Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Let's talk about Blight's J-Flick - Exploit or Tech? It can turn more than 180* + Macro



  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited March 2021

    Tbh I don't mind if the j-flick gets patched, been playing him since November without the tech and enjoyed him a lot despite his awful POV and collision. I'm a pretty casual player so I'm definitely biased but if Blight becomes meta like Spirit we'll see how it goes.

    I've tried the j-flick for a little while and it's definitely difficult to pull off and takes a LOT of skill, even with maximum DPI it's a lot harder than it looks. Definitely takes lots of practice.

    No offense to those who main Spirit ofc, but Spirit and her mindgame power doesn't take as much skill as learning Blight on his own and the j-flick on its own. I can get at least one j-flick per game but it usually doesn't hit the survivors cause I'm pretty bad at mindgaming with the flick tech.

    Edit: Incase you guys are wondering, I use 10k DPI and a Logitech G502. Will try maximizing it this time

    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Console could use this aswell, if they allow them to have high sensitivity. Back in the days in cod on playstation i had maxed out sensitivity aswell, trickshots und instant 180s when you get shot from behind were only doable like this.

    You can not make a macro for something like this, it requires very accurate aim while being extremely fast and hitting a precise angle instantly.

    I dont mind having tech like this in the game. Would probably be a pain to fix aswell.

    I believe watering everything down and taking away skill is boring.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,557

    This isn't a 360 no scope. Blight already has a huge hitbox on his lunge, similar to Oni or Demo's shred. You don't need to be precise to land hits, and dodging out like you would vs Billy doesn't work most of the time either. You just get caught in the massive splash zone hitbox. The hitbox that is designed around his limited turn rate, not this broken "tech". The few times I have actually dodged one of these flicks, was by moving so far out of position that I would just be M1'd seconds later because his lunge cooldown is so short. Counterplay indeed.

    Please fix this. I'm already seeing more and more players abusing it for easy 4k's. And this is before the massive buff that Blight will get with his corrected POV.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I swear if this post gets blight's flicking removed...

    You remove his flicking and he immediately looses a large amoutn of his strength. He's probably one of the healthiest killers in the game where the better player wins, like huntress and nurse. Sure it may not be an intentional feature but it works well, and in no way is it unbalanced. You want to talk about unbalanced, why aren't you calling for spirit or deathslinger or twins changes? But instead trying to destroy blight?

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    So blights flicking is broken but im guessing spirit is fine right?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    Yeah that needs to be fixed. They're much too close to that window for that to be a fast vault.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    Yes, because Spirit wins by being played as intended, not by doing a flick exploit. Her standing still mindgame needs to go though.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Shift tech is not what that guy posted btw, shift tech is where you use the fact you can queue a vault to your advantage as if you are not holding shift, you cannot start a chase. This is done by running, queuing the vault immediately, letting go of shift then walking until you are out of the killer's line of sight before sprinting again. This can create infinites, and infact does create ones without counter in funbus/Groaning Storehouse, also works at cow tree/shack if chased incorrectly by the killer. I've seen the funbus window vaulted 11 times in a row for example, can't be entity blocked because no chase.

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172

    Looping also was an unintentional bug that stayed in btw.

    Survivors losing alot of speed difference in tight turns was never intended but stayed because of dumb checkmarks loving that "gameplay"

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158


    Wasn't the game designed around looping in the first place? I don't get it

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    then we need to spread the word so everyone does it and it gets patched out.

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172

    360s and all the other survivortechs are performed when the killer would get an easy hit on you in the first place except maybe for dumbtech which is actually high risk high reward. So no, they don't take alot of skill and don't need to be in the game as most survivors cannot perform them anyways. You made a mistake, you got caught out in the open on maps that are FILLED with obstacles, you deserve to get hit.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    You say, they don't take a lot of skill but you also say that most survivors cannot perform them anyways.

    Why is that?

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    To be fair window tech and CJ tech have 100% success rate counter play. You can't do anything about someone using high dpi on Oni and Blight. Dead hard I suppose is the only thing you can do.

    I do understand the skill behind it but that doesn't mean it's balanced. Take Nurse for example.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    It's not instant? You need to have directional momentum to get a fast vault. What survivors are doing is premeditating a sprint towards the window 90 degrees. They're running out wide to setup a fast vault. It might look instant from killer perspective but the survivor has given up distance to set it up.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Not really, it does actually take skill to do this reliably/consistently. The actual solution is to remove anything that can be a true infinite as a result of this.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2021

    Here you go. Mclean explained

    You might as well clip the whole thing. First he explains how the blight "Flick" is supposed to work. You activate your power, use your limited camera control to look in a direction, then you start the lunge and get more camera control and can turn more.

    The DPI lunge is plain and simple going beyond what is intended and might as well be called an exploit.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    I can't believe the fun bus survived the map rework. It's a really unhealthy tile variation.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    You could just wise up and not follow a good survivor to a good tile.

    But hey, that's just my 2016 talking. Keep holding W.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 927

    On the discussion with Billy, I'd like to note for some weird, inexplicable reason, your controller sensitivity affects Billy's "Super-Steering" at the very start of a chainsaw dash. Even if you're on a mouse and keyboard and don't have a controller plugged in.

    I have no idea if it was ever patched, (have not tested it) but with it cranked to max you'd have normal sensitivity when playing normally, yet able to do practical greater than 180-degree turns during that "Super-Steer" window which allowed some insane curves and physics-defying maneuvers.

