Toxic Killer Stories?


Honestly we all know the toxic survivors takes. Tbagging and such. However it seems rare to come across a toxic killer. But boy when you do you know it. Just had two back to back matches where the clown and Oni downed me near the exit gate and allowed me to crawl all the way through. Then at the last second pick me up, carry me to a hook, and repeatedly hit me till I died. I didn’t do anything to them or act toxic. Side note: it seems when the killer is also a cross play killer and knows you can’t message them then that makes them extra toxic. What are your toxic killer stories?



  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216

    In my experience, facing a toxic killer is extremely rare. Almost impossible, actually. But I do have a very, very old story, back from when I first started playing DBD. I was having a very good day playing, with lots of challenging and fun trials. Suddenly, an Infinite Mending Legion pops out of nowhere. I believe I don't even have to continue. 

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Well I encounter them somewhat. Especially when Leatherfaces. Almost every LF I have encountered facecamps

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Just recently I had one follow me around till I bled out as the last Survivor. There was no point besides to be a jerk. I know Killer apologists will say he was offering hatch, but he shut it when I found it. Someone might say it was to counter DS, but I wasn't hooked anytime recent and the timer isn't the whole bleed out length. (I don't run it anyways)

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 783

    Just got out of a match where I got 3 hook tunneled by a rank 13 ghostface. I'm bringing DS Unbreakable from now on.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    I actually just had one last night. I was already dead but I played with my friend and he was the last survivor in the trial, and the Pig took him over to the hatch making him think she will give him hatch. As soon as she carried him over hatch, he went on the hook and then the Pig started hitting him on the hook. That was so messed up lol.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Had a toxic Myers earlier.

    Tbh I've run into that person before, they are a known toxic player who grossly harasses survivors. It's just sad that they never do anything technically reportable really, they know what they can get away with and what they can't.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve had a Freddy do that to me once. Took me hatch. Dropped me and closed it. Then put me on hook and repeatedly hit me.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Only takes one person to sour everyone else for a long time

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    Have had multiple Hillbillys that use slug build to down everyone early in match and leave them to bleed out in solo q.

    Have had Wraiths bodyblock me in corners for a match when they caught me cleansing their hex totem.

    Had a Huntress today that brought iri head. No one was toxic to her, no one DC or killed self on hook but she decided to stand over last person just throwing hatchets at them until just before they bled out and then she mori'd them.

    Had a spirit that downed me quickly at start of match when I was new. After I was unhooked in basement she bodyblocked me in the basement until my team completed 5 gens and left. This was before EGC so she had to down me to hook me again and end the match - I didn't have self care or adrenaline so was easy for her to do.

    I've had killers that I've escaped one match and kept them from 4k. I then played them in another match, they would go out of their way to down and facecamp me. They were throwing the game just to make sure I don't escape again.

    Back when killers could mori spam I had plenty do it when I was last in match or if they had slugged for 4k.

    Have had plenty pick me up just before I crawl out exit to stand at hook hitting me and shaking their head. Also dropping me by hatch, shutting it just before I crawl out, then hooking me to slash me while shaking their head no.

    I don't play toxic, I don't see the point or find it fun so it's not like these killers are retaliating against my crappy behavior - they either had bad previous match and are taking it out on next group or they're just petty when someone escapes or breaks their totem.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    Lets see, just earlier today had a Blight who hard tunneled me out of the game. Found me early, hooked me because I suck as Survivor and when I was rescued off the hook broke chase with another Survivor just to Rush back to the hook and ignored my rescuer to hook me again. Did the same thing again, breaking chase and Rushing over, once I was off hook and then just third hooked me right away after a bit of slugging because Infectious.

    Had a game a while ago against a Billy who hard tunneled first person hooked, then me as second person and was trying to do it to the third person but they were a much better looper and since only one pallet had been dropped before had plenty to work with and the last two got out. Dude was super entitled in after game chat about how it was "OK that I tunneled because I brought a Gateau". [bad word] please, that don't matter if we can't get any base BP to boost anyways and the 5k for surviving would have been more than what the first person wound up getting even with your offering.

    One of my very first games was against a face camping Pyramid Head, actually had two games in a row against face camping Pyramid Heads when I first started playing. And then another a few games later, Then a fourth a bit later. I was starting to think that all Pyramid Heads were face campers, because this hadn't been the same player over and over again but each a different one.

    Have had more than one game against Killers who hit people on the hook. And various other minor things. So, yeah, toxic Killer are out there.

    But I play Killer more often than I do Survivor so I of course run into more toxic Survivors than I do Killers.

