Do it BHVR, or I'll give my goldfishes to my cat.
I hate swf when I play killer but the devs aren't going to nerf them, your just wasting your breath.
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You guys are overreacting, most swfs are casual players who kill themselves, if you don't like them please send them to me.
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If you and your goldfishies got a string of aweful potato teammates in solo you might look a bit kinder on groupin up...
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I SWFed four matches tonight, and we all died in three of them.
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i am a main Sur player (2000h), and i only play with my friend (SWF), we rarely win when facing rank 1 nurse or spirit. So play nurse more my friend.
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How would you nerf swf without effecting solo players then?
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The dev's will not nerf SWF as they want to treat matches as if it's with 4 solo's at all times.
The only thing they will do is balance the game by introducing mechanics or reworking them.