3 min 5 Gens

I'm surprised it's possible, but in a match as a leatherface where I had a surviving always in the hunt. Have managed to make without adding perks and with two tool boxes with sabotage addons 5 gens in 3 minutes. How????? Please fix it.....
IF they managed to do 5 gens in 3 minutes your skills need to be fixed, not the game.
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The "skill argument" is bs. Even Otz lost all 5 gens in 3.5 minutes a while ago and he basically lives in the Entity's realm at this point (based on the amount of time he invests playing/streaming DBD)
30 -
Oh no, he lost 1 game out of 1000 😨
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Did you seriously not get the point of my comment?
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You look like a child with that comment lmao
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It doesn´t even require a lot of coordination. Just a Obsession thats getting chased. Everyone else will hug the gens.
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There would need to be a few factors in play for that, or so I thought? You'd have to have 4 survivors on a very good day versus a killer on a very bad day. Not to mention the map and how it's been set up. It's obviously happened, but must be rare in comparison to the various outcomes.
As for skill, I don't necessarily think the killer has to be poorly-skilled. Every player will have "one of those rounds" where you seem hexed from the moment the map loaded up. Skill plays a part, but sometimes it's just the very worst of luck.
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All it requires is a swf or survivors with a shared goal - escaping.
The rank reset changes a while back and all the potatos in red ranks have skewed peoples perception of the game. When 4 survivors want to do the objective and get straight on with the job you better hope you’re playing Nurse or you’re in for a very bad time.
However luckily for killers the trials are full of Nea’s that wanna roleplay Indiana Jones and go raiding chests, Blendettes that wanna do recon work and scout out the map from inside bushes, and Bills that appear to wander around in circles, lost and confused in his old age. I’ve seen some survivors that actually take literal minutes to touch their first gen - not being chased btw
It will be interesting if MMR somehow works because when all the good players get put together all the glaring issues will become more apparent for some people.
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3 minutes Id understand, no killer should have 5 gens in 3 mins unless you're literally chasing 1 survivor or they devote full genrush builds.
4-5 minutes is more understandable, this means you've actually split people off of gens at some point. 5 mins for 5 gens is still insane.
Is this bait, I know this is the typical response of some streamers who do not take this game seriously at all.
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Why would i take a video game seriously?
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Ah so it was bait, got it.
You are on a forum about dead by daylight, if people didn't take this game seriously then the forums wouldn't exist and people wouldn't be on it debating with people.
Everyone would just take this game as casually as fall guys, despite this game being built as a competitive game where people verse each other and try to win. People WANT to win, some people cannot take this game casually which isn't a problem.
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I did, i just found the chance to say this. Which is really needed.
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It's what happens when a new part of the tome comes out and to get through the survivor part you need to do a gen smash challenge. Give it a few days and they'll be chasing you around with breakout and AMN
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You went against a depip squad. Luckily these guys are rare so best thing is to take the L and move on you'll just go against these types of teams once in a blue moon. If they want to have zero fun in the match let them.
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Please, explain in great detail how a killer is supposed to pressure a team that's playing safe and actually rushing gens. I'd love to hear it, since you're the first person ever to have figured it out.
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My posts tend to be short so don't expect many details. Just be good at chases and play smart, if you do that survivors won't be able to finish 5 gens in 3 minutes.
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I had this happen to my bubba last night. I'm at rank 1 and roate alot of killers so before someone says my skill is off I'll say not so much. However do have bad games? Hell yeah who don't. Got Autohaven the one with shack at one end and the cabin at other such a ######### map. However means nothing on most of my killers but Bubba Meh. It was one of those games where disco procs so much you can't keep up and you just got to decide I want some hooks and BBQ stacks. Well had to be at the 5 minute mark there on last gen and I down one at basement. Yes heres my chance. Nope they said F*ck it and left him. These games just chalk it up to timing - map, Map rng, Your skill that match, focus, decision making, the survivors, and last but not least the BNP I found was in play and the 2 Prove thyselves. ######### happens. Good news the guy left in the basement was the BNP.
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Yeah bud. Yeah they can. It's called "competitive DbD."
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This is how we know red rank solo queue has fallen so far.
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This is very true
If you have 4 very optimal survivors especially SWF then regardless of how good the killer is, you're most likely gonna lose unless you hard slug. The reason I doesnt happen to that extreme too often is because most survivors arent optimal
3 -
3 survivors on 3 gens and 1 being chased.
