Hold W

This is becoming the most boring tactic that survivors do now.
Hold shift and W, pre drop pallets rinse and repeat.
This is dbd on 2021, at least before with infinites they played that tile.
Not anymore.
Please devs do something about that.
Simply holding m1 on gen, and holding w in chase can win 99% of the game, if whole team does this.
It is the fact, and yet many people failed to realise it.
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So so many. 😢
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Probably because its the most boring way to play.
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What do you want me to do? Stand there and die?
If I know I'm not a loop master why would I screw around when I get considerable distance with a hard W and a few windows?
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With my luck not really, I've been playing against hold W gamers no loop.
But yeah that is all a survivor needs to do.
Do you have fun just holding W? And have you seen the rise of slingers, ph, demos, and blights? That is because holding W is just all a survivor needs to do.
But if this is all we killers get then the game turns into the most boring game ever.
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We don’t ask you to change how you play. We simply state that as survivor, all you need to do to win the game is hold m1 on gen, and hold w in chase.
It’s up to devs to fix this or not. This is the problem with game, not the player.
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Holding w literally is the most efficient way to win. It's such a stupid way to win, but it works, and that's what makes it honestly sad.
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If this continues like that I'm 100% with you, it's either play a high mobility killer or just lose to the hold W
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I mean I gotta preserve pallets for my meghead to camp later
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So I agree that just playing a team of W gamers is the most boring thing to play against as killer, but here's where I play devil's advocate. Most new killer designs are anti-looping, Pyramid Head, Slinger, Twins. That isn't even mentioning old killers like Freddy, Nurse, and Spirit. Those killers have a very heavy advantage at loops, and staying there as a survivor is just a low percentage play. So holding W to a place far away from teammates on gens is the best play if you're trying to escape.
I don't think it's a fun way to play, as the interaction between killer and survivor in chase is the best part of the game, but BHVR is making it that way with killer designs. It's partially throwing the game as survivor if you try and loop certain killers at non god pallets.
It's really an issue that so many tools have been removed from survivors that are strong, and so many stupidly strong chase killers have been added that has seen a rise in holding W.
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Im a step ahead. I dont predrop pallets. I just hold w when the killer cant see me. Nothing is better when he mindgames at the loop and im not there anymore.
It has the downside that the chance is higher that i will bring the killer near a gen.
But i think that loops over all should be weaker and when you choose to hold w you have the risk to be caught in a deadzone when the killer knows you are leaving the loop. And some maps need to be smaller.
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Ok, against strong killers sure, I don't see an issue but against legion, ghosty, myers etc killers who are already weak by default they have it worse.
So that is why people have started seeing more strong killers like slinger, nurse, spirit etc.
The more time it takes the devs to do something about that tactic the more survivors will see really strong killers with really strong perks.
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You want survivors to just stand in one place and die?
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Killer meta right now is anti-loop killers+slow down builds. It’s smarter to take distance than trying to play every loop. Plus I thought survivors looping was toxic and not healthy for the game.
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Can you read what Omega above answered to the same thing you just mentioned.
Legion is anti looping? Good to know, ghosty is anti looping? And no, looping and outsmarting one another is the best part of the game.
You see slowdown builds because of that holding W as well, if it takes you a long time to down them because of holding W might as well regress that gen that they were working
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I haven’t seen a legion at red ranks that was also a red rank killer same with ghostface. I have only seen an Oni, Spirits, Nurses, Deathslinger (he dc’d after getting head on’d), and freddy’s. This is where I’m basing my statement off of. The only time I have seen a non anti loop killer has been when I get a green or purple rank killer who gets bodied. As for the occurrence of slowdown builds, it could be attributed to hold w strat but imo I think it’s just solid for producing results at a rate that is satisfying for people.
My bad didn’t think this was Reddit Ill make sure to distinguish my sarcasm from the actual response so this doesn’t happen again.
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Well couldn't the same be said about looping? If all the survivors did it then they would win as well.
This just seems like your trying to demonize holding w but it's a strategy that survivors have, just like looping. The fact that it's fun or not doesn't play into it. This seems similar to survivors saying camping, and slugging are boring unfun strategies. These are all strategies and survivors are allowed to have good strategies too.
