Pebble is OP

Guys I'm telling you, pebble is just super OP. I bring it every game and about 95% of the time when I throw it in a killers face they run away. It should be nerfed as its super unfair to the killer smh.
(edit because spelling errors make OCD go brrrrrrrrrr)
You want to nerf the one perk where we can throw something back at huntress? Your smoking
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Haha yeah I love having pebbles when I'm up agasint a huntress, she throws something at me, and I'll throw something back at the b*tch. 😂
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I'm glad i watched the video before raging.
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Sharp knives VS Blunt objects, who will win XD
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Id love for it to have a minor use that blacks out the killers screen for like half a second if you hit them in the head lol
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We've finally found a counter to Hag: Public stoning.
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It's also a good perk for when you face a Demogorgon, I had every survivor kill themselves on hook during a match against one so the Demo and I just played fetch for a good 15 minutes XD