    I try and not be a camping tunnler but I admit to being a toxic Killer some games. Two games against Objects I just slugged the Object till they bleed out and just kept downing them when people came to help, once as Bubba the other as Slinger. Tried to do the same a few other games but couldn't keep them down. Done the same for some others like rapid clickers and t-baggers, just camped them till they got hugged.

    I really need to stop doing it. I should be better than that. Better than them.

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    As someone who often plays the Farming Game as Killer if anyone burns a B.P.S. or Gateau I've had many Survivors dip A.S.A.P. and in after game chat explain that they've had what happened to you happen to them. The Killer is Friendly at first but then turns on everyone at the end.

    I make very sure that most Farming Games I will only single hook people and to not hook everyone else unless they actively point to the hook. I also make sure that, unless I'm running Legion (or Bubba), I let everyone heal and have, at most, two people injured at a time. Anything I can do to help make the Survivors feel safer about it so if I did "turn" they'd be in a position to recover.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    Had that happen with a Huntress, it was annoying. It's too bad killers have to ruin farming for others like that.

  • Lifesagamble
    Lifesagamble Member Posts: 10

    Every game? If you’re a Rank 1 killer and you have to run back to the hook every time a player gets unhooked, you’re what’s wrong with this game. 4 matches in a row. Just had a Trapper run just out of terror radius, wait for the unhook, then come storming back. Did it the entire match. Pathetic.

  • Lifesagamble
    Lifesagamble Member Posts: 10

    Yeah, rank 1 Hag, hooks me. Hit me when I was unhooking, I sprung a trap on the side of the KS. Places 2 traps by my hook than perimeter camps/patrols. Won’t let anyone get near enough to unhook. 5 gens remaining. Still looking for any of you killers that claim you don’t tunnel/camp. 12 matches tonight, every single one of them have been like this $ __t.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I got a toxic killer earlier today against someone who always messages ez to me whenever he escapes me when he goes against whatever killer I'm playing, but this time I was playing survivor and was making him ridiculously mad in his first chase with DeathSlinger. He got me two hooked, but once he killed me was hitting me on hook repeatedly with his STBFL stacks. Toxic people are the biggest scums to the earth

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I have 2 hope that's OK if I share both

    I'll start off by saying this. I suck as Survivor, so it caught me by suprise when one match vs a Spirit I managed to loop her for a supriseingly long time, I think it would have been around a 5 gen hold had my had my team(who was a SWF) turned on me.

    Anyway after using nearly every pallet on the map to loop her she eventually caught me and began shaking her head and letting me bleed out. It was made worse when the SWF joined in and started tbagging me. She let them pick me up but then knocked me down again immediately. After 2 minutes of this I had enough then quit, I did spectate and she let them all live. I was hoping to move on and forget but she decided it would be a smart idea to message me after the game.

    Look I'm no saint, nobody is. But I was bullied alot as a kid, it's why I tend to be very sympathetic and non toxic to killers, as most go through alot of it. I try not being an [BAD WORD] as best I can. So this came as a surprise when she started trying to gaslight me in to think in I was a bad person, not just a toxic player, but a bad person. It was made worse when they found my social media and I had to change my name(More my fault then hers but still)

    We argued for 3 DAYS(I'm stubborn af) then she gave up and blocked me. Tried to restart the fight a day later but I ignored her this time.

    Time for one more story? I'll tell you about Doctrine.

    Doctrine is a player I know who I once managed to 5 gen hold on before escapeing. Ik people like Noob3 and Uncharted can do 5 gen holds like they're nothing, but I'm bad at this game so when I pull something like that off I get pretty happy. I still told him gg and that It was a fun game.

    It's been 4 games later vs this guy and they've been the same. He catches me, hits me on hook, ignores the others but recs when they get to close. I've ran DS every time and that's helped me avoid him long enough to get out every game.

    So when vsing a Leatherface past a certain time I need to be careful as this guy will look at my team, sees its not a disgusting Jake main(me) but only go for me when he finds me. But the games I've had vs this guy are very fun and create a tense atmosphere, hell I force myself to run a perk incase I bump shoulders with him, so D-Dog thx for that lol

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2021

    I played against a Hag who had NOED. One was downed and hooked near the gate. This was solo queue, so there was no way to coordinate. Me and the other survivors just kind of stood by the gate because the Hag was camping. But then all of a sudden I just ran for it and someone else followed. The person behind me stepped in a trap and the Hag teleported to it, I unhooked the guy and then also stepped in a trap as I ran, and the unhooked guy went down while running toward the gate. It was hilarious to me. A 1k turned into a 3k, but it was fun.

    The killer was pretty hateful about it, though. I said GG. And then they started insulting us. It was bizarre. You won?? Why are you so mad lol

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,808

    I had a hag play super toxic with bleeding out and smacking in hook. They claimed they were just celebrating the DS nerf through their toxic actions.

