DbD Isn't Survivor Sided, Its SWF Sided.

Now before people start complaining in the comments this isn't to say that every single SWF team are sweaty tryhards on comms trying to get everyone in the game to De pip because the game only lasts 3 mins.
But what I am saying is the root cause of most complaining on the killer side of things is mostly because of how abusable the game is when people go into SWF, especially if they have comms.
So as suggested multiple times, the solution to this is NOT to nerf SWF, it is to BUFF solo queue survivors so they can be comparable to the strong SWF. Then when all the survivors are on the same level, the killers can be buffed to accommodate the new changes.
Will this happen? No.
I don't have anything to add to that I just straight up don't think BHVR will ever put the time and effort into doing this.
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Wish more people realised this before wanting to nerf solo aswell.
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1000% agree the games pecking order goes:
- Killer
- Solos
Thats probably why when someone plays solo and they hear killers saying the game is survivor sided they can't understand why they would think that with what they have to deal with in solo queue.
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Many killers complain how this game is survivor-sided. In reality it is. It’s just masked by bad matchmaking system.
if solos are getting good teammates (which they should have if matchmaking works properly), I’m sure you can escape like SWF.
And many killers do really want to buff solos instead of nerfing survivors in general, and then buff killers like you said. But I would be surprised if devs really do this.
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I agree that DbD is SWF sided. I'd take 4 crack solo's over one team of potatoes that can effectively hold M1 any day, because without VC those solo's still have a greater chance to make a mistake for me to capitalise on.
That being said, there's a SWF team in most of my games, and I don't exactly lose most of my games. Also, there's probably a SWF team in most of every red rank killers games. Also, who even cares at this point, nothing will ever be done about it, let's all just figure out how to collectively chill out and stop caring about deathsquads.
Seriously, I'm open to advice. Damn gen slamming W-holders are killing my desire to play killer and I'm getting bored of Blight, I was not built mentally to play one killer and one killer only.
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Not necessarily. If you stack second chance perks and items and get a good (badly designed) map a solo survivor can waste a lot of a killers time if the killer keeps chase. There are a lot of survivors happy to try and 1vs1 killers which kind of indicates perhaps there is a balance problem because in a true 4 vs 1 game the weaker side would never be attempting to nor able to do that solo.
In general though you’re right. A lack of communication can play a big part in the game, generators can be left to regress and survivors can find themselves 3-genned.
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people should be asking for swf nerfs, not entire survivor nerfs. as someone who mains solo queue, i dont want to get my ass whooped by mathieu
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I've given up on solo queue ever being good again. You can't. I mean it. You cannot buff solo queue into working order unless you add in an I win button. It's not possible with the teammates I've seen in red ranks.
If you look back on quite a few buffs/nerfs over the past 2ish years, the devs did them to make it easier on solo queue and newbier players. The result? They got to higher ranks and solo queue got worse. Ppl like to quote the killrate/pick rates from months ago. 68% kill rate in killer red ranks but then when looking at kill rates in all killer ranks it drops to 56%. Maybe there's a problem with ppl getting into matches far above their skill level? There's nothing more we can do but ignore ranks and try to salvage a working matchmaking system with MMR.
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I wouldn't say the game is survivor-sided, as someone who has over 4k hours in the game, and has played since December 2017, and frequently checks out the DBD wiki for fun, the game is the most balanced its been since release. Really the root of the problems we see is with matchmaking, the amount of time (experience) each player has varies and reflects in their playstyle.
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It doesn't matter if it is a SWF or not, any skilled survivor can use tiles in a way to where it is honestly unfair for the killer. SWF just makes them have information on the killer.
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Many things could be done but this is a problem since it was a feature and they changed nothing and probably never will. It is something that killers have to endure.
Personally i always try to outplay swf teams using all my experience as killer and you can get 1 or two of those tryhard teams most of the times, kill everyone if they make mistakes or are dumb swfs. But if they are going full tryhard too with perks items and everything, then its better to just farm your BBQ tokens and play chill. A loss its not the end of the world.
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Same, I just wished people realised it more.
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No one wants to nerf solo, just the huge advantage of coordination and information that swf gets. Even then, swf wouldn't be that big of a deal if matchmaking would pair them up against good killers. The problem comes when a rank 8-20 killer gets put against red rank swf. OoO's nerf will also make things better for killers, if it ever goes through.
