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Inverted borrow time Perk, new idea

senki527 Member Posts: 275
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

hey folks,

I have a really nice idea to add as a new survivor perk for the next patch. The inverted borrow time. When you unhook a survivor in the killer's terror radius and if you get hit, you gain a protection hit. It's like borrow time, but the savior gets the protection hit. So if you take both perks along, you can actually counter stupid face camping killers and both survivors are being protected from hits. And if you take only one of the perks with you, the killer has to decide wether to attack the savior or the unhooked guy. More mindgame then.

please add this, it's really needed


  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    Not really, cause it's only useful, when the savior is in injured state. In full health it doesn't do anything really.

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    well if all survivors are gathering around the hook, no one is doing gens. And if this happens in endgame, the killer deserves to lose when 4 survivors are still alive.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2021

    Which encourages not healing and just gen rushing.

    I'm totally fine with anti-camp/anti-tunnel perks. The problem is the survivors can abuse this and force killers into camping/tunneling even when they don't want to. Things like during end game when the gates are powered or just when you have that person hooked in your 3 gen and there's no reason for you to leave.

    This just feels very punishing to the killer for situations that are sometimes not his fault but instead forced by the survivors.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,197

    No. There's a reason Borrowed Time got reworked in the first place. What you're suggesting is Old BT without the one-use condition.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,463

    Borrowed Time already had this extra effect when it was first added and only got nerfed with the release of The Pig back in January 2018. And with how the perk now gives Deep Wounds instead of its own bleed out timer like back in the day it would be even stronger, yes you want to make the secondary effect a perk on its own but it would simply just be paired with Borrowed Time to have the exact same effect.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Mindgame = 50/50 or literally unwinnable I guess

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Here's what I think OP ment:

    -Not Borrowed Time-

    For 10/12/15 seconds after unhooking a Survivor within the Killer's Terror Radius, you gain the Endurance Status Effect.

    Any Protection Hit's taken that would put you into the Dying State will instead trigger the Deep Wound Status Effect, after which you have 20 seconds to Mend yourself, triggeing this affect makes you the obsession.

    Taking any damage while under the effect of Deep Wound or if its timer runs out will put you into the Dying State.

    This perk is disabled after the last generator is powerd, or if you are the obsession.

    Decreases the odds of being the Obsession.

    The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    yes this sounds good, maybe disable effect after last gen.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    No, otherwise, there would be no counter-play in the end game and it would be like old BT with a free escape for both the unhooked survivor and their saviour.

    Being able to bum-rush a hook and save someone durign the game with this perk would already be frustrating for the killer. Having the perk effectivly only be usful during the game is fine, as na anti-camping perk. However, during the end-game, if all 4 survivors are alive and one gets cought, being able to 100% save them removes any skill play on the killers side as they cannot do anytihng.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,117

    your previous sentence suggests that you are not ok with anti-camp perks. I do not mind anti-camp perks in EGC because your not realistically suppose to be in a winning position in 4vs1 unless your using NOED. Its like survivors expecting they should escape when they're last person alive every time in EGC. I do not like BT during the game(5 gen progression) because it allows survivors to hook trade without any risk and the perk in general remove skill-cap of safe unhook saves. in EGC though, Its legit needed vs some killers like Leatherface.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2021

    "your previous sentence suggests that you are not ok with anti-camp perks."

    I quite literally explained why I am okay with anti-camp/tunnel perks and went into examples of when they are and aren't okay. I don't feel like I left any room for interpretation in another direction with my wording.

    "I do not mind anti-camp perks in EGC because your not realistically suppose to be in a winning position in 4vs1 unless your using NOED"

    Who said it was a 4v1 at that point? Could be a 3v1 etc etc

    Also why are you supposed to be in a winning position in a 4v1?

    "I do not like BT during the game(5 gen progression) because it allows survivors to hook trade without any risk and the perk in general remove skill-cap of safe unhook saves."

    I totally agree with you.

    "in EGC though, Its legit needed vs some killers like Leatherface."

