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When it comes to playing DBD, are you competitive or a chill gamer?



  • Member Posts: 19

    Chill. I get my 8 hooks and almost always let survivors go - it's important to me everyone has a pleasant time and gets their points. Pipping up means nothing to me as a killer main.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Depends to be honest. Sometimes I play for fun or go for stupid challenges and sometimes I just play for wins.

    I don't really know the reason, it just comes and goes, like the wind.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I am chill until the other side does something overly toxic

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Depends on who I'm playing against.

    If I'm playing killer and it's a bunch of solos and the gens are going slow I'll play chill and even give the last one the hatch if they don't struggle. But if they're a toxic SWF or gens are flying then all bets are off.

    Same for survivor if I'm playing against a killer that's not camping or tunneling etc and I'm getting chance to get bp then once I know I've got a pip I'll just meme around and have fun and not worry to much about trying to escape. But if they're going out of their way to make the match suck for the other players than I'm powering through the gens and dropping the t-bags at the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited March 2021

    Killer role I will always play competitively until i lnow my opponents are in a weak position in which case I will give them room to breathe and play for points. Survivor I tend to only ease off again when the game is swinnging my way. Might search a few chests or work towards challenges. Deliberatly 99% gens and do another for points etc.

  • Member Posts: 472

    I'd like to say I play chilled. Sometimes I get tilted if I find a slugger and we're all down crawling 3 minutes in and other times I laugh my ass off in the same situation.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I'm competitive with players who play competitively and more chill in pubs. I play to the level of my opponents to an extent.

    I'm likely to give hatch to survivors who have 900 hrs to my 3000. I usually don't take much in the way of slowdowns or add ons in pubs.

    But if I'm actually doing scrimmages in a KYF against a comp team, I'd be wasting their time if I didn't go full sweat with camping, tunneling, etc. And they understand that completely.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Me and my team play for fun and laughs. I'm a daily player. Use to only play solo now play with friends/family. And we play mostly just to laugh at each other or others in the game or both. But even when I play solo I'm still enjoying and laughing

  • Member Posts: 37

    I'm in red ranks (killer and survivor) and as killer I have to actually try, where as survivor I can meme a bit. I still normally run a pseudo-meta build (WGLF/Spine Chill/Resilence/Borrowed), but even then, if I start getting tilted I finish the match and just stop playing for the day. I paid money to play a game to enjoy myself, not hate it because I didn't escape/get a 4k.

    That being said, I still can't learn Nurse, Huntress, DS, or Pyramid head because I struggle severely with their powers (I have a hand disease, so it makes it hard to adjust to aiming without my hand spazzing out now and then.) Since there's no killer specific MMR, my chances are slim to ever learn a coping/alternate hand positioning to ever be able to properly learn when getting stomped.

  • Member Posts: 283

    Im whatever the other team is

  • Member Posts: 31

    I do try to be pretty competitive and I won't lie I do get mad sometimes but I've never sent any toxic message to anyone, Recently dead by daylight has kind of became predictable though I get camped and tunneled as survivor Gen rushed and toxic survivors as Killer even though I bring perks to counter this it feels like all the useful perks have just been nerfed. Sometimes I like to just troll like facecamp as Leatherface and wait for toxic yet reasonable messages its pretty fun ngl I recommend to try and just play chill to anyone who is getting stressed out after all, its a game not your life. Unfortunately though my internet when I play against killers is so bad like it's fine when I play other games or when I play killer but I can't even play survivor anymore because of the lag D;

  • Member Posts: 8

    I'm pretty chill but I'm new, I tend to get stressed at other games like Overwatch so I tend to play DBD to have fun and unwind

  • Member Posts: 99

    I am myself a very chill player. I just play the game as it's supposed to be played so fixing gens, opening chests and helping teammates in different ways. But as soon as I notice that one of my teammates is being toxic or doesn't want to participate in normal gameplay, i get very competitive and want to escape as much as possible, even if it means to leave the toxic one behind.

    I get left behind so many times. On hook, downed or just as last one in general bc 2 others found the hatch and used a key and one DC'ed, then i just simply surrender myself to the killer

    I rather play games where i can play normally or farm with the killer and survivors. Those are much more fun and you help each other too with earning points. That's a big win win. And in the end I always give the killer myself as sacrifice as thank you. Sadly not all killers are that friendly... but thats just how i play and see it

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    Any game I play I am chill. Fun is my number 1 concern. I don't care if I lose a game so long as I had fun doing it. I want to win because I am competitive but I want to have fun doing it. If I have to resort to methods I fun boring then I usually play something else.

    In Star Craft I don't just want to build marines/maurders/medivacs. Sometimes I want to build Ghosts and drop nukes on my opponent.

    In Mortal Kombat or Overwatch. When I select a character to main I am not looking at what the pros are doing. I select a character not because they are the best but because I enjoy their play style.

    In DBD I go into a match looking for fun. However if someone starts acting like a douche for no logical reason, I will return the favor in kind. I don't enjoy slugging the 3rd survivor so I can find the 4th. I will do that if the team were being jack ass's or showboating but most of the time. I just want to end it and start the next match.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Depends, as a killer if I dominate I'll play a bit more chill in order for the survivors to get a bit more bps and have some fun. But I'll generally try to win.

    As a survivor I'm pretty chill since I usually work on gens unseen and I rarely try hard in chases

  • Member Posts: 10,300

    It's kind of a graduation thing. Everyone starts out as a chill player, then they learn the game and become a competitive player. I play this game competitively right now, and that's how I think the game should be.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I know this sounds bad, but I enjoy being a little toxic. When in person, I love trash talking and also being trash talked. That kinda translates in game where I will be pretty disrespectful, but I always enjoy when the opposing players get competitive and become toxic too. If everyone else stopped taking t-bags and points so seriously we could all have a much better time.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I think I've graduated twice then. Started out chill & goofing around, got competitive, and went back to being chill. My only goal in the game is to get my challenges done, tome or dailys. I like messing around with perk combinations to try and do something stupid, like actually get Power Struggle to work, lol.

  • Member Posts: 399

    Competitive as killer, chill as survivor

  • Member Posts: 3,142


    DbD is too poorly designed to be played in any type of competitive mindset.

  • Member Posts: 365

    Competitive but that's because I am in all aspects of my life.

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