Can we PLEASE have the option to not go against Swf teams.



  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    They need to make universal in game communications and buff killers accordingly because that's the only way to balance the game and until then, solo ques are going to continue to be awful and playing killer against SWF bully squads will continue to be a terribly frustrating situation. The amount of information and coordination that can be gained by SWF teams is damn near cheating against many killers in their current state.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Just tunnel. Make one sit out and watch their friends for the rest of the round.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Welp RIP to every SWF finding a lobby.

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    i just want an indicator or something above someone's name that shows they are in a party. could also add something where the killer gets double bloodpoints/or shadow buffs if they choose to play against a group.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    any indicator a killer could have to show a swf in lobby would ruin this game. survivors would never get any matches because you guys would dodge every lobby.

    stop assuming every lobby is swf.

    stop assuming anybody playing with a friend is on comms.

    stop assuming if there is a swf in your lobby you automatically lose.

    Play the match, win or lose, and the move on to the next match. Its not hard.

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    maybe if they didn't act so cocky more killers would want to play against them.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    After 4 years and over 2k hours I have come to accept that some map and team combos are going to result in a loss. Just do your best and fight till the end. Sometimes they make mistakes..

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I love that people still haven't realised that nearly every team has a SWF group in it.

    Like, come on. SWF enables despicable people to get away with being despicable, but it's not the root cause of all killer woes. In fact, it's probably the root cause of the games longevity, because its nice to chill with friends.

  • AlohaSnacBar
    AlohaSnacBar Member Posts: 64

    Dam this is actually a good mindset to adopt. I never thought of it that way.


  • SkootSkoot
    SkootSkoot Member Posts: 11

    I understand your frustration (trust me), but this will never happen. What I am actually interested in is the idea of a competitive/normal dbd option vs. a casual one. That's just me tho.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    That attitude about not possibly being able to win is why you are getting beat in the 1st place. I used to say the same type of thing, but at this point now I can honestly say I have a good chance of winning against any team of survivors...period.

    Not a champions mentality you got there sir.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    Dude, knock the condescension off please.

    If I could just "Choose to win" I assure you everyone would do that.

  • Gorgamungus
    Gorgamungus Member Posts: 36

    I personally wish the devs would buff solo que by giving more info; the hook state widget was a nice start. Then buff base killers afterwards.

    To deal with SWFs; just give the killer a stacking buff based on the SWF their going against. 2 SWF and 2 solos would give a low buff (Think increased action speeds or individual buffs per killer) vs a 4 stack SWFs.

  • Midievalfantasy
    Midievalfantasy Member Posts: 30

    Made an account to say this:

    Dead by Daylight is the only multiplayer game I play, and only because it's a cross platform game that I can play with my family. I only play DbD with my kids, my Significant Other, and - at times, my SO's cousin. The only reason I started playing it in the first place was because my kids (12 and 13) begged me to play it with them and we all got hooked (pun intended). This game is basically our family time. I can come home from an extremely stressful day at work, jump onto DbD with my kids and we all feel better.

    Also, we aren't toxic and we don't like toxic behavior. We won't teabag, we don't annoy with flashlights - we basically mind our manners. If the killers didn't camp or tunnel, we always tell them gg and give them a thumbs up. Nine times out of ten, at least two of us will die every round, though more often all of us will. Just because it's SWF doesn't mean any of us are that good. I'm certainly not. I'm a green rank and still feels like a rank twenty most of the time. Do we care? Not really, no. We just want to have fun and relax. That also means making the round fun for the killer too since we understand that life already sucks and we don't add to that by giving them a bad experience. If we dominate the game and the poor killer didn't hook anyone by the time the gates are ready we will let the killer hook us a couple of times before leaving (granted, we don't make it seem like pity hooks, we pretend to try to escape - then run into a tree for instance. In my case, though I don't have to pretend - I'm naturally gifted at running into trees.)

    If I couldn't play this game with my kids, I wouldn't play at all. We each have our strengths (I'm so horrible at looping it's embarrassing, while my 12 year old son is actually pretty decent at it. I'm so bad at running from the killer I usually end up running toward the killer on accident like a complete dummy). Never once has anyone we faced gotten upset when we say we're a family unit and they played very well. Often we'll have pretty good end game chats with killers.

    I guess I said all of that to say this: not all SWF are toxic and it's really sad that many are, but no one should be punished for wanting a way to spend quality time with people they care about so long as you aren't hurting anyone by doing so. We just want the game to be fun for everyone - otherwise what's the point?

  • swarmofdogs
    swarmofdogs Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2021

    I'd be ok with having a bloodpoint multiplier for the killer depending on how big the SWF party is. 50% for a two man, and then 25% for additional member.

    If I'm going to be fighting SWF idiots no matter what, at least buy me dinner first.

  • gazzy_g
    gazzy_g Member Posts: 28

    No need to avoid toxic SWF's, just identify the weakest surviving member and tunnel them to oblivion. Then rinse and repeat and enjoy any end game salt :).

    If they beckon you or disco-flash, they're the designated looper wiv dem phat ass skillz. Do not chase.

    If they appear and take a hit mid chase (not a saving hit, just a random one) that's bait by the team looper. You're not a fish, do not take the bait! Pursue the other poor bastard until he receives the sweet release of death.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Of course the Killers wouldn't want to play against SWFs. How are they supposed to get their ez 4ks they're entitled to?

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Tbh SWF is not the problem of DBD. It is the hardcore gen rush and toxic behaviour of certain people, which make killers refusing to play the game.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I absolutely would tick the SWF box

    Not every killer wants easy game easy life. It's boring... an actual challenge is what keeps me playing killer (and playing weaker killers generally at rank 1)

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Most people on this forum play both sides of this game (and rather equally). They offer up detailed explanations for their positions, justified by logical arguments and examples. Only better logic counters those positions. Their goal: a better and more enjoyable game.

    I wouldn't actually even know who the "killer mains!" and "survivor mains!" are among most regular posters here. But it's 100% transparent when posters show up who do land in those absurd categories of entitled tribalism.

    Of course everything looks like it helps the big bad X-Mains... secretly controlling the devs, the forums, the media, international banking, whatever... when you're so radically entrenched in your "identity" as a Y-Main. You just presume everyone else thinks in those same terms.

    If you want to be taken seriously, drop the persecution complex. Logic speaks for itself.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, they could add a decent game chat, so swf could search for a killer (and maybe fill open survivor slots) and do a game not depending on matchmaking. Of course, that would mean swf couldnt be as toxic as before, because soon they wouldnt find killers to go against.