If devs would make it so its much harder to rank up, hurry up and improve ranking and matchmaking, most of solo's problems would be gone since it would pair competent teammates together and let the potatoes stew in the lower ranks.
That isn't to say that solo doesn't need love. The hud should show when someone is in a chase, cleansing a totem or doing a gen. They also need teleporting hooks when there are 3 or more gens still up. Stealth play should get a minor buff to help those that aren't strong at looping, but not too much that they'll just hide the whole match. Immersive players who do nothing need a penalty that reveals them when they don't work on an objective for more than 60 seconds just to encourage them to stop being so scared.
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I was about to say that sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't thinks solo survivors are toothless.
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Yeah, I have had my fair share of full-on SWF teams, Kindred allowed those things to happen.
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Not really SWF sided. It's just high level survivor sided.
You go against good survivors it doesn't matter if they are SWF or not, it's just unlikely to get 4 very good survivors in solo queue.
If you take 4 tournament playing survivors and put them all together without discord, they are still going to destroy you because survivors objective is just faster; so long as a survivor knows how to efficiently run you by the time you get pretty much every hook you are going to lose a lot of gens. Few killers are even capable of competing at all in those games, hence why community tier lists exist.
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I'd have to generally agree - as a Rank 1 twins main, I usually 4k red-rank solo teams without much difficulty, but can get destroyed by a good SWF. Such a huge delta.
When playing survivor, you can tell the lack of communication - unless I run Kindred, you will see 2-3 survivors come off their gens to come get me at the same time. That's a huge advantage to killer, even more so if Ruin is active. This doesn't happen in SWF which is why the gens fly so much faster. Perhaps a Kindred-lite base kit might help with a corresponding small buff on the Killer side.
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I play exclusively solo.
It is survivor sided. Its just SWF have an easier time doing the tricks that 'break' the game. Most of the things that severely imbalance the game (ex: Staying split up and just constantly refusing to do chases outside of safezones, playing real agro at gens, ect) anyone can do without communication.
Like the game isn't survivor sided cuz survivors can say 'He is going to your gen.' Its cuz even if you 'get the drop' on a survivor at a gen if they back off and stare at you 10 meters from the gen and 10 meters from a pallet they are basically invincible unless against specific killers. Survivors are EXTREMELY safe on most maps and you legitimately do not have time to win chases vs them.
Again it isn't like SWF isn't an advantage. A SWF will almost always play like this while solos have to all be good. If a bad survivor game exists its 9 out of 10 times a solo fiesta of people not playing 'mathy.' But its SO EASY to play 'mathy' as a solo and just lock the game down without even talking pre-game.
There is just a core problem with chase times and gen times. It isn't gen times are too fast per-say. Its just that its trivial to completely deny the killer tempo and stall because killers aren't rewarded ANY tempo for winning chases really, and it takes about 2 minutes to get a down if the survivor just holds W. Survivors lose games doing stuff like wasting their speed boosts and letting the killer cut them off, but if you basically refuse to even play DBD it is literally impossible for most killers to get 2 downs before the game ends. The killer just... doesn't catch survivors that fast running literally in a straight line.
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This post is officially Killer Main approved, as I am a certified Blight main, and I approve this message.
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I am a survivor main and I too agree. Although, no offense but it's pointless making posts like this. Although I agree, It's the DEVS who decides. It would be nice but the DEVS wont do this, they don't understand enough of there own game, well at least red ranks.
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Not necessarily.
Four good solo survivors still have the advantage over the killer and quite significantly at that.
Yes SWF coms is a huge advantage, but the biggest advantage of SWF is the ability to guarantee you get good teammates. In solo queue you are rolling the dice on good teammates. The average solo queue group is weaker than killer but just because of your chance at bad teammates.
IE you can still be doing solo entirely and get good teammates, giving you a significant advantage over the killer.
In other words:
- Good solo queue teammates
- Killer
- Average solo queue group (bad teammates)
Coms are huge, but the guaranteed quality of your teammates is an even bigger advantage. Survivors playing bad doesn't make it killer sided either. We don't base balance on people playing bad, we base it on the best of the best on both sides as that takes human error out of the equation.
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This has been suggested for years now. Solo q is hell, meanwhile swf can mop the floor with killer.