Mixing clown bottles together should tbh grant the exposed effect, and a longer pallet stun

Doing so currently does nothing, and negates the effects of both bottles. but whilst clown isn't doing too to poorly atm, with his recent addon changes and basekit buffs that make it significantly easier to reload and throw bottles around, i still feel his basekit is lacking.
giving him the exposed effect on bottles mixing together (say into a red, or other colored cloud) would allow him, when he truly has a survivor cornered to go for an instant down on a player. Granting him a weakness to using them together (a longer pallet stun time) would mean he can't just do it in unsafe loops, or out in the open in order to effectively halve chases (And would be putting the clown at a risk if they did so.)
It would also allow him a significant form of hook denial, that many other instant down killers have, through the use of throwing two bottles to prevent a hook save. this could become problematic, however clouds made by combining both bottles together could dissapate far faster (requiring him to be very close to the hook in order to do so.) I also don't believe this to be a major issue, as billy, leatherface, myers, and few others have potential to deny hooks in the same fashion and they are deemed ok within the game
TLDR: Clown mixing two of his bottles together, should grant the exposed effect on survivors, and grant him a longer pallet stun if used incorrectly.
Clowns addons for the most part got pretty butchered. Clown is in a strong spot, and doesn't need any buffs. He needs his normal tonic to be fixed, because it has problems after the update. He is in the best spot he could be right now. It will be better once they fix his normal tonic though.
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No thanks such a bad idea
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It's not a bad idea at all actually. It's a really solid idea, but I think that he has some other bugs that need to be fixed first before if they choose to add anything else to him. He already is one of the highest mechanically skilled killers in the entire game. This would ascend him even higher, but I think there is bigger fish to fry with him first.
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It would certainly be interesting on seeing how killers set it up and the strategies to get things working but there's probably a broken loop hole somewhere.
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He already has an addon which allows him to insta down survivors. This just negates the punishment for mixing the clouds, also a longer pallet stun time is meaningless.
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All they needa do is Rework alot of his bad addons. I.E the Feathers. Increase the Antidote bottle gas (or h/e it's called) Rework the Tattoo Middle Finger. and we'd be set
Edit: For people that are confused about the Tattoo Ultra rare. It's a aura reading like Cigar Box. which is already... a Waste of a slot as it stands, For said rework. Just Change it to This
New: Tattoo Middle Finger: The prized middle finger of a large tattooed man. Has a faint taste of machinery oil.
Survivors are No Longer Affected by The Afterpiece Antidote. They do not Benefit from Invigorated Effect.
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Yea we talked about it on your stream yesterday, and best way to fix some of his addons.
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It doesn't negate it if they implement it in a certain way. Pinky's is overpowered if you know how to bottle toss. I have about a 90% accuracy rate on bottle tosses, but at the same time RHPF also isn't exactly the funnest of addons to use. So giving him a combo of him being able to perform an instadown in a certain window without the addon I think would benefit him. Even if they have to nerf RHPF to something else I would be down for it.
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i meant to put it on the forums my boi =D. not alot of people come to my stream
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Yea I know. :) We can only dream they will make some more changes, but I don't think we can count on it.
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the hell I was literally thinking about this earlier
I was thinking the gas could be orange and reward a clown player for perfectly timing bottle throws, but idk this could either be good or bad.
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His addon, requires you to use one bottle and get a direct hit, much like a backrev with billy on a survivor in order to instadown. little cheap, but not entirely unfair (i don't think it should be an addon, but i can understand why the devs didn't think it was bad enough to warrant taking out of the game.) Unlike iri head, which can lead to instant downs across the map.
He shouldn't be punished for mixing clouds though, he's using half his default power essentially. he should be rewarded for it, or atleast sidegraded into something different. arbitary limiters on killers simply make them worse then the rest of the cast (i mean just look at billy post rework, compared to now.)
And the pallet stun legthen, is to make it harder, or rather more risky, to throw two bottles in a loop and effectively just get an instant down, or getting an instant down through a pallet because you decided to walk through it. with it being longer after stepping in the gas, it is the punishment for playing wrong, but still requires a survivor component of skill to force him to walk through his gas and wait to throw the pallet (which survivors usually don't wait to throw pallets against clown)
the whole point of a longer pallet stun, is to try and get survivors to keep pallets up longer against clown, whilst also throwing them down at the right time, because it becomes far more risky with this buff in mind. But if the clown outplays the survivor or forces them to run through the double gas cloud they effectively end the chase which would be a neat buff.
I mean, they did butcher a few of his addons, but i'd still agree that there a bit better (some higher raritys got lowered, mangled on the bottle with the update lasts forever, and he still has all of his old good addons.)
deffinately needs to have his normal tonic fixed though, but im not having too too many issues with it. but he deffinately could still be better. i feel he's a lot more playable and this felt more a quality of life rework, rather then one that pushes him from the bottom of the tierlist. he still struggles against good survivors, and whilst i don't want him gamebreakingly op, he could do with a little more to bring him more up to other charecters with more lethality with similar abilities in chase (leatherface, whom i'd say is a good counterpart, breaks pallets faster/goes through loops faster, and has instant down potential in his basekit, whereas clown in chase feels like a worse version. your still kiting survivors and chasing them where you want them to go/chewing through pallets, but he does it arguably a lot worse minus his instant down addon)
Making them not benefit from the invigorated effect would be very very powerful in chase, and effectively when stacked with his other ultra rare lead to a lot of really poor gameplay imo. his bad addons need reworks too, though there not in as bad a place as say demos
but doing that with an ultra rare means every single pallet in the game would effectively become an unsafe pallet. just throw a slowdown and a speed bottle at the pallet, and boom, the loops very unsafe. they runaway into nothing you down them. they go to the next loop, well you've still got atleast two more bottles. it removes any kind of mistake a killer could make by using the tonic. i'm not saying its a wrong decision, but it would lead to very unhealthy gameplay (even by ultra rare standards) which would leave survivors with no counterplay if they try to loop normally, which is what should be avoided.
It could be very good if done well, and if done poorly could severely both impact the clowns preformance negatively/positively and add to a negative gameplay experience. but again if done well, it could make the clown even more rewarding to play, along with adding to the skillcap.
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I feel that would be insanely broken.