Public Service Announcement: Scratch Mirror Myers



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    Lazy? I don't think that is a term that has ever been used to describe me. I got a bit of a chuckle out of that. You are making several incorrect assumptions:

    1. What makes you think I'm not checking Generators? Of course I am. You cannot win with Spooky Myers without maintaining Generator pressure. He is slow and has no easy options for Insta-Down. You have to put the fear of Myers into them, coming out of nowhere, hit and run. The other name for this build (which I like less) is Jump Scare Myers. The reason I don't like that term, is because I'm not always going for Jump Scares. It is hilarious to suddenly appear in doorway that they are approaching, but it isn't always the most effective application. A Spooky Myers is checking Generators. The key is to be efficient at doing so, i.e. routes are everything, and sweeping, efficient routes allow you to pick up the aura of Survivors, hear Generators being worked, and keep tabs on that distant hook for the intercept.
    2. For the record, I've gotten to Rank one before the reset every month since I eventually achieved that goal. I fight mostly Red Ranks (with the odd Purples thrown in) unless it is the weird "Taste the Rainbow" outlier created by them testing MMR in the background. In short, I'm fighting people who are supposed to be able to hold their own. And there are more than a few matches where I've run across people who know exactly how to fight Myers and fixed my little red wagon. They are Survivors who can adapt, as no plan survives contact with the enemy.
    3. My Power is not an "in house cheat" as you call it. All Killers have a unique ability, and builds which expand on it. The Spooky Myers pays a very high price for his ability to see you, assuming the Survivors choose to call in the marker. I'm slow, and have no effective tech against good Loopers. The Spooky Myers is an anti-Stealth build, i.e. the bane of Claudettes everywhere. If you hide, he finds you. He appreciates you stopping so he can catch up. He appreciates you not running in a straight line away from him, because when you zig and zag he can angle to cut the distance. He likes it when you take OoO because he can see you but you can't see him. He doesn't like you being out in the middle of wide open spaces because he can't sneak up on you. All it takes is a little bit of a head start and he is NOT going to catch you. Spine Chill is everywhere these days (and with the new and improved Wraith it is only going to get more common) so most people can get that head start. Spooky Myers takes work. You have to outthink your opponents once they start applying basic, effective tactics. You will not catch them; you have to be two steps ahead. Lazy? I take pride in going against the best I can pull and I often take them on on big maps. I, myself, put in Haddonfield the other day and fought a Red Rank SWF that beat me soundly, but I made them work for it. Next time, I mean to beat them.

    I don't rely on my build. I try to take my build to the next level. I want to see what I can do with it, and unlike other people in this thread, I don't think Spooky is just for indoor maps.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well, my best advice is for anyone who wants to know how things work, just go to the Wiki. Every Perk, Power, Add-On, and Map is well explained and detailed within. Nobody has to pay a thing. That is where I went and learned about the ones I don't pay for.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. I'll tell you the same thing I said to some salty people who tried to get a rise out of me the other day. Yes, I do enjoy killing babies like you. Don't beat yourself up; someday you will be able to get out alive against me. I'll keep an eye out for you Hulk... look forward to meeting you in the fog.

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    I usually just play Myers Tier 2 with Monitor and Abuse, I still have that sneak advantage while being at normal speed.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Respect. I just don't perform well with him. My only issue with the Build is I still start in Tier-1 and the crappy, short range Wall Hack won't even work until I've reached Tier-2. I appreciate what they were "trying" to do with him, i.e. a mix between Spooky and Maniac, but I just underperform with him badly. For me, if the Vanity Mirror started you in Tier-2 and you simply remain there for the rest of the game, I would find it a lot more palatable.

  • XximpostorxX
    XximpostorxX Member Posts: 20

    What's so strange is that I just played this build an hour ago, and now this post shows up in my Google app. I didn't do so much as think about it, much less say it out loud, or Google search it and here this post is suggested to read. I haven't used the build in at least a year and I even managed a 2k at red rank. Haha. Cheers.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Won every game as spooky Myers back in the day. As a survivor I dislike going against it but luckily it is rare. Most people just dc from my experience. I don't think survivors like it in general.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598
  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It usually just means that they only play survivor(or they've never played Myers) so they don't have any experience with using scratched mirror and don't understand how it works properly.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    oh cool the killer bought me to lerys, oh look its myers

    i really look forward to not having a single chase because he'll hit me once and leave so that when i finally start healing he'll just pop out again and down me hehehehahahohoh so fun and interactive and so so scary!!

