Can mmr be disabled again I allready hate it

First game on today allread 3 ds unbreakable gets the biggest map as huntress and they were a solid team I'm not sure how to feel about mmr if this is what I'm gonna get very often
Game 2 probably a swf 4 flashlights with one being a last sec swap 3 ds 1 ds unbreakable barely won a 3 gen with a basement in the middle carried me that game
Note I'm gonna keep track of my games for a bit but I just started downloading a new one and my wifi donent like it when I play and download
There its off. Enjoy!
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It was never on...
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Why would you think it’s turned on?
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Devs have confirmed it is not on
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People love a conspiracy.
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Honestly I am starting to think they are lying, or something else is up or bugged because it's been like out of whack the last little while.
Like I had nothing but green ranks that potato'd around, all day one day, and then today nothing but red -every- game who all play stupidly efficient. It's been way too one sided and consistent each day almost.
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Things are definitely weird tho.
I think it is on, but they are also using the regular matchmaker as well.
I play a lot of Legion and I always get VERY tough matches, but if I play someone like Trapper, I get potato's who can barely do gens.
It's fairly consistent.
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It's not on it's just broken matchmaking being broken matchmaking.
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It's just how good survivors have it. This game really is survivor-sided to the point that killers rely on survivor mistakes to get any headway or wins. Frankly, I'm fed up with it.
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If MMR is on right now it's actually doing... kinda well. I got a few games as rank 1 Demogorgon (I've been playing him a lot) and got other red rank survivors.
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Thank you
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I played for th 1st time in well over a year, Oni, Shape, and Ghost Face yesterday. I'm a rank 1 Nurse main playing nearly exclusively Nurse. Guess the survivors I got with those three killers?
Thats right, red ranks. So if MMR is on and I have zero MMR ranking on three different killers, shouldn't the survivors be lower rank?
Conversely, I've faced anywhere from brown to red rank with my Nurse. This is the same ######### up MM we always had. With survivor queues being so long, the system is pairing them with any available killer. Thats what its designed to do.
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Swf can abuse a loophole in the ranking system that allows red ranks to break into brown ranks if they have one brown ranked survivor slot as a dummy account permanently sitting in brown ranks.
Totally un-policable and game breaking to the detriment of the health, well being and future of the game. not too bright and shows zero foresight but there you have it. People will cheat rather than ensure the longevity and future of their OWN* game.
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This was changed in MM to use the highest rank member of the SWF.
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Someone is going to say this does not work because matchmaking is supposed to go by the highest rank in the lobby, and that is true....but it doesn't. I know for a fact this does work.
I invited a rank 20 friend to play with us the other day cause he was getting back into the game, we had the WORST killers I have ever seen in months, just game after game after game, like brown ranks with no hooks or kills- the second he hopped off for the evening, straight back to all red rank killers.
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I haven't had the same experience at all.
I've never played PH before and it's been a LONG time since I played Trapper. Most of my games were Red Ranks, but they played like Green Ranks. Constantly failing skill checks, bad Dead Hards, missed DS, running into walls ect ect.
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Trust me, this is not new.
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Except, on Killers that I do play (Legion, Deathslinger, Clown) my games are insanely difficult.
Everybody has DS, everyone has Dead Hard, they run loops perfectly ect ect.
I don't know if MMR is on or if I am just having very bad luck, but it's kinda nice to not sweat with a new Killer.
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Ok, it was hard, meta perks... but what was the result? How many hooks, how many kills? Also what rank are you?
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Something is probably being tested here, since I've had a very similar experience as some say here. I used Myers as a sort of experiment, started off with the most potatoes or potates. Then it became quite sweaty, high skill folks and all. Being that I'm not the biggest Myers player and didn't bother with addons, I did lose to a few of those, and then I started getting more puple-ish ranks. Half-way decent, not really potatoes, but far easier to herd and kill than the veteran red.
My guess is something's been tweaked, maybe to try out a new feature that'll be applied to the MMR system. Not really against it, since the previous matchmaking system didn't really provide a better experience.
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First game 2 kills but I sadly had to camp the 2sd one for it better the last gen was done 7 hooks rank 1 almost 190days in play time (ik I have nothing better to do)
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then something is definitely broken because in all my matches both as survivor and killer the ranks are all over the place. Endgame lobby looks like a freaking rainbow at this point. Like red, red, purple- low green and a rank 14 killer I’m just glad to be in high ranks with killer because this is not even funny anymore
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Pretty sure it's just a combination of emblems/rank progress still being messed up and just throwing players into lobbies that have been waiting "too long" or when players dodge a lobby they just throw in a player that's been waiting rather than one that is at similar rank.
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Whatever is going on, everything sucks in terms of matchmaking still that's for sure. It's as borderline unplayable as ever.
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Dude the games I've been having tonight completely prove your theory wrong