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At the very least they're not being as efficient as they can be. They're not combining it with looping and map awareness to maximize killer time loss.
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Demoralizing a boring play that can make killers stop playing since there is no interaction? And then you see everyone ######### talking the killer match after match for camping and tunneling meanwhile survivors are not for doing that?
Looping requires skill and map knowledge, holding W doesn't.
If a killer can outsmart the player then at least deserves the hit, but if the survivor is just holding W from point a to point b that is not outplaying that is just wasting time since most killers won't catch up in time.
Don't say "but then go for another survivor" that does the same? How is that fun or engaging?
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Some are, especially with coms.
Normally I don't complain about swf but playing like this just no.
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If killer
If killers can run boring toxic strategies like face camping and hard tunneling and the devs are completely fine with it then why can’t survivors do the same thing? Really seems like the forums want survivors to be unplayable while killers should be able to get easy 4ks with no effort
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That same logic can be applied to camping. Camping takes no skill so shouldn't we be demonizing that as well.
You act like killers don't and can't insult survivors for holding w, I have seen it happen.
This is just rich. When survivors complain about killer strategies its automatically met with backlash and hate but when killer complain about similar strategies its met with utter agreement and suddenly a problem.
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The bar is set so low for casual play and still some Survivors complain.
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gotta do whatcha gotta do against anti loop killers idk what you expect lmao.
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Yup it's powerful and requires absolutely no skill, meanwhile the same people that like to hold W petition to have bloodlust removed and Spirit and Freddy nerfed because they apparently take no skill. This is why you can't take any of their opinions seriously a lot of them are morons that don't care about balance they just want ez games.
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And you are not giving backlash right now?
From my experience I see way more survivors insulting killers than killer insulting survivors.
Not all killers camp, just I haven't been camped at all today but when I play killer everyone holds W
Oh just like how survivors want everything nerfed from killers? Freddy, spirit, oni, huntress, blight, twins, just like that or how? Or how undying got nerfed in 1 patch? Or how PH got nerfed as well? Like nurse? Yep like that.
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Some maps definitely need to be shrunken that's for sure.
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If it is a great truth, a request must be made so that the survivors can only use the A S D and not the W ... because it is toxic because I say so, camping is fine by the way KEKW
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I'm expressing the hypocrisy that I noticed a lot on the forum from killers. That its completely fine for killers to complain about something but when survivors do they are met with hate and backlash.
And sure a lot of survivors be insulting but this trait isn't only unique to survivors. Sure not all killers camp but that doesn't take away from the fact that it takes no skill
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Yup. I do have fun playing that way. I'm not one of those people that runs in circles until you get hit in the head with a pallet followed by a teabag.
Early drop and run, baby.
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I'm not denying that camping takes no skill at all, in fact I'm with you there.
I just don't agree with you on one thing which is basically saying that holding W is fair since killers camp and tunnel.
Both of those things require no skill though tunneling is harder than camping depending on the map and situation.
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New account 33 comments and already in jail, yup trolling account.
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I've noticed a big amount of demos recently, I usually get like 10 per day, no lie but I get more demos than spirits and freddies together.
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I have tried this this only seems to work on a map with pallets ohh wait every map has pallets
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They will moon walk duh
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It's a vicious circle. People come up with ways to deal with oppressive chase killers, then apply that to weaker chase killers and get even more value. It's just when people only want to win that they pull that vs M1 killers. It's like getting slugged at 5 gens by Spirit, it's sweaty and unfun.
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Just to correct: Undying was introduced in the Blight chapter Descend Beyond in September. Undying was changed in the second Midchapter not the first one.
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I play on us east servers (I think) usually at around 3 p.m to 12 a.m.
Hopefully you get more demos.
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Ok then. I see what you mean. But I feel taking away any of these strategies also takes away from people playing how they want and I don't agree with that. I recently had a change a heart on this but I feel everyone should play the game they feel fine with.
I also just don't think it's right to target one sides strategies without tackling the other sides strategies, especially if they are on the same level. That's just biased to me.
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Same point but I got the date wrong.