
I think alot of people in this game don't know the true meaning of "tunneling" as Iv had many games where Iv been called out as tunneling when I dident.
One of the guys that called me out was a streamer so I went and watched his vod he had fully healed and half done a gen before I went for him after hooking two others.
If you've fully healed and doing gens then your free game as far as I'm concerned.
This post isn't to create an argument so before anyone chews my head off maybey go watch spooks n jukes tunneling video on youtube as alot of people don't know the true meaning of tunneling 😂
You're right there are a lot of streamers out there that have a negative impact on players that watch them because they shout camper or tunneller when that hasn't happened at all.
However I wouldn't use spook and dukes as a point of reference though lol. I've seen his vids and some are good but there's also many where he goes out of his way to play like a dick and then acts shocked when people aren't happy about it. He basically pokes the bear then is surprised when it bites him back. But hey it gets him content right 🙄
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Yeah, back when i used to play with friends i was astonished about the fact that some of them used to say "he's tunneling me" right after being found for the first time.
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Yeah thats why i am happy that DS got nerfed.
The new DS only activates when the survivor really got tunneled.
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No such thing as tunnelling, gen rushing or kill rushing. All terms used as excuses for losing. Git gud
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I really hope you're being sarcastic right now.
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I know he can play like a dick he likes the salt he gets way to much.
I only refer to him as he has a good video explaining tunneling and camping and all the crap you get acused of when the players don't want to blame themselves
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He makes some good points and a lot of his videos where he gets crap for no reason are good and I drop him a like. However he does also like to go out of his way in some videos to basically provoke the other players and then make content about them being salty which Is kinda gross imo.
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Nope, people can play however they want
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Worst thing is when someone gets unhooked, you chase and hook the unhooker, go to a gen happen to find the unhooked person on the gen, down them and pick them up only to get decisive striked because you were evidently "tunneling"
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people can play however they want but terms used to describe actions are still a thing. Being able to play however you want even if it means you lose doesn't make those terms invalide.
- Tunneling, going after a certain person whenever the opportunity is presented. This means after they are unhooked you go after them and either pick them up risking DS or wait it out but without letting them get picked up, If you lost them then whenever you find them even among all survivors you go after them. this continues until they die.
- gen rushing, solely focusing on gens spending as little time as possible with any other interaction as well as travel time to get to gens. Only doing saves if you are the most optimal choice. Playing this way in a swf when in a chase usually dictates using anything without sparing meaning you use pallets too early as long as it means you can waste the most time on the killers part without going down.
- kill rushing is just another term for tunneling but usually means you also use a mori.
Of course these are just my terms for it other people can view it differently but they all usually closely resemble this.
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whos cares what others say, whether its actual tunneling or not, its not against any rules. play how you want to play. but as others have said, if youre an easy target and your team isnt trying to take aggro then sorry sweetie, ur going back on the hook
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Tunneling used to mean solely focusing on one survivor, spending as little time as possible with any other interaction. I swear the definition for tunneling gets broader and broader.
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As said the term itself has many different definitions per person, but they all are relatively the same I just tried to make it easier to understand in mine.
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Survivors: 2-3 gens done in 2 minutes
Also survivors: Stupid tunneling killers!
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And that's the biggest problem with DbD.