80s 3 gens
2 survivors on 1 gen with 1 survivor on last gen.
47s 1 gen
Last gen +50% complete
2.6 minutes excluding travel time.
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I really want to see generators speed runs on custom games. I'm legitimately curious on how fast survivors objective can be done without killer interference.
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They are short but the real trick is how manage cram such little thought into them. It's as if you say the first inflammatory thing to reach you.
Brilliant. A wordsmith.
5 -
Thank you <3
1 -
I Give credit where credit is due.
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Three gens pop in 190 seconds, every time you chase a survivor they play extremely safe or just hold W so there's no downing them within that time frame, the last two gens take 60 seconds total, and that's assuming you downed and hooked the survivor, you perhaps manage to chase them off one gen but they finish it anyway, they get the unhook once the gens have popped and their teammate reached second stage, someone was already opening a gate, there was nothing you could do to prevent it because pallets exist and it's a perfectly viable stratagey to predrop them, and even if you had been downing people left and right with Nurse they have 3-4 second chance perks each, scattered amongst the Prove Thyselves that they used to polish off the last two gens so quickly.
Edit: To be fair, I have played against an unrealisticly high number of comp teams even as a casual player, so I have the rhythm down. For whatever reason I get teams doing this twice a week, complete with clan tags.
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I don't wanna be that guy, but...
Get gud...
That's literally the only option, pressuring is difficult (even at the highest levels) because survivors always have the upper hand. It takes practice and getting very good at chasing.
Try running corrupt the early game slow is hot.
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All it requires is for a killer to over commit to a chase and survivors who don't care about having fun/playing the game and just want to get out as quickly as possible. It's the killer's fault for not knowing when to abandon a chase and the survivors' fault for not wanting to interact with the killer.
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It really is as simple as predropping pallets against most of the roster. You literally cannot get hit. And if you're on a map like Ormond, you can just hold W and have the "chase" take upwards of 30 seconds even assuming you get no pallets or windows. There's only a small handful of killers that that doesn't work against, but even then the second chances come into play.
I cannot stress enough how broken holding W and predropping pallets is. It takes no skill, it takes no effort, and it's stupidly effective. There is a reason people like Scott Jund call it "playing smart": It destroys most of the roster by denying any early hits/downs. Bonus points if they run into a corner.
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But with the speed the gens go these days, there isn't really much space to over commit.
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Yeah, you shouldnt over commit unless youre really enjoying that chase.
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I feel a bit conflicted about this because I have had multiple teams rush the gens in like 3 minutes whilst the OoO was telling them what I was doing 24/7 on the other hand I feel like if the survivors make one mistake at the start it is very punishing.
I’ve forced myself to get really good at demogorgon and when I need to give up a chase to contest a gen I will do so. I choose the Demodog because his ability to defend a 3-gen situation is disgustingly strong. Because they can’t all do one gen they split up and I find when you single out the weak links you can snowball the gam from there I generally play the midgame to get perks like DS and unbreakable out the way because When you play the 3-gen you DO NOT want to worry about those perks.
but gens do need a rework. Because like I said killers are fully reliant on getting a good RNG with the gens otherwise it’s pop,pop,pop,pop,pop aaaaanndd it’s gone. Maybe remove the coöp aspect so that you force the survivors to all do individual gens? Idk if that’s fair I don’t play survivor a lot I don’t really enjoy running away and all that.
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Well, if survs don’t move you can get 4k in less than 2 min
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Yeah this goes back to what I was saying about survivor not requiring skill.
I remember when you would see the tryhards who did have skill. They would sit on a gen until the last second because they knew how to run a killer.
Now a new playstyle has crept in. Hold W and run early. Hold W to the other side of the map once hit (extremely powerful on large maps or indoor maps), drop every pallet early. It takes less skill but its extremely safe and for killers that cant get hits at pallets its going to wreck their early game. Its why I think Freddy is overrated, if survivors play like this against him it basically squashes him.
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Use tinkerer. 24 secs it's too much time to go to a gen. End of the problem
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You're just bad.
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They arnt playing safe
they are literally sitting on gens, which means they arnt hiding they arnt Urban evading they are doing gens, gens arnt hidden in a hole they are out in the open.
The only safe thing about it is the killer doesn’t seem to be putting on any pressure on them.
It does seem like you got smacked by some sweat lord team but they arnt that common.