Who is the most poorly designed killer in the game (Not worst killer, the worst designed)
Hey! This means in terms of the way they are played and or how they interact with survivors!
Please tell me why you picked the killer you did and your proposed changes that should be made to make them better designed :)
This is a link to my very educational and in depth Twins guide! Id appreciate it a lot if you have a look through and maybe it will change your perception on how they should be played <3 Thank you :) https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
Who is the most poorly designed killer in the game (Not worst killer, the worst designed) 60 votes
Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Id say Oni - He relies to much on the survivors ######### up for him to be able to get his power... He could be an M1 killer the whole match if the survivors are top tier! My Proposed change would be to allow him to by default or by the use of an addon to be able to gain his power meter past the 99 percent threshold, so his power isn't so reliant on survivors messing up and hopefully increasing his power up time :)
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I would say twins because to get the most out of her people usually just slug a lot in the match
trickster we’ll have to see if he gets a buff I hope so
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Oh and umm talking about twins hehhehe☺️ here is my ultimate twins guide... lol https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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The killers who are literally designed to be good at what survivor players have hated since the beginning (for a pretty good reason), tunneling, camping, and slugging. The twins, killers who somehow made it into the game with that design (gameplay-wise). I don't understand, people have despised that since the beginning and the killers who were good at ONLY that still made it into the game.
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Wraith. Very boring gameplay, overly basic, most of skins are interesting, and he is out if date with having fee tools at his disposal in comparison to most killers
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Twins because the way to do well with them is to do boring and unhealthy play styles.
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Twins, I would love to know who at BHVR approved of putting the most unhealthiest killer in the game that does things that survivors hate.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
i disagree <3 Have a look at my guide here and it may change your mind :) https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
The problem is is that its the player behind them that makes it frustrating to play against... The way i play Twins is very different to others and i think its a lot more fair <3 Check out my guide if you dont believer me <3 https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Bubba can be frustrating coz he is op when camps.... Nurse can be frustrating coz she can 4 man slug at 5 gens with infectious... I think the argument that was made is a little silly :)
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A few months ago I would've said Blight
However I actually really enjoy his power and think it's one of the better designed ones
Has to be Twins and Trickster for me personally.
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Twins makes the mistake of bridging the gaps required to counter tunneling and camping, which isn't really healthy for anybody. A major issue of camping is that survivors will just churn through objectives, with the knowledge that you can only be at one place at a time (being in front of the hook). Now, with their dual presence, you can park Charlotte in front of the hook and go on a rampage with Victor's considerably faster speed. Then, you can switch back and not worry about BT. Plus, Victor is ridiculously good at slugging. With incredible mobility and a very difficult to counter lunge (once you get the hang of it; inexperienced Twins are going to suck). There is little interesting counterplay to them and they encourage camping.
Plus, I've played Twins for a while and they are just not that interesting. I prefer to throw hatchets instead of babies.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Talking about twins.... Here is my ULTIMATE Twins guide <3 Hopefully it will change your perception on the ideal way to play them <3 https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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Twins are literally built to proxy-camp.
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I'll check this out! I don't hate the twins, I just think their power being released unfinished + Charlotte lacking a power of her own aside from Victor makes them seem badly designed.
ngl though Trickster's design is worse imo, hence why I picked that poll option.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Hey! I understand your frustrations with the Twins as the people behind them playing them are just doing the most obnoxious strategies :( Here is a link to my twins guide that may change your perception on the way they actually should/can be played <3 https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Trickster is a half huntress half plague copy and paste with half the power lol
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Talking about twins.... Here is my ULTIMATE Twins guide <3 Hopefully it will change your perception on the ideal way to play them <3 https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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Much appreciated.
That being said, I did write this from a survivor's perspective, and I really never got Twins as good as you; just face campers and pathological sluggers. I'll try out your tips for when I play her, though. Maybe babyslinging will turn out to be more fun than deathslinging.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Trust! :) all the streamers just bandwagon on the hate train which in turn led everyone else to do the same thing <3 There are endless strategies to be had when playing them! Even though slugging is strong with them there is no denying that! I think there are many more fun and interesting ways to play them that wont interfere with the fun factor of the game as a whole <3
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Nurse is a design failure. You can't just make killer which ignores all chase mechanics. This will not work. Nurse mains are not better than Spirit mains
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yeah im gonna have to go with Twins here.
i hope they'll receive changes soon..
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Honestly I’m impressed. Seems like you put in a lot of time and effort to make that guide so thank you so much. I’ve been playing the Twins a bit lately and they’re pretty fun to play.
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Trapper. Unlike other killers, his design is completely intentional. And his design is to have the worst early game for very little payoff, with no mobility and a power that gets countered by holding W.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Thank you <3
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Twins has a very flawed design where you can only really win by slugging and tunneling, but really you can do this much better with literally any other killer imo.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
Here is a link to my VERY in depth Twins guide... It makes me sad that people are using them in such scummy ways... Im rank 1 and I almost never slug... I would love it if you could upvote it and have a little read through xd... https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest
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I'd say she's a success. She's extremely hard to learn, but mastering her is highly rewarding. For me, I think, although it sucks to go up against sometimes, a good nurse gets this weird unspoken respect from the community now.
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Thanks! I'll go ahead and give it a look. Maybe it'll spark some interest into the killer.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
:) I hope so to and thank you very much... Let me know what you think <3
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
I hope so to!! Let me know what you think <3
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
ghost face by far; not only it's a Myers ripoff, without any justification in the movies, he has an old style of game design, made to scare baby survivors; he has a slow power, that was old even back in 2019 when they released him, hence nobody uses him as intended, i. e. wasting a lot of time crouched, stalking slowly and then suddenly getting an instadonwn, rather people just cheese his awful detect mechanic to stalk you in your face or just use his stealth as a chasing tool.
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Myers. It's boring to play as and his power just doesn't work.
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Hag. She is just broken in multiple ways. Killers shouldn't be completely destroyed by perks or items but shouldn't be too strong without these.
Just badly balanced.
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Why did you group them together??? I LOVE the Twins: great design and good skills/gameplay.
I hate the Trickster: Awful killer design AND skills too!
Design: Unlike all the other killers, he doesn't look like a creepy killer at all. He couldn't even have his own horror movie! He looks and SHOULD BE a Survivor!!
Skills: His rapid throwing knives make him look like an Overwatch hero! He should be the only knives-throwing Survivor (with a 60-second cooldown at tiee 1) who can slow the killer down.
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Ghost face/Demo/Oni
You just pick one, there are to many options otherwise to make a poll xd
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Right now it seems that Trickster could be in a bad place. Haven’t played as him yet but watching a lot of vids his power seems very weak and he’s slooooow.