are playing.

  • Member Posts: 173

    It's because most spirits can be toxic at least in my experience. But I play spirit too because I've gotten bm too much by survivors when playing other killers.

  • Member Posts: 90

    I absolutely love this comment. If i could like it twice I would 🀣 i have looked into a survivors face as they died on hook and shook my head at them for their BM in game a few times though

  • Member Posts: 90

    I personally find undying, ruin, devour, surveillance spirit the most disgusting to go against. My gen slow down is all on me using my pop once the corrupt has ran out. If the gens pop thats my fault. But survivors using whatever they want to win, and a killer doing the same.. somehow I still think the killer gets the worse end of the stick

  • Member Posts: 90

    Oh I've been against jerk spirits but Im most definitely not one of them. I wont tunnel, i won't camp, most of my games are a 9 hook 1 kill, or 10 hook 2 kill, because I try to play fair, as a survivor main myself I know how ######### it is getting tunnelled out and I like a good game. Any one can come right back to hook to down the unhooked, eat their ds and rinse and repeat. But even playing remotely fair you still get the bullshit comments. Seriously can't win either way πŸ˜‘

  • Member Posts: 57

    I mean, if you play cheese, expect to get trash talked, that's all I gotta say.

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