Can we PLEASE have the option to not go against Swf teams.
It's one of the absolute worst things to go against as killer. They always end up being super toxic and cocky because I missed one hit and they just completely gen rush the entire game. Can there PLEASE be some kind of setting to not go against these tryhards. Can I just go against solo que players PLEASE.
It just becomes more unfair for killers when they go against Swf because they just tell their friends everything that's happening or they encourage them to gen rush more. This game is already survivor sided and it just becomes more and more frustrating by the minute when I have to got these types of players.
And yes, I would rather wait twice the amount of time for a lobby just so it isn't a Swf team.
This will literally never happen.
20 -
Can i have the option to not play against red ranks then? Honestly stop with the bait
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I don't care, I'll still ask for it.
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Honestly if they just made matchmaker functional and decent, and be dependant on the experience you have with each particular killer, it wouldn't be so bad.
My problem isn't SWFs it's being put into matches that I cannot possibly win. Like why play if it's over from the start.
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In what shape or form is this bait? It's frustrating, it's almost impossible to beat. I'm tired of going againt red rank survivors when I'm literally a green ranked killer.
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If they make that an option literally no one would choose to go against swfs
15 -
That's the point, it doesn't take skill to be a part of a Swf, they are not needed. The fact that NO ONE wants to go against them proves my point of how bad they are.
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Id be into some perks being banned in swf since some are grossly imbalanced with swf.
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I agree they can be frustrating to go against, but by adding an option like that, you are alienating about half the people who play this game from playing it again
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Yes because swf is blatantly unfair and they won't buff killers accordingly because of solo players.
10 -
sure, enjoy the 50 minutes que times xd
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Maybe they need to get better and play solo que like actual good players.
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I will, thanks.
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You could say the same thing for killers going against swfs, this argument doesn't make sense
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Kwf would be a better route for them to go. 2v6 dead by daylight would be fun even if you just had a generic killer with some vanilla perks.
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Because the majority of those friend groups are toxic and trash when they play sole que. They aren't good, they are toxic, and all the do is click flashlights and gen rush. You're telling me it's a thing for this game?
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4 competent randoms will rush those gens just as hard.
Love it when a killer screams SWF when I'm solo queue.
11 -
No because everyone would just choose to not go against it. I play solo so honestly it would benefit me and get me quicker matches. But at the end of the day I know that it isn't fair to stop someone playing a game because they want to play with their friends.
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There should at least be an indicator as to who in the match is SWF and a hefty blood point bonus.
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You can't get better playing against bs that the game isn't balanced around 🤣
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That would be an amazing improvement as well, good idea.
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Yes you can, I got to rank 1 killer going against my fair share of unfair swfs, if all you do is go against uncordinated solo queues all day you won't get any better
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No I'm saying you need to just get better, and you can only do that if you are actually challenged
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
The fact that no one would want to play against a Swf team just proves my point.
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There's a big difference having a challenge and then being completely surrounded by players with flashlights and tool boxes who just want to torment you and gen rush.
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But it also shows why it would never happen. SWF can be difficult to go against sometimes but we all know when we go against solos it's pretty much easy mode and you stomp the other side. I just wish there was a balance so that each match could be challenging but not either feel impossible or just way to easy.
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I prefer facing swf because it’s an actual challenge, facing randoms isn’t fun it’s quite boring getting easy wins. Facing players who are worse than me and I stomp them isn’t fun, if I face a 4 man team I know it’s a real challenge and I enjoy that.
8 -
No, no you can't, any win against swf is purely because they are new to the game, don't know the map or are purposely playing poorly. This is a game where it's 1v4 and the 1 is supposed to be power role, you think it's power role vs swf? Swf has kindred/bond as part of base kit.
It's clown role vs swf
You can be the best killer player and still lose with 0k entity displeased or brutal if you're lucky only against swf so there is no getting n better you just lose. This game isn't even skill really just rng and perk cheese.