    Hard tunneling since I inner strengthed and head on’d them.

    Just petty people who were upset or triggered.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,981


    At least they apologized though, shows that they had some empathy in them.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Saying sorry is meaningless if you know beforehand it’s wrong to do so. I’m not gonna have a hearty chuckle and forgive and forget if you laugh after you stab me repeatedly and apologize

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    edited March 2021



  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I’ve actually seen an increase in toxicity from killers recently, I’m not even going to lie. The difference is, I don’t receive abusive messages from them. One of the most random things I had recently was a Clown who hadn’t downed me all game and he found me whilst I was trying to find the hatch. He downed me and just stood over my body throwing bottles so I just went to make a sandwich because he didn’t seem like he was going to give me the hatch. I returned about 10 minutes later and he’s just carrying me around the basement on his shoulders? lmao.

    Why would you waste so much of your own time to be a dick? I wasn’t bothered by this as I went to do other things, I just don’t get how he got pleasure from it and what I actually did to ‘deserve’ it? Just because I hadn’t been downed all game didn’t mean I wasn’t being productive. He chased me on 3 different occasions and kept giving up. So was this his way of ‘punishing’ me for knowing how to put up a good chase? I mean, good for you Clown? 🌚

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566
    edited March 2021

    I had a similar thing happen to me with a Michael. He was just standing at pallets and hitting them and smacking gens, clearly letting us know he wants to farm. We have 1 generator left and he gets to Tier 3 and pulls me off the generator and kills me. So the rest of the team fix the last generator and leave. He messages me to say sorry and that he was trying to get an achievement for killing everybody as Michael and he said we wouldn’t have let him do it otherwise. So I replied and said if he had messaged me prior to the game and asked to farm to get his achievement I would have happily let him kill me lol.

    I only farm as a killer if the team just give up or if somebody has disconnected. So I’m always suspicious when a killer wants to farm from the start of the match. 👀😂

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,185

    I don’t play much survivors so I don’t really have great stories like these guys in comments..

    From my experience I only faced one killer that are somehow toxic.

    A huntress bring iri head and infantry belt with pre nerf mori. Killed everyone else but left me bleed out, and nodding her head the whole time. Honestly I don’t really feel offended because I just alt tab to watch YouTube shows..

    Others are like nodding and hitting on hooks, which I’m fine with it. It’s usually after I looped them long enough, so I already considered a win. So again I’m not offended.

    Never had a single killer that makes me mad. Most of the killers I faced are nice, and usually reply gg back even when losing hard. The same can’t be said to survivors though..

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    We might have had the same clown then. I had one do that to me as well. Constantly throwing bottles at me after he downed me.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Back at clown's rework there was a rank 1 killer who clearly thought they were extremely clever for playing IF slug nurse on the ptb, amplified with vigorous nodding and head shaking whenever she downed one of my teammates, who weren't the best ever.

    But I was having a good day and she couldn't down me, or even get a hit on me. She also couldn't keep the others down bc I kept reviving them with WGLF. I kept going for a while until I remembered this wasn't actually what I got on the ptb for so just started following her around, crouchwalking behind her until she noticed. When she got me on the hook I was furiously kebabed all the way until death, with me cackling to myself irl like a cartoon villain.

    Hit her with the gg wp and got a lot of Russian words in response which I didn't bother putting into google translate. I only hope we can see each other again in the non-ptb fog (or maybe not)

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’m surprised the Hag was hacking since she was Russian. Russian and Chinese players are well known for hacking competitive games.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve had a Freddy and a Wraith want to farm and surprisingly both let all survivors go at the end. I was hella suspicious the Freddy would turn on all of us but he kept his “word” in a sense and let us all go. I don’t mind farming. It’s a nice change of pace and it’s rare to come across farming killers.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    one time I didnt tunnel or camp or do anything toxic, but I still wanted to let them out. I closed the hatch to start egc and push them out the door, but they didnt make it out because they were dicking around too much and ran out of time ;-;

    I felt terrible

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Well then that’s on them. Hardly a toxic killer lol.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Had a Bubba once that managed to down me and slap me on a hook. He was hard proxy-camping my hook, never running more than a second or two away before coming back. The other Survivors did their best to get him to chase away from the hook, but he would always immediately run back. When the trial ended, the guy was an absolute hole in the chat. Had this cringey macho-man attitude that made it sound like he unironically wheres t-shirts with tribal tattoo designs and a grim reaper drinking beers and flipping people off. I checked his steam profile and it REALLY WAS tribal tattoos and middle-finger-grim-reapers everywhere.

