How do highly skilled killers stay in the low ranks (18-20)

Is it possible to derank to below 16? I derank before I prestige a survivor character but 16 is as low as you can go. I constantly come up against killers who are pimped out Preshige level 3 with all rare add ons at level 18,19 and 20.
I can recognize good well trained players, and these guys make short work of all survivors.
I think it's usually just people who don't play all that much.
sometimes it can be a survivor main that dumps points into killers but rarely ever plays. and when they do, it's meta + pink/purple add ons, and other times, it's same except its a killer main on survivor.
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At rank 16 the black pip is set to 0 emblem points.
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You can't derank past rank 16. I haven't played for months, being a purple rank killer, and went back to rank 16.
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Rank reset
If any red player stop playing the game by like 3 months he will go back do rank 20
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I'm not sure how honestly but you can go down to 20. I took a 2 year break where I was in red ranks as both killer and survivor. When I came back I was at 20 for both. No idea what all factors into being able to go that low though. I did feel bad for survivors and killers when I came back though
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You probably went down to 20 before the change.
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Rank reset will set the survivor back to rank 17 from 16 and then 20 from 17. There’s no way to manipulate the system to go straight to rank 20
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those are cheaters! I once searched for mods for RE2Remake on an internet site, an alternative to nexus mods, and saw that there was also dbd listed. I was curios because why would they have an online game there you cant mod online games besides those icons things. Then I clicked and was blown away how many cheater and cheat programms there was on this site! Like 8000 downloads of one hack tool just on this one site... I was highly disgusted by this! SO I remeber that this cheat tool with 8000 downloads had a such function to reset the rank.
I really hope devs could visit more of this sites and download this tools to reverse engeener how they work and block them somehow.
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A lot of comp players are low rank because they play most of their games in KYF. Normal queues get incredibly boring when you're a "pro" (lol). Some of the best survivors I know are green and yellow rank because they rarely play pubs.
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Yeah, its actually longer than 3.
1st reset, Red -> Rank 5
2nd reset, Purple -> Rank 9
3rd reset, Green -> Rank 13
4th reset, Yellow -> Rank 17
5th reset, Brown -> Rank 20
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4th reset, Yellow -> Rank 16
5th reset, Yellow -> Rank 16
That's how it works now.
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Well, I've been as high as purple ranks. I have all my owned killers to Level 40 for unlocked teachables. And if I am playing my main guys of Doc or Myers (or my side guys of Leatherface or Freddy), I also have all the perks I want on them and the wanted loadouts. Plus a ton of add-ons waiting.
I am currently Rank 20 because I haven't played in many months. Rank reset will eventually reset you all the way back down to Rank 20.
@Rank_21 No, it doesn't. I was in greens when I quit. I am currently Rank 20. You can't depip below Rank 16 through playing, but can eventually rank reset all the way back to 20. Unless there was a recent patch note that changed that after I'd already reset to 20.
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Sorry, but I have 1st hand knowledge that is not the case.
Rank reset is not the same as depipping. You cannot depip past 16 but rank reset can set you back past it.
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lol yeah because you can trust a reputable sight like that. No way were they putting up bs so you can download their malware. Plus they know at least 20 hot people in your area looking for you! How could you resist!!????
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I was rank 4 when I stopped playing Jan 20, 2020. I logged back in Oct 2020 during the event and was reset to rank 5, bc bhvr. I logged in every month after until Feb where I was finaly reset back to 20.
The reason I did this was to play Nurse from rank 20 to rank 1 before the MMR system takes over.
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I think you have to login as well. I tend to take long breaks from the game to play others, and I've not been set back to Rank 20 yet since the changes went into effect.
Most recently I took a break from September -> February, and when I came back, I was Yellow for Survivor from Rank 4, and Rank 17 for Killer from Rank 10.
So I think if you just don't log in, it will only drop you a couple "tiers" of Rank rather than all the way back to Rank 20.
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Because many killers go afk to farm iri shards. This also deranks them