    To make it counterable to something like Leatherface in EGC though you now make it busted against the vast majority of killers.

  • Boogiekingmyers
    Boogiekingmyers Member Posts: 44


    and this will completely break the game, as if BT wasn't obnoxious already where the hooked gains god mode for 15 seconds. Or survivors swarming the hook the moment you blink, nope nope nope. If the killer is facecamping, do gens and escape, he will depip and gain less points.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,117

    "Wow does this sound broken and completely unhealthy for the game lol."

    I am taking this sentence as " I do not this perk". If this was sarcasm in the sentence than I could not spot it.

    "To make it counterable to something like Leatherface in EGC though you now make it busted against the vast majority of killers."

    Why would it be busted? Current decisive strike already does this when you are near exit gate and new decisive strike is ONLY good for this.

    Facecamping killers in EGC is extremely boring and in my opinion is one of the least fun aspects for survivor. Many days that I am playing survivor, I am not even interested in dealing with it and I get to the EGC very often. Its not even just leatherface. its long-list of killers that just have incredible facecamping. Just to name few Huntress, Billy, Leatherface, Infinity EV3 Myers, Virtually all killers that use STBFL at high stack e.g(Deathslinger, Freddy,Doctor, Demo,Pig are common). EGC for killer is really killer-sided. its why a lot of your games, you can get low kill count and than half the time, survivors too potato to leave so you end up getting 3k for what should been an easy 2-3+ escape. The only time where EGC is looking more survivor favored is when survivors run 4 Adrenaline or use many BT which you should expect to see a lot more post-decisive strike changes with prove thyself.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "I am taking this sentence as " I do not this perk". If this was sarcasm in the sentence than I could not spot it."

    Why didn't you quote the post you literally commented on? It elaborates everything I've said...

    "I'm totally fine with anti-camp/anti-tunnel perks. The problem is the survivors can abuse this and force killers into camping/tunneling even when they don't want to. Things like during end game when the gates are powered or just when you have that person hooked in your 3 gen and there's no reason for you to leave.

    This just feels very punishing to the killer for situations that are sometimes not his fault but instead forced by the survivors."

    "Why would it be busted? Current decisive strike already does this when you are near exit gate and new decisive strike is ONLY good for this."

    Because that's just for the rescued, not both, which is how this would be.

    "Facecamping killers in EGC is extremely boring and in my opinion is one of the least fun aspects for survivor. Many days that I am playing survivor, I am not even interested in dealing with it and I get to the EGC very often. Its not even just leatherface. its long-list of killers that just have incredible facecamping. Just to name few Huntress, Billy, Leatherface, Infinity EV3 Myers, Virtually all killers that use STBFL at high stack e.g(Deathslinger, Freddy,Doctor, Demo,Pig are common). EGC for killer is really killer-sided. its why a lot of your games, you can get low kill count and than half the time, survivors too potato to leave so you end up getting 3k for what should been an easy 2-3+ escape. The only time where EGC is looking more survivor favored is when survivors run 4 Adrenaline or use many BT which you should expect to see a lot more post-decisive strike changes with prove thyself."

    I find it hard to believe that you are actually face camped that much. I've been face camped like once in the past maybe 2 weeks?

    Also once you're in the EGC the saves are not supposed to be easy. That's the point. Rather than asking for this you should be asking for the devs to give the killer a reason to leave the hook in EGC.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,117

    I am not really facecamped that much, if anything I am usually last person to get hooked in most matches because all my teammates end up dying. I just find the EGC very anti-fun for survivor to the point that certain days, I rather just instantly leave through exit gate than deal with that killer stuff.

    Facecamping as survivor is like an M1 killer like Myers trying to win chases vs 10 god pallets on "The game"+ 15 more safe pallets for the killer. It is not exactly thrilling gameplay.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "I just find the EGC very anti-fun for survivor to the point that certain days, I rather just instantly leave through exit gate than deal with that killer stuff."

    Oh I totally agree. I'm just saying the correct change is to the game, not introducing abusable/busted perks.