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    That is the whole point of the jumpscare myers build though, didn't really think that many people didn't like it.

  • quazzi76
    quazzi76 Member Posts: 77

    You put it on a forum for discussion, correct? Then when someone offers an opinion about it, you can only agree, disagree. If you want them to see it as something else change tactics to get them to see your it from your point of view. your first article never stated you checked gens. I don't remember seeing it. Then onto brag you have so much time to get to rank one everytime, seriously? Did you get a cookie, a gold medal, or maybe a cup of coffee? No, who cares it is a "GAME". Again my opinion if you are obsessed to becoming number 1 in a game it stops becoming fun. I concur that building characters with different perks and abilities is a majority of the fun. In the future when someone does state that agree to disagree is just that an opinion. If you don't want their opinion then don't leave it open. Any dibs on how many people are going to trash me for having an opinion?

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    This is true (as I play both survivor and killer as a Myers main) I rarely find anyone who plays spooky Myers and in the same breath haven't gone against alot of survivors who have either. It's alot harder to find then something like of like tombstone Myers.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    The biggest problem is that Map Offerings are more rare than any Add-On on Myers. IMO Scratched Mirror does not really work on The Game or Hawkins, so you only got Lerys and maybe Midwich. And hard to get those Offerings.

  • gazzy_g
    gazzy_g Member Posts: 28

    Works perfectly fine on Hawkins, second only to Lery's. The game used to be excellent, but it's not quite as good now.

    Midwich has too many long rooms with no LoS breakers for sneaking during a loop. Worth a punt if you've got a lot of scratched mirrors, but otherwise not worth the risk.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. I had to unpack a few things here. Nobody is taking dibs on "trashing" you. If you look back at my post, I didn't attack you. I answered your points, one by one and thoroughly. I treated you politely. You on the other hand, started your "opinion" by calling me (and anyone using the build) "lazy." You doubled down and called it an "in-house cheat" which means you consider me to be a cheater that is just getting away with something. I want to point out that the only person that has been attacking the poster so far has been you. Food for thought.

    As to your other points, I cede the point that I am way too prideful. It has always been my favorite sin. I like to think that I work hard to brag a bit now and then. The truth is I'm not competing with you or any other Player here. I compete with myself. I set goals for myself, hard ones in fact, and push forward until I manage them. And yes, I even treat myself to a cookie when I hit a milestone. I do take the game seriously, and I'm not entirely alone in that. Being chill and having fun is not mutually exclusive from being competitive.

    Last point, I didn't ask you your opinion. I made a statement, and then simply engaged the others who answered in conversation. That includes you. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Nobody made you respond. When you did, however, it was an open invitation for me to consider, accept, or retort to your opinion. It suffices to say that no, I don't consider myself lazy. I do not cheat, nor do I consider the build an "in-house cheat" and I take offense at the fact that you aren't just insulting me, you are insulting everyone who plays Spooky.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Scratched Mirror makes the strongest build on Myers. Add indoor map -- and this leaves no chance for survivors. You can figure the build out, when you notice Myers stays too long in tier 1, but usually it is too late. Especially in solo queue. So if you are playing Scratched mirror, just send me a message on Steam, so that at least I am gonna bring Spine Chill or something

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Most people bring Spine Chill these days anyway, regardless. I never have less than two Survivors with Spine Chill in my matches, and often 3+. I wish you were right, and Spooky was the strongest Myers build, but he is not. Even with the optimal map offering, he can be countered and trounced quite effectively. If Spooky was the "strongest" Myers build, you would see a whole hell of a lot of him. :)

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Spooky -- is definitely not a S-tier build and depends on the map; on Mother's Dwelling it won't do good because of the size of the map, like any other Myers build, but it is really strong in general. I really thought Myers is a weak killer playing some standard builds, like stalk + t3 duration.

    I did not perform well.

    With scratched mirror -- wow, I have started getting 4k - 3k almost every game. Since then, I've tried multiple different builds on Myers, and I think Spooky is the strongest one for me. Of course there is a tombstone piece, which is also very strong, but for me this one is on the second place.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Then you may have found your personal jam. I also like Spooky better than the other Myers builds. You can play him on larger maps, you just have a very narrow margin of error. I'm glad to know you are out there, we few, we proud, we Haddonfield hitters.