Dead hooks!

Nobody seems to realize the value of dead hooks. They are a big deal.
I generally target gens around dead hook(s.) I specifically target being hooked around other dead hooks, or at the non basement exit gate hook. I'm very cautious not to get hooked in basement.
Most of my matches are 3 escape, I died. Consider the dead hooks. You would be surprised how much time and convenience you can sprinkle on the other survivors. Simply by being mindful of the advantages in dead hook locations.
Dead pallets are good too
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Yes survivors should start playing around map awareness. Just choosing where you go down can easily drain 20 seconds from the killer even if you don't really know how to loop.
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perfectly coined phrase, "map awareness." that's exactly what it is. mine really developed from a phase of running detective hunch to pop totems. i eventually realized the gens and totems are in the same general locations. and it only takes a little memory to search them, to free up a perk slot. i just note the dead hooks right along with my memory map.
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"map or pallet awareness" is a perfectly coined phrase. i think that's the difference in a good player and not.
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Unless the killer just leaves you slugged instead