Anyone else w/ a hand condition/disease struggle in dbd?

Hey all,
Without getting too much into detail, I have a progressive hand disease that screws with my ability to keep my hand steady and limits movement. Its not an issue whatsoever on survivor and most killers.
That being said, there are multiple killers thst I just physically can't play, anyone with a ranged skill. Even pyramid head. My hand doesn't stay steady long enough to actually get the ability off, i.e. as PH, I often end up using my power and watch as 50% of the time it goes 70 degrees off where I was aiming because my hand said lolnope. I won't even get into DS and Huntress but you get the idea.
Anyone with something the same or similar have any suggestions/tips? I'd really like to learn these killers as well, but other factors aside, reality makes it quite difficult, and I'm not one to give up.
The first thought that comes to mind is activating your power, then taking your hand off the mouse/stick so if it does move involuntarily, it won't screw up your camera orientation. For Pyramid Head especially, that might help.
Unfortunately, DbD doesn't have secondary binds so if you were to reassign the Use Power button to make this easier instead of keeping a finger on M2, you'd have to fully adapt and commit to using the new option.
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I type a lot and have to wear compression gloves a lot or my hands hurt. And it doesn't help when DbD is a game all about holding down a button or quickly mashing it, in addition to all the normal key presses.
So, I use a macro for struggling. I used to use the ESC trick for gens but now I'm going to have to edit some windows settings to enable the perma-m1 thing.
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I'm actually on ps4 primarily, so controller. But I also have a mouse/keyboard set up, which is arguably worse because the mouse picks up every little twitch making it even more ridiculous. @Lexilogo you have good advice for PH, I'll give thst a shot. It may bit a tricky to stop angling camera for the others though.
I rebound survivor stuff early on because I kept dropping pallets when guarding myself in them trying to use self care (it was 2 years ago, SC was still good then). Maybe rebinding my power to it to Square/Triange etc may help.
Thank you for the input, I'm looking forward to hearing more from others as well :)
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I have Carpal Tunnel and it does mess with my game play. It's not severe, but I can't loop for long and I'll sometimes have to stop masshing space on hook and just die, but I don't let it stop me from having fun. I tried using a controller but I learned the game on PC and my brain refused to adjust for the controller.
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I had carpal tunnel surgery, and it was the least painful and fastest healing surgery I've ever had. Within 2 weeks the tenderness was completely gone, and I could finally feel my hand again (for better or worse). If you have the means to get it done, do it. It made a huge difference for me :)
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What kind of mouse do you have? Could you set your right mouse button to a toggle/use Autohotkey? Or would that not help?
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I have a nerve condition that effects my hands and and play on my computer however have trouble using the keyboard. Using an X-BOX I think it is a Series X Controller and am able to play pretty well.