Do you think the community is toxic or not? Why?

So I mentioned under a post that I thought dbd community is friendly but toxic people are so loud that it looked like way worse than it is. I play both sides so I know how it feels to face a toxic player.
If I had a fun match you know, killer playing good but not toxic and survivors playing good but not toxic, I say "gg wp all" whether I die or escape(Of course if I did not die early and move on to another match). I do not see what I do often from other people if they did not make it. But if 3 or 4 escapes, you see gg's flying around.
Same thing goes for the killer role. If it was a fun match without anyone being toxic, even most of them escape I say gg wp as a killer but do not see that often from other players. But 3 or 4 dead, gg's from the killer.
On top of these, there is tunneling, camping, tbagging, flashlight spamming and etc. I know toxicity is subjective but let's talk generally what most of the players consider as toxic.
The bottom line is, I have been thinking maybe it is the otherwise. Good people are silent so toxic ones look like so loud. Maybe its both? Eitherway I believe good players should talk and show themselves more so we make this community a better place. What do you think about dbd community and why? If you give some examples it would be crystal clear.
Honestly I don't feel like dbd is even close to the most toxic game i've ever played. I think that has to go to League of Legends, people are intense in that game.
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Honestly, for me nothing inside of DBD's matches is really toxic behaviour to me. As long as it's part of intended gameplay within the official rules I consider everything kind of ok, at most annoying.
The most toxicity for me comes from endgame chat where people flame you for the way you played because you didn't follow their rules (which is even more toxic behaviour that they don't even realise they have, shaming others for not abiding their made up rules).
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It's the most toxic game I've played before and the only one that's made me have to set my messages to friends only.
Honestly though I think a lot of what you say has to do with peoples egos in this game. They think because they have so many hours or they are so good at the game that the only way another player could beat them is if they played in a way they think wasn't fair or cheated instead of realising that it doesn't matter how many hours or how good you are there will always be someone out there with more or who is better than them.
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I agree, a lot of the toxic behaviour in this community comes not from teabagging and flashlight clicking but from people trying to lecture you that you’re playing the game wrong. ‘No you can’t play that killer, I don’t like them’, ‘No you’re not allowed to play with friends, that’s cheating’. People will find anything and everything to complain about. The game can be very triggering if you try to take it seriously so perhaps people just find things to complain about to vent? The anonymity of the internet doesn’t help either as you can say genuinely horrible things with the only real consequence being that you get banned. There’s not much Behaviour can do to address that one though lol.
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I don't feel it toxic. Maybe because I don't get triggered by Tbagging, flaslight clicking or vault spamming. Sometimes I get tunneled, but I accept that it can happen. Camping is also not toxic to me, I am just sometimes sad when I see all my teammates crouching around instead of doing gens. End game chat can sometimes get interesting, but I find it usually just funny.
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It is.
Just like any other community, it is extremely toxic and hypocritical.
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Most, if not all, multiplayer games have a toxic community. I personally love to meet these toxic players, words don't hurt me and love to make them saltier.
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Well you have got a point. Mordhau is horrible aswell.
Agree. People usually use toxic term for something annoying so we are at the same point here too.
Some may call it cheating yes, thats overreacting I would say. At most it is just unfun for some people imo.
Well Im glad for you then. You are probably in the 0.01% of the player base lol.
And why do you think that way?
I do not agree with that I guess. I play space engineers for example and its a very welcoming community.
So let's focus on my main point. Do you think the community looks like toxic because toxic people are so loud or cheerful people are silent and that puts toxic players to the frontline? Or maybe both? And why?
Why players usually do not congratulate the other side after a good match? Is this a sign of toxic community? Or egos?
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All PVP game communities are naturally toxic in my experience. DBD is certainly not an exception.
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It's not even that it's toxic, I would say this is hands down the most entitled gaming community out there, it seems like alot of players can't stand losing and have to make every excuse imaginable for why they lost because it can't be that they did anything wrong 🙄, this is the community where you get reported just for outplaying someone and called a cheater for not doing exactly what they expect you to do. Having a brain is reportable.