1 -
Idk why you seem to think a killer winning against a good swf, must mean that they suck or played poorly. Even the best of players can lose to a good killer, yes the game tends to favor survivors more, but it isn't impossible for a skilled killer player to win a ton of matches. Want proof? Look at Otzdarva's 50 win series. In those he goes against many toxic and skilled swfs.
9 -
I disagree and I think your statement completely removes any skill from the killer. It’s extremely unfair to those killers who are actually good when you say swf gives free wins despite anything they do and they aren’t skilled if they beat them they were just playing bad. That’s a terrible argument.
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swf and solo survivor is a completely different game. one with an advantage not programmed or balanced into the game and one using only the games balanced tools to play.
Hmm it's almost as if one side is using an external program to CHEAT. Yet nothing is done about it because there is absolutely nothing behaviour can do to police this cheating.
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well if you don't mind that long que times just lobby dodge until you find a solo lobby?
1 -
Ok have fun with that.
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Gotta say that ban was well deserved
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killer want nerfs for suvivor which results in playing solo gets a living hell and those more ppl play rather SWF
also Killer dont want to face Swf
(Insert Surprised pikach u meme)
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Okay i SWF but not a try hard -.-
0 -
You'd rather noob stomp some solos and feel like a better player than you actually are is the truth, swf CAN be broken but it's definitely not always and no matter what anyone says voice comms are absolutely fine and could even mess you up in some instances
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Can we PLEASE have the option to choose what killers we go against? 🤐 Spirit, Nurse, and Pyramid Head are so annoying 😩
On a real note, doing this would just remove SWF in general because no killer would tick the box to go against them. Get gud and get real.
4 -
Can we PLEASE have the option to not go against specific killers like Bubba?
It's one of the absolute worst thing to go against as a survivor. They always end up being super toxic and cocky because I mess up one skill check and face camp the entire game. Can there PLEASE be some kind of setting to not go against these tryhards. Can I just go against Huntress or Wraith PLEASE.
It just becomes more unfair for survivors when they go against killers like Bubba because they just insidious in the basement. The game is already killer sided and it becomes more and more frustrating by the minute when I have to got these types of players.
And yes, I would rather wait twice the amount od time for a lobby just so it isn't a Bubba killer.
2 -
Oh neat this thread again
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I love these threads because it's basically people moaning about not being as good at the game as they think they are 😂
I've been a Rank 16 killer against red/purple SWF groups before (thankyou broken matchmaking!). Constant pallet stuns, flashlights, teabagging, you name it. Toxic as all hell and no way on earth I'm going to get even one sacrifice.
Is it fair? No. But is it just a game that you should be able to move on from and enjoy the rest of your life? Yes.
4 -
Not gonna happen. If there was an option to turn off being lobbied with swf. Then SWF would never get a match. Literally every killer would toggle that option to OFF.
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So we have to suffer even more in queue with my swf because your tired of being waxed on gens and being stomped.
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Yes as long as the devs also punish camping and hard tunneling. Both sides have toxic strategies that need to go.
0 -
Get better quit crying
1 -
Buff solos to swf level. Maybe adding comms in the game. Then buff killers accordingly.
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This happened so much last night I played. Like literally the first game was good then (mind I'm only a rank 13 right now ######### resets) I got red rank players all swf's for like 3 more games. Never have I been destroyed like that in my life then one has the balls to message me afterward tell me I'm toxic bc i was bubba and got him in the basement like dude wanna talk about toxic how about all the tea-bagging and stuff they was doing but no I WAS being toxic
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This imo is the only same method, and the one I believe the devs are slowly doing right now. Baby steps lads and lasses...
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Wah. When I play as survivor or killer if I don't win every match then someone is cheating or being unfair. Nothing is fun unless it's my way Game not fun. Don't play. Can't handle losing you got more issues then this game. We are not toxic because we play for fun. It's actually the lot like you that ruin the game lol. Wow
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One of the ways people have fun in this game is playing with their friends. You may be ok with waiting longer but if I want to play with my friends and have to wait 2 or 3 times as long because people don't want to play with us then people are more likely to not play.