Can something be done about ghostface?

I know he isn’t the best killer right now but he is incredibly annoying to go against and beyond that the real issue is that I see him every damn game. I swear no one plays any other killer and it’s getting really unfun to only play against ghostface every game. Personally I don’t mind if a killer is strong as long as I don’t see them every damn game. I enjoy playing against a bunch of different killers and the fact that ghost face is being played against me like 6 times in a row really ruins the game for me.
You sound unlucky. I see him maybe once every 15 games, and those games are pretty fun
I usually find him first somehow and just reveal him lmao
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I see him way to often and it’s annoying as #########. Also it’s hard to reveal him since it is so buggy right now lol
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Best thing you can do is bring Spine Chill every game.
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I also rarely see him probably 1/20 games. However I also find him really hard to reveal. I don't think he's much of a problem though. Pretty average killer.
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I’m with ya there. You often hear about people having that one killer they absolutely can not stand, that they never want to play against. I thought it was ridiculous until Ghostface entered the game.
The worst part? He’s a popular pick! And they’re all often quite toxic too.
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People always whine about how "buggy" his reveal mechanic is but I've literally never had an issue with reveals. He's one of the more enjoyable killers to play against for me personally.
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Yeah, stealth killers are a pain when you're not used to them.
The solution will come with time. Eventually, you'll begin to predict their approach. Maybe even try giving him a play; to defeat the enemy, you must understand the enemy.
And yes, his reveal mechanic can be a bit suspect at times. Just keep in mind that you have to have 20% of his hitbox (which protrudes a little bit outside of his character model) within the center 26% of your screen (that 26% is shaped like a box, so imagine you taking your screen and shrinking it down to 26% size). Keep in mind that your character model blocks line of sight.
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I wish I got more Ghostfaces. :/
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The real problem with Ghostface at the minute is the inconsistency of revealing him. I'll literally be staring at him in an open field, mid range and I'm not revealing him.
Fix it, it's dumb.
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No lie, after posting in this thread I went against 2 Ghostfaces, if you want to play against a Ghostface just post in this thread.
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I play Ghostface, but I’m not toxic. Most rounds I’ll give the last person the hatch provided they weren’t a complete nuisance. Funny thing is, I like being revealed! I find knowing where people are to be more useful than being able to expose them, although that’s fun, too.
But I know what you mean. For some strange reason I alwasys get stuck with the same killers at least twice in a row. Its weird.
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If anything ghostface needs a buff
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If I play against ghostface, my only hope is that they'll mori me if I get killed (love that mori). When I play as killer, I usually only play as Spirit (I only kill people when I have a challenge where I have to, otherwise I just have fun chasing and hitting, if I down them, I either let them wiggle free or drop off at a gen), but after watching my son play a friendly ghostface, I've started playing as Ghostface too. Something about butt-dancing with the survivors and just plain out having fun is just so satisfying to me...not to mention hilarious. If I've had a really, really bad day I'll do this just because I really need a good laugh and that's one of the best ways to do it.