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People misunderstand what toxicity is in DBD, it's not the teabagging and flashlight spamming. Those are more so people being cocky and arrogant, the toxicity comes from the post game chat or messages on console. Because you're getting accused of things you didn't do, and you're getting named called quite a lot. Those are what toxic people do, and it's sad that the community wants to appreciate these toxic streamers and keep telling people bow great they're. Especially a certain man bun streamer...
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DBD lacks even the most basic player behavior tools that most games have which makes it trully one of the most shockingly toxic communities I have ever seen.
Like you see a lot of adult temper tantrums and truly horrific behavior with people not just being dicks, but doing their best to try to break other people emotionally. It got so bad that when streaming for friend tonight he got depressed just seeing endgame chat where someone was melting down spamming racial and homophobic slurs and the word "fat" over and over after they lost.
The community is freakishly abusive and awful. People saying DBD is better than league need to realizr league BANS people for chat.
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The community is toxic. Every raging kid in dota 2 is a saint in comparison to the things I encountered here. (I had 3k hours in Dota 2 before I quitted)
But the sad thing is: Toxicity is praised and sometimes even promoted in Dbd. But on the other side its a guilty pleasure for me to watch yt-videos where the entitled and toxic Players get outplayed and rage in the endgamechat.
Banter is ok after a game. Slurs and deathtreaths are not.
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Nice nickname haha. I agree these happen sometimes.
I agree. That's why I mentioned about congrulating the other side after a good game.
So you think players like this should get banned with a SS proof?
Deathtreaths? Damn.
I see everyone under this post thinks the community is toxic. It's sad. I thought maybe it was they are being so loud and etc. Maybe I was being too optimistic. At the end of the day, do you think banning is a solution? Or would make it less?
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>And why do you think that way?
Why do I think the sky is blue? Because I see that
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When you say "community", you mean pretty much every player combined, right?
Cause in that case: Not even close.
Most of the time, my Survivors play normally and say nothing in the chat.
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The post says;
>What do you think about dbd community and why? If you give some examples it would be crystal clear.
And why do I think you are blind? Because you did the same thing twice. Nevermind, just forget it.
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Yes. So you are saying the community is mostly cheerful?
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Honestly its nothing new, since the dawn of online games, shoot, even when you played games with your brother on the N64, toxcicity has been around. DBD is special because of the nature of the game. It feels like youre being targeted by a group a bullies or 1 big bully. In a game of LoL or DOTA you have 10 people all with the same goal so it doesnt feel as "personal". But i dont see in game mechanics as toxic, body blocks, camping, tunneling. If thats how you want to play then go for it, theres no rules. Toxic to me is using exploits or hacks
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Is league of legends really that toxic? All the ads I see of it makes it so friendly?
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Just imagine, dbd with comms and your team can see everything that you're doing. Sometimes your teammates are chill. Sometimes they get tilted and look for any reason to complain. Other times they think they're god-tier players so the only reason their losing isn't their fault. Sometimes they're even right but don't say it in a constructive way.
I think the worst part about dbd is that the enemy complains that you're trying to win in anyway. In League if you spend most of your time dead and allowing the enemy to snowball to victory they don't call the enemy a tunneler or if the enemy just knocks down the objectives quickly without trying to engage the enemy, they don't call you a tower rusher.
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Definitely toxic but in comparison to other games, it doesn't come close. LoL and even OW are far worse. When it comes to team games, its crazy how bad it can really get.
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I don't think the community is anymore or less toxic than most other gaming communities. But people put thousands upon thousands of hours into DBD, so 1. If this is someone's first game they put that much time and effort into (clearly there are lots of young people on this forum and on reddit and twitter) then they're going to think this community is especially toxic. And 2. Even if it's not the first experience like this, if you're putting thousands of hours into one game then chances are you're not doing nearly the same amount in other online games, so the other games you play less feel fresher and you don't run into as many toxic people, so in comparison DBD feels awful.
