Toxic Killer Stories?



  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    I saw a spirit down the last remaining survivor after endgame had already triggered. She refused to pick him up and kill him, instead forcing him to wait out the entire endgame timer incapacitated. It was pure toxicity.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    I don’t have any because I just move on after my matches like a normal person and never think about them again.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Most of the stories are similar. They let people bleed out, hit you on the hook, swing their weapon, nod etc. Some are creative trying to gain your trust to have their own way. I had Pig message me asking why didn't I crawled to the hatch when she dropped me there. I told her I knew she would close it in my face and she said I was right lol. Just toxic people.

    I never do anything toxic and I still get bm's from the killers on the regular and most of my teammates are bm'ing killers who are not toxic too. Both sides are equally toxic in game from my experience.

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    In general I don't encounter too many toxic Killers. A couple times a day I'll face a tunneler or camper and can usually play around it okay. I did play against a Spirit who refused to hook anyone and just kept slugging. She'd only hook someone once they were moments away from bleeding out, so we spent the whole game on the ground. Wouldn't have been as a bad against a killer who couldn't pop up out of nowhere like Spirit.

    I occasionally find Killers that do the hatch fake out where they carry you to the hatch, drop you near it, then close it in your face. But it's much more common to find Killers who actually do give you the hatch or carry you to the exit gate if you're the last survivor & played well.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2021

    (Edit: I take back what I said about toxic encounters)

    I no longer consider anything toxic and by that I mean I sometimes encounter toxic killers and toxic survivors but I get that they could have had a toxic team before or they just needed to make someone's match miserable to feel better and I made peace with that.

    Fair enough it's not fun to match up against those type of killers where you don't enjoy the match as much as if they played a bit more but it does make me appreciate the ones that aren't so... Life

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I have more often toxic teammates than toxic Killers in my lobbies.

    But it happened that I met toxic Killers. I never teabag, I don't click my flashlight... No reason to be toxic with me. I guess that Blight had a tough match right before, or was upset about something... When he hooked me, he stared at me and hit me repeatedly. When we had only two generators left, he finally left me and I was rescued. I spent a big part of my match doing nothing...

    Well, when I was Brown/Yellow/Green rank, I met a lot of basement Insidious Bubba, but I don't even know if the players were toxic... Or if it was their strategy. Not the funniest one. I guess staring at someone and waiting isn't fun, but well!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I had a Clown toss bottles at me while I bled out, then he tossed bottles at me while facecamping me until I died.

    I later found out that I had killed him earlier that day when he was playing Survivor so, I mean, fair enough I suppose.

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    Infinite Mending Legion? I don't think I've faced one before, what's that entail?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    I've had plenty of toxic killers / survivors. in my time. far alot of my stories Involve a very weird Toxic survivor..

    On Torment creek. (Course it's coldwind) going for 50 doc wins ina row (so far i'm up to 82 wins ) and i get the typical swf that gen rushes hardcore. took my two totems out and left me with distressing and Pop.. and they three genned themselves next to the Blimp. and i barely managed to get the 4k.

    Mind you i'm streaming this aswel. and they come into my stream chat to call me a "toxic killer. PoS" the usual... But then the Weirdest insult i've ever heard in my entire life... or what i Think was a insult was

    Survivor: "Oh. btw you got looped by a Female. Js.. should get some skill"

    Me: "....I can't tell if i should feel insulted or that you got beat by someone who's Half-Disabled."

    ....Good times,

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I got a facecamping deathslinger message me and call me slurs multiple times because me and my friends made him DC in a previous match.

    That same deathslinger was also in someone's video for sending salt as a survivor.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    Words cannot express how lucky you are, my friend. Infinite Mending Legion was a terrifying exploit, which could be done by using his Filthy Blade and Nasty Blade add-ons to greatly extend mending time. Basically, every time you got hit by Frenzy and get the mend timer it kept increasing the time required to mend.

    For example if it was at base 15 seconds and the add-on adds 5 seconds the first time you mend would take 20 seconds, and then if Legion uses Frenzy on you again it's 25 seconds the second time. And it kept adding more and more every time you got a fresh mend timer until it would take over a minute to mend yourself, and then you were either stuck committing to the mend, which could result in you getting found and downed by Legion, or you purposely went into dying state so another survivor could recover you.

  • Lifesagamble
    Lifesagamble Member Posts: 10

    Hours? No clue. My player level is 774 and I’ve been to rank 1 multiple times as a killer. Is that a good resume? I’ve been around long enough to see this game being overrun by baby killers that are benefiting from map reworks that have removed great loops, changed jungle gyms and removed many, many pallets. Maps are grossly populated with dead spaces, loops that are now cut down and are short-sided. I see killers continually run just out of TR of the hook, only to blaze right back on an unhook. This is a valid strategy in single Q where it’s obviously not a SWF? With 4-5 gens up? Nah, this is poor gameplay. This is about babies thinking they need a 4K to “win.” Ridiculous.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited May 2021

    Had a Clown let me crawl through the exit gate, grab me before I could leave, pick me up, carry me to the hatch, drop me, let me crawl to it, kick the hatch closed, followed me back to the gate until I bled out. I wasn’t being toxic (I never tbag, use flashlights, or do annoying loops). He was just being a [BAD WORD].

  • VeNoM17
    VeNoM17 Member Posts: 64

    I was a toxic killer one game. I downed everybody as huntress and left them all slugged and just watched them crawl around until they bled out. Was pretty ######### funny

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I was toxic D:

    I was trying to get Adept Shape and I only had T1 perks. So I kept slugging the 3rd Surv while looking for the 4th & the hatch. But they were really good at hiding.

    The match went on for 35 minutes before I succeeded at getting them both. And I apologized profusely in the end game chat, explaining that I was going for Adept Shape.

    One of them said 'I figured as much. NP.'

    So kudos on that player for being so understanding. 1 did not speak and the other 2 were console, so I'm not sure if they raged. 😅

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    "Rare to come across a toxic killer" okay as funny as I found that statement they are more common than you actually think. since I play both sides a lot its not that uncommon to find toxic killers. but I'll share one of my many stories and also quite a recent one.

    (just gonna put this story with a bit of context)

    load up into coal tower going against a wraith. He was pretty sweaty that match so myself and the 3 other survivors pretty much tried our best against this killer. Long story short we got all 4 gens done but by then only myself and a jane were left and noed just cleaned us up. He did tunnel quite a bit since later I found out none of us had D strike. Then comes post game chat we all say our GG cause it was a close game. The wraith on the other hand decided to be quite an entitled A hole and call us sweaty SWF and proceed to call us toxic for....Trying to win. If you find it rare to come across none toxic killers then uh.....I'm kinda jelly.... :(