Are there any Tournaments being held for DBD rn?
Me and my friends are just really bored and wanna see how we fair really good players
If you've got a full team and even a killer, I've got a spot open in my league that needs to be filled!
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I mean I aint the best at the game, I honestly just wanna go up against some really good players to get better!
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i have a Tourdament and looking for one more team
This is a Team Tournament where teams go against each other in a Elimination round to see who wins, Each round will be overlooked by a caster to judge who is the winner, Games will consist of 3 match's see who wins the most. Match's will be judged on how many people escape E.G Team 1 plays killer and Team 2 plays survival 4 Generators get completed and zero Survivors escape Team 2 Completes 5 Generators and all Escape, Means team 2 wins the Match, if no one Escapes but have the same amount of Generators Finished it will be who Finished the Generators the Fastest.
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Yeah! Just let me know. I can send your more information in messages if you'd like!
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dm me about my tournament!