I used to play Halo 2 online. I'm used to people screaming f and n words, and telling me I should off myself. Does that mean any of that's okay? No, but it's not unique to DBD.
One thing that might make toxicity feel more personal is that there's a max of 5 people per match. It's easier to focus on one person and insult them or direct your anger toward them. And the killer, especially, is on their own, so they're easier to gang up on.
If you're concerned with the negativity than I encourage you to send some positive messages in chat or through msg on console. Like someone's outfit? Did they pull off a nice save or a good mind game? Did the killer kick your ass without tunneling or camping? Let them know. Even if it's just a quick comment I think that sort of thing goes a long way.
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Yes, even in league the chat while somewhat toxic hasn’t been close to DBD.
DBD it’s like “I hope you spend New Years alone, get COVID, and your mom dies” kind of endgame chat
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I think like all online communities, the game is littered with people who are bad sports, sore losers and bad winners.
I think a lot of things that are kind of annoying mechanics get called "toxic" because people find them annoying and by de-facto attribute their use to malicious toxic behaviour rather than just gameplay.
I don't think this community is any more or less toxic than most online games but rather its an asymmetric chase simulator which taps into some very raw centers of our brains that are often linked with emotion.
Inability to keep that emotion in check, along with delusional ego about game skill, means people fly off the handle about any minor thing and claim it as toxic.
Typically toxic bevaiour is overt, its very obvious, obnoxious, and its often targeted. A toxic game in DBD is often a very different beast to a competitive one but both tend to get lumped in together.
Often because players are upset at a loss or want to rub a win in some else's face. That kind of post game interaction is toxic, even if the behaviour in the preceding game wasn't.
You can sometimes get a run of competitive games and toxic games, which can make a play session kinda miserable and that's when this game falls flat. This is especially true later in the evening against SWF teams. As group mentality can alone induce a bullying culture. Its why you often see this negative behaviour expressed on the survivor side more commonly. There is a team to back up your bad sportsmanship so a lower barrier to indulge in it.
Not all SWF/coordinated teams are toxic, not all competitive or 'sweaty' players are toxic, neither is flashlight saves, head on, gen rushing, looping, keys, MORI, camping, tunneling, its just game mechanics, some good some bad.
Foregoing playing your objective to constantly harass and taunt another player, sandbagging, post game abuse, DM abuse, sore loser'ism and bad winners, excessive BM'ing as a taunt, hacking, lag switching, abusing exploits, this is toxic.
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The community here on the forum, I don't really consider toxic at all. The player base, moderately so. My girlfriend played a match while waiting for me to launch the game, she got downed, crawled to safety, and then got Tbagged by a fellow survivor she earlier had rescued from a hook, which I honestly had never seen or heard of happening before. Tbagging at the exit gate, hatch, pallets, ect. Sure, but never over a teammate.
Post edited by SentinelCaptain on0 -
No, not that either.
It's very neutral in my experience, as if they could also be very realistic AI playing.
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Yes, because this game allows it.
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I consider it more annoying. I mainly play killer. Endgame chat people will call me a tunneler, and then they will tell me I'm bad if I don't tunnel. You can't win sometimes lol
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From personal experience, I've not received nearly that many "toxic" comments. I did get one a couple of days ago, claiming I was "insecure" because I beat then. Just replied "Love you too! Xxx", then blocked and left. Mostly, I get "Gg" or a compliment, and I only ever give positive comments if I comment first. So I've been lucky.
However, neither will I ignore those who have received many nasty comments, to the point some have felt it impact on their mental health, which I don't find acceptable at all. Teabagging/ camping/ etc.. that's annoying perhaps, but not triggering and mostly comes across as goading. If that happens, gg and move to the next trial once it's over.
But sending an abusive comment, just because their expectations were not met (which is the base of a majority of those actions) is just pathetic. That's the real toxicity.
So, based on that, there are toxic players, but to group the community as a whole as toxic - I've not enough evidence to say that it is.