    I think the sensitivity thing is in fact unintended since controller sensitivity when using a mouse and keyboard should affect nothing. Now I'm curious if controller sensitivity affects anything else like Oni or Blight.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    I think it's unfair, but not particularly game-breaking. Outright limits on turnable area are very much on the table.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    It's most likely very unintended. But they have never addressed it. So it's probably spaghetti code issues.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I'm a flick Blight and this isn't something anyone can just do the first time they play Blight. It takes practice and while it might require a high dpi, it gives Blight a higher skill ceiling which is always nice and should be encouraged instead of having killers like Spirit, Hag, Slinger and Pyramid Head.

    J Flicking is also very counterable. If you know you're up against a flick Blight, hold w more instead of trying to loop tiles when he's in his power. Camping pallets is also pretty hard to counter as Blight as well forcing the break.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Have you seen the map reworks? This will never happen with the current designer.

    The one that thinks 28 safe pallets on the game is fine.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Everything survived the reworks and some were made worse to deal with as killer.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I never said it's the be all and end all counter to Blight but against a FLICK BLIGHT like I said, these counters work. Flick Blights tend to go for flicks more than anything so yes, camping pallets works well against him as he'll break the pallet every time allowing you to make it to another loop. Holding W has a time and place but you're obviously misinterpreting my reply and blowing it out of proportion. Save the emotion for someone who cares my guy. Breaking LOS and holding W is crippling to a flick Blight since he'll be focusing on getting a chain rush and flick at these loops while the survivor is long gone. Make sure you understand what someone is saying next time before acting like you know. I have faced the number 1 Blight in the world according to DBD stats multiple times and have held my own in chase against him. I am also a Blight main myself and these are things that work but hey, if you think you're right more power to ya. You're the one who's struggling to counter him. Not me.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    That's the problem with killer: having to retreat from good survivors/tiles. And assuming there's no weak link, you're just screwed.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    No exploits are healthy for a game, regardless of the 'skill' involved. No double standards either. If you make an excuse for this one, you'll have to also make an excuse for pre-patch Victor being able to down people in lockers.

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306
    edited March 2021

    I'm pretty sure that lockers weren't intended as a counter for victor, which later got announced. Then survivors started abusing this and started using lockers. But I agree that it was BS.

    As I said before. It may be unintended but is more fun and skillful for blight. As can be said about Billy's flick. Unintended doesn't mean it's bad. Same can be said with survivor the tractor tech was not what the dev's intended but still, it's not game breaking not everyone can do it, and it can be countered.just like blights flicks. Which then the dev's adopted as feature and so did the community. So I don't see why people can't do the same for blight.

    Tbh this thread like console players are upset that they can't do it with blight. Which I'm all for. But It shouldn't be base kit, and by shouldn't be base kit I just mean not so easy to do. Instead give the option for console to select three own resolution, graphic as and give them more sensitivity. Which would give them access to do the flick aswell as removing the fps issue.

    Post edited by 1nsignia on
  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Console players be like I dont care

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    That's not a problem. You can go on about it in so many ways now. You can have a tinkerer proc to sneak up and keep tabs on generators. You can force super aggressive gameplay with Enduring/Spirit fury. I don't know where you are getting this from that there is a "problem" with Killer. Killer gameplay has never been as easy as it is right now.

    Tiles are made so that they aren't super safe anymore except for a few ones here and there. Where you can hit Survivors now on big loops without bloodlust is where you used to need old Bloodlust Lv1+ to even get the hit.

    It's okay to lose. You can learn something from that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The tractor tech is possible without mods or special device.

    The tractor tech is possible for both survivor, killer, and console users.

    Blight is none of these.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,596

    I mean some survivors say stretched res is fair but j flick blight needs removed. One you edit your resolution so you can see over loops. The other actually involves calculating when to increase your dpi and muscle memory of the full 180 so.... both need fixed but stretched has been around for far longer.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    "One exploit has been in the game for longer, therefore.."

    Let's not. You are partially right of course. And it's hilarious that some people think "It is fair" to stretch resolution for gameplay advantage. I agree that both need to be fixed as soon as possible. Both are advantages that shouldn't be accessible the way they are.

  • HydrogenDemon
    HydrogenDemon Member Posts: 20

    So because you bought a console means that you shouldn’t be able to flick blight. Only pc players get to flick blight. Doesn’t make sense. It’s based on camera sensitivity. If Behavior would up the sensitivity a tad or just make it easier to flick then console players would have it. Just cause you’re playing console doesn’t mean you’re subject to a disadvantage like this. The only disadvantage of console should be controller vs mouse accuracy and fps. Not the freaking game mechanics. Jesus.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Isn't the counterplay against Blight supposed to be turning tight corners? Allowing him to straight up deny it seems kinda ridiculous and this is coming from a killer main mind you.

    He already has one of, if not the best map presence, can end chases quickly due to his high speed, and is going to be getting his camera changed to have better visibility which means easier tracking.

    If they aren't going to fix it, at least give console players the ability to do it as well.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited March 2021

    once they buff him then more people will start using him and abusing this. it will become a bigger problem and lets just hope they look into it after that.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    I never said this. In fact, I've actually said multiple times in this thread that console Blight SHOULD be buffed and given more control. I've been advocating for that.

    What I will not advocate for is taking away control freedom from PC players because consoles don't have it. Consoles should be brought as close to a PC level, not the other way around.

  • TheLandoKris
    TheLandoKris Member Posts: 1

    Countering j flicks. It isnt hard

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    According to jflick Blight who admitted to not playing survivor. Seems legit.