    Another was a match against a Huntress. Rank 1 super-sweat. Okay, whatever. We're down to two Survivors left, and I get dropped pretty hard. Not denying their skill, they clearly knew Huntress very well and chases were short and vicious. They clearly wanted to slug for the 4k, but also had hatch near where I dropped. So the Huntress would patrol a bit away and come back, checking on my slugged body and the hatch to make sure I couldn't get away. The whole time I'm bleeding out, and the other Survivor is wisely not engaging because it would be suicide. I ended up bleeding out, and the Huntress went after the last Survivor and eventually got them. From the moment I hit the ground to the end of the trial was about 7-10 minutes. Post-game lobby was just an explosion of insults from the Huntress because the last Survivor chose NOT to run in to their death and instead hide to see if they could find some avenue of making a play. The Huntress complained about our team being female genitalia, our overpowered perks (nobody was running smol-pp builds), and the respect I had for their skill completely vanished on account of how absolutely toxic of a person they were.

    I have Killer Brain, even as a Survivor. I always look to see why a Killer may act in a certain way and give them the benefit of the doubt. That Huntress was well and truly beyond any doubt. They were an #########, there simply was no other explanation for the amount of BS they tossed around.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I had a challenge a few rifts ago where I had to stun the Killer with Head-on as Jane. I was the last Survivor and hadn’t been hooked yet but wanted to try and at least get the stun, but the Killer would not come towards the locker I guess because they were not a fan of Head On.

    Either way, they ended up messaging me talking trash the entire time and bitching and whining that they were not gonna come to the locker. After about 2 mins of me explaining that I had a rift challenge and getting trash talked, I finally just gave up and got out of the locker and allowed them to down me. When I did, they left me on the ground to bleed out and swung at my down body the entire meter as I just laid there waiting to die.

    I was proud of myself because I wanted to DC due to how much of a douche the Killer was being and having to sit there bleeding out for a whole meter but, I stuck it out like a champ 💜

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 769

    One killer told me I should kill myself because we genrushed.

    (We finished the gens really quickly but we hadn't brought toolboxes or prove thyself, the killer just overcomitted to a chase in the beginning of the match.)

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Honestly I don’t even count Bubbas as toxic anymore just the standard. I have seen more camping and tunneling Leatherfaces than not. I can’t even get angry anymore seeing LF players play toxic. I just assume it’s the norm for them.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Gotta love the ######### messages. Icing on the crap cake.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    After getting those messages I would have just stayed in the locker forever lol.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Most "toxic" killer I have seen is myself as Doctor when drinking a bit omg that Doctor play is crazy shocking people trying to unhook and letting them bleed out while spinning around making small shock sounds bzz bzz bzz..totally mad. But Doctor is supposed to be mad and evil so I have no regrets. I will play this Doctor again. Otherwise I play "normal".

    Ok so "toxic" killers I have faced as survivor? And I play like 10 survivor games per day so yeah killers are way too nice but it happens. Had a few killers down me when I'm last survivor and let me crawl to hatch just to close it in my face and then let me bleed out. I mean I just laugh about it and play another game it really does not bother me at all. But I faced a Demogorgon who did this and it's pretty rare to se Demoboy playing that way. So I turned messages on and messaged him about it and we had a bit of a laugh about it. He said it was more fun to be toxic with Demo because people do not expect that.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Well, I am used to them camping. That's not an issue so far as my reaction is concerned. The issue is how uppity they get afterwards. If I were to camp (I have only ever camped at EGC to secure a 1K in a clearly bad trial for me), I'd own it. For that parenthesis, I did just that. I admitted I camped for the 1k at the end. I wanted some score. I was playing Plague in one of the largest maps in the game and they were spread out, and the map was from an offering, so ya. They knew what they were doing, and my reaction was pretty tame. They got their win, I got my 1k. People that go out of their way to ignore their actions and claim it as something else rubs me the wrong way, and players that turn INSTANTLY to insults and vulgarity because they did something THEY KNOW is scummy is like putting salt in my lemonade. I'm going to wince. I'm going to react. Even if it's just laughing at how insecure and poopy butt the player is acting, but ya.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve luckily never had killers message me first after pulling scummy stunts. Unless I message first asking why they had to play like that. Said it nice and not mean. Then they turn on the hate messages but I guess I asked for it cause I messaged first.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    YAAAA, it's a bit different on PC, where the post-trial lobby is open and often a total free for all for trash talk.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Remember I played against a spirit player who was pretty sweaty. Once we got to endgame after I looped them for a surprisingly long time she picked me up and my teammates began to bodyblock

    We managed to all escape after I wiggled out and got messaged by them saying we were a trash SWF. We were all Solos