I wish killer was as punishing as survivor is.

And i already know the killer mains are gonna grab their pitch forks and call me an entitled survivor main, but hear me out. I play both at rank 1 and unironically you can play killer in the most SCUMBAG way possible and still pip and still do well and basically do whatever you want. i.e hard tunneling when theres no decisive or even sometimes face camping. Because more often than not a survivor wont want to sit there getting face camped so they will let go and not play it out. I've seen so many killers who are just bad at the game get a 4k bc 1 person got tunneled down so hard that they just rq.
Contrastly survivor is a 4 person team, one person makes a mistake and the ship can sink extremely fast. The perks we get are often frustrating because a lot of people will exploit them in ways that will then get them nerfed. Meanwhile killers can quite literally get multiple tracking perks and enough gen slowdown to end up winning with very little ease.
And to add MOST s tier killers are literally so rewarding to play that survivors are punished more often than not. Looking primarily at Nurse and spirit but there are those fridge hatchets.
I understand why you think that, but saying SWF is harder than Killer is just wrong.
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So basically all of this comes down to, sometimes your teammates suck.
Sometimes they don't want to hang about to keep a face camper occupied so you can do gens.
Sometimes your teammates lead the killer right to you.
Sometimes your teammates make mistakes and you lose.
The only way to fix these is even the playing field. 4 killers vs 4 Survivors! Only then will those selfish killer mains know your pain!!! Or 1v1... I'm kidding of course, but seriously a lot of these sound like the sort of complaints everyone has playing their first assymetric game. You can't program people to be team players, and you can't balance around bad teams.
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The thing is that it's up to the other side to punish for mistakes. If a killer makes a mistake than it's up to the survivors to punish the killer for it. Same thing vice versa. A single mistake on either side can easily snowball as long as the enemy knows what they're doing.
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I get what you're saying, but against a coordinated team, doing so much as patrolling the wrong area for a few seconds can cost you the match as killer. But yeah, solo survivor sucks.
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Killer is already very punishing by definition, the nature of asymmetrical games in general. The gravity of a mistake made by a one man team outweighs that of a four man team.
You can lose whole matches if you decide to spend a bit too much time on one survivor. There's also very few methods of recourse for those mistakes as killer. Survivors have multiple hook states and can heal off injuries. Killers cannot undo a completed generator.
Some killer mistakes can basically decide the outcome of the match way before it's over, at least in my opinion. There's always room for recovery and comebacks on both sides, that's when the game is at its most intense
Also you mention Nurse as an example and I agree she's one of the most rewarding killers...But she is also one of the more punishing killers too. A mess up while playing nurse can cost you a lot, I'm sure a lot of Nurse mains will agree. Especially when sometimes those mistakes aren't even the players fault (Due to bugs and so on)
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I personally think solo queue survivor especially at red ranks is down right miserable, however a killer that’s up against a good Swf is also miserable. Sometimes if the killer doesn’t have enough snowball, map or early game pressure and the gens are poping left right and center they’ll usually play in a particular way like proxy camping, tunneling, slugging etc. I’m going to tell you that a good Swf WILL run DS, take hits/ body block and unhook the survivor with borrowed time while the other survivor does gens. The killer will tunnel the survivor after the borrowed hit who will then hop in a locker, the killer will eat the DS, the survivor will get to a strong gym. Run the killer for the last gen or 2 until adrenaline pops, run the killer to another gym/ safe pallet/shack, their fellow survivor will 99 the gate, the other 2 survivors will body block for them, the other survivor will open the gate and help body block and the next thing you know all 4 escape. Cause let me tell you there’s PLENTY of situations like that where survivors use incredible teamwork to escape.... This game can seem killer sided at times but there are really good SWF teams out there..